Unexpectedly, Jin Yu grabbed his neck fiercely, lifted him off the ground, and pierced the skin on his neck with his five fingers. It was like the sound of a car belt being punctured and leaking air, and blood spurted out bit by bit. .

The Chinese man grabbed Jin Yu's wrist with both hands, kicked his feet fiercely, and shouted in horror: "I am Chinese, why do you want to kill me?"

"Then you deserve to die even more!"

Jin Yu's eyes were fiercely red, and he pointed at the teenagers and said sternly: "They are all your compatriots, your descendants. You are so heartless and crazy, don't you deserve to die?"

The Chinese man's face suddenly turned pale and he said, "I know I was wrong. Don't kill me. Please, I have a lot of money. I will give you whatever you want."

"Ha ha."

Jin Yu laughed wildly and said, "Money? I only want your life. Only your blood can wash away your sins and your dirty soul."

After speaking, he squeezed hard with his palm, and the Chinese man's neck was crushed to pieces by him, and his head was thrown high into the sky. The hot blood on his neck spurted out, like a red fountain, spectacular and gorgeous.

Wen Jingtao and Murong Wuji kept stabbing the enemies' hearts and slit their throats with their spears. It took half an hour for the massacre to end.

Dozens of corpses were strewn everywhere, bright red blood and internal organs covered the ground, and the thick smell of blood was nauseating.

Wen Jingtao smashed open a test tube and took out a girl inside. He found that there were still signs of life and that she was still very strong. In her current state, she just fell into a deep sleep.

"She's still alive, save her!" Wen Jingtao shouted immediately.

The others immediately wanted to break open the test tubes to save the people, but Linglong shouted sharply: "Stop, let me tell you, they are the second phase of the Wushen Group's experimental products, and you can't save them."

Ji Wufeng paused and said, "Can't I even save you?"


Linglong said: "But it must be after I get the research materials of Wushen Group, but by then it will be too late."

Ji Wufeng's heart sank suddenly and he said, "What will happen to them if we don't save them?"

Suddenly, the girl in Wen Jingtao's arms moved and suddenly opened her eyes. Her eyes were so cold that one look at her could make you feel a coldness rushing from the soles of your feet to your forehead.

The strong sense of crisis made Wen Jingtao retreat immediately, but it was already too late. The girl punched him in the chest, causing blood to spurt out from his mouth and he flew out.


Everyone was shocked. They were able to knock Wen Jingtao away with one punch. Even a Jonin couldn't do it. Isn't this girl too scary?

Ji Wufeng's face turned livid. This was just a test product, but it was so scary. If the test was successful, it would definitely be a disaster.

Linglong was obviously a little shocked. She took a breath and said, "Did you see it? If you didn't save them, they would become like this. So, not only could you not save them, but you had to kill them, and You have to be quick before they can adapt to their bodies, otherwise, none of the four of you, except Ji Wufeng, will be able to escape."

The four of them looked at the girl with pain on their faces. This young girl originally had a fairy tale life, but now she has become like this.

Ji Wufeng inputs a true essence

He found that the girl's brain was in chaos. Even if the Great Luo Immortal descended to earth, it was of no use. Although she was still alive, she was in chaos, no different from the walking dead.


Ji Wufeng sighed, and it was extremely difficult to spit out a word.


Wen Jingtao roared in pain, pulled out his military thorn, rushed over, and chopped off the girl's head with one knife. At that moment, tears streamed down his face.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Murong Wuji and Jin Yu were like injured beasts, their faces became horribly distorted due to pain, they let out hoarse roars, rushed towards the test tubes, and cut off the heads of those young people in their prime.


The big iron door suddenly collapsed, and the Jonin who had escaped before rushed in. Seeing the scene in front of him, he roared: "Asshole, it's you again, let's all die!"

At this time, murderous intent boiled in the four people's hearts. Except for Ji Wufeng, the other three people all rushed over. They only had one thought in their minds now, which was to kill all the Dongyang people they saw.

But just as they rushed to the jounin, two people suddenly rushed out from behind the jounin, their bodies violently raised, and they raised their fists to attack the three of them.


The three of them felt as if they had been hit in the chest by a sledgehammer, spitting blood and flying backwards.

After the two people landed, everyone saw clearly that they were a young man and a young girl. They were both very handsome and dressed in white. However, there was no emotion that humans should have in their eyes, but a strong murderous aura.

"Hahaha, your doom has come, do you see? This is our new successful test subject!" The jounin laughed loudly.

The faces of the four people changed. They didn't expect that the test items they successfully tested were so terrible. Thinking about it, if all the test items in the test tubes were released, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hmph, kill!" Murong Wuji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stepped forward.

But Linglong stopped him and said, "You three go and get the information immediately. Leave it to Ji Wufeng."

Ji Wufeng also felt that there was something evil about these two experimental subjects. Jin Yu and the others were no match, so he said: "Go get the information immediately and leave it to me here."

The three of them also knew that the information was the most important now, and immediately rushed to the information area of ​​the laboratory, looking for information under Linglong's prompts.

"Kill them!" the jounin shouted at the two test subjects beside him.

The two test subjects stamped their feet on the ground, jumped up high like cannonballs, and rushed towards Jin Yu and the others.

Ji Wufeng's body surged up and stopped the two of them. He exuded a violent aura, but the two test subjects didn't seem to be afraid. Even the instinctive fear of death in humans was ignored by them!


The two test subjects roared and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. He dodged their attacks and slapped their Tianling Caps with both hands!

With two loud noises, Ji Wufeng's palm, which could shatter rocks, fell on the foreheads of the two of them. There was no brain-blowing scene as imagined. A cloud of blood mist exploded on their foreheads, but they continued to move toward them with red eyes. Ji Wufeng waved his fist!

Bang bang!

Ji Wufeng punched them respectively, and the two of them were immediately knocked away. He could guarantee that their internal organs were shattered by his internal strength. However, after the two of them rolled on the ground, they rushed forward again. come over. Unexpectedly, Jin Yu grabbed his neck fiercely, lifted him off the ground, and pierced the skin on his neck with his five fingers. It was like the sound of a car belt being punctured and leaking air, and blood spurted out bit by bit. .

The Chinese man grabbed Jin Yu's wrist with both hands, kicked his feet violently, and shouted in horror: "I am Chinese, why do you want to kill me?"

"Then you deserve to die even more!"

Jin Yu's eyes were fiercely red, and he pointed at the teenagers and said sternly: "They are all your compatriots, your descendants. You are so heartless and crazy, don't you deserve to die?"

The Chinese man's face suddenly turned pale and he said: "I know I was wrong. Don't kill me. Please, I have a lot of money. I will give you as much as you want." .??.

"Ha ha."

Jin Yu laughed wildly and said, "Money? I only want your life. Only your blood can wash away your sins and your dirty soul."

After speaking, he squeezed hard with his palm, and the Chinese man's neck was crushed to pieces by him, and his head was thrown high into the sky. The hot blood on his neck spurted out, like a red fountain, spectacular and gorgeous.

Wen Jingtao and Murong Wuji kept stabbing the enemies' hearts and slit their throats with their spears. It took half an hour for the massacre to end.

Dozens of corpses were strewn everywhere, bright red blood and internal organs covered the ground, and the thick smell of blood was nauseating.

Wen Jingtao smashed open a test tube and took out a girl inside. He found that there were still signs of life and that she was still very strong. In her current state, she just fell into a deep sleep.

"She's still alive, save her!" Wen Jingtao shouted immediately.

The others immediately wanted to break open the test tubes to save the people, but Linglong shouted sharply: "Stop, let me tell you, they are the second phase of the Wushen Group's experimental products, and you can't save them."

Ji Wufeng paused and said, "Can't I even save you?"


Linglong said: "But it must be after I get the research materials of Wushen Group, but by then it will be too late."

Ji Wufeng's heart sank suddenly and he said, "What will happen to them if we don't save them?"

Suddenly, the girl in Wen Jingtao's arms moved and suddenly opened her eyes. Her eyes were so cold that one look at her could make you feel a coldness rushing from the soles of your feet to your forehead.

The strong sense of crisis made Wen Jingtao retreat immediately, but it was already too late. The girl punched him in the chest, causing blood to spurt out from his mouth and he flew out.


Everyone was shocked. They were able to knock Wen Jingtao away with one punch. Even a Jonin couldn't do it. Isn't this girl too scary?

Ji Wufeng's face turned livid. This was just a test product, but it was so scary. If the test was successful, it would definitely be a disaster.

Linglong was obviously a little shocked. She took a breath and said, "Did you see it? If you don't save them, they will become like this. So, not only can you not save them, but you will kill them. And You have to be quick before they can adapt to their bodies, otherwise, none of the four of you, except Ji Wufeng, will be able to escape."

The four of them looked at the girl with pain on their faces. This young girl originally had a fairy tale life, but now she has become like this.

Ji Wufeng inputs a true essence

He found that the girl's brain was in chaos. Even if the Great Luo Immortal descended to earth, it was of no use. Although she was still alive, she was in chaos, no different from the walking dead.


Ji Wufeng sighed, and it was extremely difficult to spit out a word.


Wen Jingtao roared in pain, pulled out his military thorn, rushed over, and chopped off the girl's head with one knife. At that moment, tears streamed down his face.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Murong Wuji and Jin Yu were like injured beasts, their faces became horribly distorted due to pain, they let out hoarse roars, rushed towards the test tubes, and cut off the heads of those young people in their prime.


The big iron door suddenly collapsed, and the Jonin who had escaped before rushed in. Seeing the scene in front of him, he roared: "Asshole, it's you again, let's all die!"

At this time, murderous intent boiled in the four people's hearts. Except for Ji Wufeng, the other three people all rushed over. They only had one thought in their minds now, which was to kill all the Dongyang people they saw.

But just as they rushed to the jounin, two people suddenly rushed out from behind the jounin, their bodies violently raised, and they raised their fists to attack the three of them.


The three of them felt as if they had been hit in the chest by a sledgehammer, spitting blood and flying backwards.

After the two people landed, everyone saw clearly that they were a young man and a young girl. They were both very handsome and dressed in white. However, there was no emotion that humans should have in their eyes, but a strong murderous aura.

"Hahaha, your doom has come, do you see? This is our new successful test subject!" The jounin laughed loudly.

The faces of the four people changed. They didn't expect that the test items they successfully tested were so terrible. Thinking about it, if all the test items in the test tubes were released, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hmph, kill!" Murong Wuji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stepped forward.

But Linglong stopped him and said, "You three go and get the information immediately. Leave it to Ji Wufeng."

Ji Wufeng also felt that there was something evil about these two experimental subjects. Jin Yu and the others were no match, and said, "Go get the information immediately and leave it to me here."

The three of them also knew that the information was the most important now, and immediately rushed to the information area of ​​the laboratory, looking for information under Linglong's prompts.

"Kill them!" the jounin shouted at the two test subjects beside him.

The two test subjects stamped their feet on the ground, jumped up high like cannonballs, and rushed towards Jin Yu and the others.

Ji Wufeng's body surged up and stopped the two of them. He exuded a violent aura, but the two test subjects didn't seem to be afraid. Even the instinctive fear of death in humans was ignored by them!


The two test subjects roared and rushed toward Ji Wufeng. He dodged their attacks and slapped their Tianling Caps with both hands!

With two loud noises, Ji Wufeng's palm that could shatter rocks fell on the foreheads of the two of them. There was no brain-blowing scene as imagined. A cloud of blood mist exploded on their foreheads, but they continued to move toward them with red eyes. Ji Wufeng waved his fist!

Bang bang!

Ji Wufeng punched them respectively, and the two of them were immediately knocked away. He could guarantee that their internal organs were shattered by his internal strength. However, after the two of them rolled on the ground, they rushed forward again. come over.

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