Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 436 Kill, leave no one behind

"Hey, Miss Linglong seems to have become beautiful again. This is terrible. How will she look at other girls from now on? Comparing them, their faces look like a car accident scene."

"That's right, how can I find a wife from now on? I can't stand it anymore!"

When Linglong heard this, she immediately laughed and nodded: "It's better for you. You like to tell the truth, so I decided to reward you. What reward? Just reward you for the honor of being the first batch of trial users of my new drug."

When the three of them heard this, their legs softened and they almost fell to the ground. Use her new medicine? Is that what people eat?

Ji Wufeng grinned when he thought about Linglong's methods. The witch is not scary, but he is afraid that the witch is educated!

"Okay, stop playing now, business is important!" Zhuang Zhiling saw them sweating from the fright, and hurriedly stepped forward and said.


Linglong's smiling face immediately froze, and she said with a cold face: "After we finish the business, let's settle the accounts slowly."

But the three of them have decided to run away immediately after finishing their work. If they are caught by this little witch, they will definitely die miserably.

Zhuang Zhiling said: "Linglong, time is pressing, please tell everyone your battle plan."

Murong Wuji said carelessly: "What other battle plan do you need? Just go in and grab the things, right?"

Zhuang Zhiling looked at him as if he were an idiot and said, "It's easy for us to break in, but have you ever thought that our main purpose is to get the information? If they transfer or destroy the information, then wouldn't we? Was it all in vain?”

Murong Wuji immediately stopped talking, and Zhuang Zhiling said: "Linglong, tell them the battle plan immediately."

Linglong took out a notebook and told everyone about the plan she had made. She lowered her head and typed quickly on the notebook with both hands. In less than a minute, she raised her fist and waved it fiercely, saying: "Oh yeah! I've hacked into their surveillance system and now

It's time to act. "

Everyone couldn't help but sigh. The Wushen Group is so huge and the surveillance system is definitely the most sophisticated in the world, but it was cracked in less than a minute. This little witch is really scary.

However, everyone has become accustomed to it. Compared with Linglong's terrifying methods, her IQ is even more terrifying.

The first thing that needs to be solved is the eye of the building, which is the control room of the building. The four people sneaked into the control room silently. They saw four security guards inside, three of them were sleeping soundly, and the other one was watching. A surveillance screen with a very excited expression.

When the four of them took a closer look, their faces were immediately filled with black lines. The location on the screen was an office, where a bald man tied up a girl.

Ji Wufeng looked at the screen and immediately became happy. It was really fate. Wasn't that bald man Takeda Koizumi, the translator of the Wushen Group president who wanted to send him to jail before?

"Assholes, you dirty ghosts, if you dare to look down again, I'll gouge your eyes out!"

Linglong's roar suddenly sounded in the ears of the four of them, and then they remembered that the little witch had controlled the monitoring system, so she could naturally see what they were staring at.

With one blow, the four security guards fainted. These are all Chinese working here, there is no need to hurt them.

After solving the control room, the four of them put on security uniforms and walked swaggeringly in the building. Linglong's voice kept coming to their ears. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the experimental area.

The outside of the experimental area was full of surveillance cameras and infrared scanners. Four heavily armed security guards were guarding the area. Behind them was a huge iron gate.


But they just got close to reality

In the inspection area, four security guards had already pointed their guns at them, and they immediately knew they were in the right place.

It's just a company, but it's guarded by armed security guards. There must be something important here.

The four of them grinned, and their bodies suddenly exploded. The expressions of the four security guards changed, but before they had time to pull the trigger, they saw a cold light flash in front of their eyes, a chill in their throats, and the power in their bodies was instantly drained.


Ji Wufeng pinched the neck of a security guard, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his lips, and with a force of his fingers, there was a crisp sound, and he broke his neck forcefully.

The little dwarf's head tilted weirdly to one side, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes protruded from their sockets, full of nostalgia for this world.

Suddenly, a delicate voice came from the earphones, saying: "Damn it, hurry up, they are equipped with life monitors. You have killed someone, and someone has discovered it and is on the way. You get the information first, and then It’s too late.”

The four people immediately rushed to the big iron gate. They were not worried about the people inside escaping, but they were worried that the information would be transferred or destroyed.


Jin Yu punched the big iron gate. The big iron gate was not damaged at all, but Jin Yu was shocked and flew backwards, his fist trembling.

"Idiot, I don't even know what the metal of this door is made of. You're damned if you can open it. Give me twenty seconds."

Twenty seconds later, Linglong said: "It's done, now your retina can open this door."

The four people immediately scanned their retinas, and the iron door was opened with a roar. Linglong suddenly said in their ears in a cold voice that made people shiver: "You four, kill all the people inside. If one of you escapes, I will kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. Although Linglong had many methods, he never used murderous intent.

, what happened this time?

After they walked in, they saw a hall filled with all kinds of the world's most high-end experimental instruments, as well as nearly a hundred huge test tubes with unknown transparent liquid inside. Each test tube contained a whole body. Naked, pale young men and women with soaked skin, their bodies covered with tubes.

A violent aura suddenly burst out from Ji Wufeng's body, his eyes flashed with a cold red light, and the murderous aura from Jin Yu, Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao filled the entire space.

"Who is it?" A guy suddenly raised his head and shouted at Ji Wufeng and the others.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Ji Wufeng's face, and he said with a ferocious smile: "The person who wants your life!"

"go to hell."

This guy quickly took out his gun and shot Ji Wufeng twice with "Bang! Bang!"

Ji Wufeng moved his feet and all the bullets missed. The guy was stunned and shouted at the Dongyang people next to him: "Why are you still standing there, kill them!"

But before they could take out their guns, they heard Ji Wufeng roar: "Kill, no one will be spared!"

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots rang out again, and the four people rushed forward like crazy beasts. As their hands rose and fell, cold light flashed and blood burst out. The sharp blade cut the throat and pierced the body with the terrifying "Puff! Puff!" sound, which made people's hair stand on end.

The screams, gunshots, and the tinkling sound of bullet casings falling to the ground were like a symphony of death played by a music master.

"Don't kill me, I'm Chinese!" Suddenly someone couldn't bear the fear of death, so he knelt on the ground and shouted loudly in fluent Chinese.

Jin Yu dodged and rushed over, lifted the Chinese man up and said, "Are you Chinese?"

"Yes, yes, I am Chinese, you should not kill me." The Chinese man said quickly.

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