Ji Wufeng said again: "Hey, brothers, are we still having fun? If not, I will close the stall. The banquet is about to begin. If we don't go, the good things will be eaten by others. If we give such a big birthday gift, what if Thank you for going back on an empty stomach!"

Those young people want to bleed. Damn it, you won tens of millions in one fell swoop. Do you care about that meal?

"Play, why not play? Keep going!"

Although Ji Wufeng won a lot this time, he only won one hand from the beginning to now. They all thought that Ji Wufeng was just unlucky and would definitely lose again. Then the money they lost would still be enough. Win it back.

The gambling game continued, but the result was not as those young people expected. Ji Wufeng's luck seemed to have taken a 180-degree turn, killing everyone, and his excited laughter and laughter could be heard from time to time. The young men yelled and cursed in confusion.

At this time, night fell, and more and more people rushed to the Liu family compound to celebrate their birthdays. The excitement of gambling here quickly attracted many people to watch, and many people wanted to join the battle.

I just saw that Ji Wufeng's luck was good now and he didn't place a bet. He wanted to wait until Ji Wufeng's luck subsided before placing a bet.

Zhao Jiaolong and the others followed the game for a few more games and then honestly withdrew from the game. Those idiots had completely taken the bait. Ji Wufeng would never hold back. If they continued to gamble, they would probably lose even their underwear. . .??.

After more than a dozen rounds, Ji Wufeng grinned from ear to ear, and his pockets were filled with checks. The guys who wanted to place bets were sweating coldly. Fortunately, they didn't take the bets just now, otherwise they would probably lose now. died.

Those young people lost their elegance just now, their eyes were bloodshot, their originally smooth and silky hair was messed up, and their ties were taken off at some point, crumpled into a ball and stuffed into their jackets. In his pocket, an expensive suit was also wrinkled by them.

At this moment, each of them contributed to Ji Wu

If the edge reaches ten million points, I can feel the pain in my body.

The purple cup fell heavily to the ground again. Ji Wufeng stared at the young people with a smile, and those young people stared at the cup fiercely, as if they wanted to see through the cup. Each of them held a promissory note in their hands, while the other hand holding a pen hung in the air, unable to write for a long time.

After hesitating for a while, the young men all made up their minds. After they exchanged a few words, they said to Ji Wufeng: "We have decided. This time we are going to play a big game, and the outcome will be determined by one decision."

"Okay, how are you going to play?" Ji Wufeng agreed without hesitation.

One of the young men in a white suit said: "There are five of us here. Each of us pays 20 million, and the total is 100 million. We will send one person to bet with you. Whoever gets the higher number will win. Do you dare?" ?”

Each of them combined lost more than 20 million to Ji Wufeng. They finally got anxious and wanted to fight Ji Wufeng hard.

Ji Wufeng's eyes immediately lit up, "Damn, these idiots are not satisfied with losing 100 million to me, but they want to give me another 100 million. They are so filial. If you don't agree to their words, wouldn't it hurt their hearts?" ?

However, there was some hesitation on his face and he said, "Do we need to play so big?"

When the young man in the white suit saw his expression, he thought he was scared. He was afraid that he wouldn't play, so he said with a look of disdain: "Forget it if you are scared, you are really worthless!"

Ji Wufeng seemed to be really irritated by him. He glared, took out a bank card and slapped it on the ground, shouting: "Fuck, who is afraid of whom? Just bet, whoever dares not to bet, Who is the turtle grandson!"

The young man in the white suit turned his head to the group of people watching the game and said, "Do any of you want to come and play together?"

Those guys who were ready to make a move were hesitant. They were very excited about such a big bet, but that bastard Ji Wufeng was so lucky. What if he lost?

A young man next to the young man in a white suit saw their hesitation and sneered: "This is Young Master Jiang Wenhui. It's flattering for you to play with us. Don't be ungrateful."

When those guys heard the words "Jiang Wenhui", their eyes immediately lit up, and they gritted their teeth and said, "It's a gamble. It's worth losing money even if you follow Young Master Jiang."

Several guys placed bets one after another, but their worth was obviously not as high as Jiang Wenhui's. Seven or eight people together could barely reach 50 million.

But Ji Wufeng didn't mean it was too little. Fifty million was a lot, and he could eat meat for a long time.

Naturally, Jiang Wenhui was chosen to gamble. Jiang Wenhui asked arrogantly: "Which one of us will come first?"

Ji Wufeng pushed the purple cup in front of him and said, "You go first."

Jiang Wenhui was not polite, took the purple cup, threw the three dice into the air, drew an arc and accurately landed in the cup, and then began to shake.

The eyes of everyone present were focused on Jiang Wenhui. He was shaking faster and faster, and the cup also drew a purple phantom in the air, which looked particularly gorgeous and dazzling.

Those who placed bets all looked nervous. As soon as the cup fell to the ground, tens of millions of dollars could be lost or lost. Who wouldn't be nervous?

On the other hand, Ji Wufeng kept bouncing his legs, looking carefree, with a nonchalant look on his face. Those guys were so angry that they gritted their teeth. Damn, he's so young. If he loses later, you won't even have time to cry.

Just when everyone was a little dizzy, Jiang Wenhui’s cup

When he was finally about to land, Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed with something special, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

Almost at the moment the cup fell to the ground, Ji Wufeng's right foot lifted slightly, and then fell to the ground at the same time as the cup.

Jiang Wenhui raised a smile of victory at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, you have already lost."

Ji Wufeng chuckled, shook his head and said, "It would be a bit premature to decide the outcome before the game starts."

Jiang Wenhui snorted coldly and said: "At this time, you still have a strong mouth, and you don't know whether to live or die!"

After saying that, he opened the cup. Two six o'clock and one five o'clock appeared in front of everyone. The faces of those who placed bets suddenly changed, and their nervous expressions all turned into ecstasy. Seventeen o'clock, it was just that short. At one point, it was almost a sure-win situation.

But there was no trace of joy on Jiang Wenhui's face, instead it turned livid.

Impossible. I was clearly shaking three sixes and eighteen points. How could I miss?

Looking at the purple cup, he felt relieved again. It was just an ordinary cup, not a professional gambling tool. It was normal for him to perform abnormally.

"Hehe, it's your turn, but I advise you to just admit defeat." Jiang Wenhui said hehely.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "It would be shameful to admit defeat. I can't afford to embarrass that person."

Jiang Wenhui snorted coldly and said: "Huh, I won't shed tears until I see the coffin."

Ji Wufeng ignored him, grabbed the three dice on the ground, and then kicked the cup into the air. The moment the cup landed, he threw the three dice out and landed accurately inside the cup.

"I'm about to start. I'm so nervous. Are you ready?"

After the cup fell to the ground, Ji Wufeng opened it with a bared teeth, and the three six o'clock lay there obediently.

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