"It turned out to be three sixes and eighteen o'clock."

After everyone saw it clearly, some people couldn't help but screamed.

Plop, plop, plop...

The guys who placed bets had their legs weak and slumped down on the ground almost crying. Damn it, three sixes and eighteen times again. Each of them bet 20 million. Eighteen times is 360 million. This is not Peel off a layer of their skin alive?

Jiang Wenhui stayed on the spot for a while, muttering to himself: "How is it possible? How is this possible? There is no way he can shake three sixes."

"Everyone, Leopard Three Six, Eighteenth Division, let's figure out how much you have to pay?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

A guy knew that he couldn't get so much money even if he was killed, so he stood up secretly and was about to run away. Ji Wufeng's face turned pale, he punched the stone bench next to him, directly knocking off a corner of the stone bench, and said fiercely : "Damn it, if anyone dares to run, I will break his legs!"

The guy was so frightened that he trembled all over and didn't dare to run away anymore. He said with a sad face: "Brother, I can't come up with that much money now. Can I pay it back first? I will definitely pay it back tomorrow." .??.

The evil look on Ji Wufeng's face disappeared in an instant, and he said with a smile: "Okay, who among our brothers will follow whom? Why are you saying such polite words? Just create a document and you guys sign it!"

After saying that, I found a pen and paper, scribbled down a few strokes and handed it to the guy. The guy immediately cried when he saw it. Damn it, where is the written evidence? This is clearly a contract of betrayal!

According to the profit calculation of three points per day on the note, Ji Wufeng was basically robbing money. If they couldn't exchange the money in time, it would be almost like a contract of betrayal.

But they had no choice but to gnash their teeth and sign the note. They had no choice. They were all wealthy and respectable young men. In front of so many people, losing money was a trivial matter. If word got out that they had defaulted on the bill, not only would they He and even their family will be embarrassed.

After those people signed the papers, Ji Wufeng carefully put the papers away, and then said with a smile: "Everyone, I'm leaving now. Come and play with me when you have free time. I will definitely stay with you until the end."

Those people suddenly wanted to vomit blood. Damn it, they were playing with you and playing with your mother. In such a short time, they took over half of my personal property.

For a moment, those people looked at Ji Wufeng with eyes that wanted to eat him alive. Although Jiang Wenhui's face was expressionless, anyone could tell from the coldness in his eyes that Ji Wufeng was already being cared about by Young Master Jiang.

Everyone knows the Jiang family's status in Yuzhou, and Jiang Wenhui, the eldest son, is also a well-known figure. This unknown guy who came out of nowhere was taken by him, and there is definitely no good fruit to eat. For a moment, everyone looked at Ji Wufeng's eyes were like looking at a dead person.

Ji Wufeng didn't care about the looks of those people at all, he patted his butt and walked away swaggeringly.

After leaving the grove, I found that the entire Liu Family Courtyard was full of people coming and going. The men were all well-dressed and elegant, while the women were all gorgeous and well-dressed. It was like a high-society cocktail party in the movie. Same.

Looking back at Ji Wufeng and the others, Ji Wufeng had already thrown the suit into the guest room, put on a pair of large pants, threw away the leather shoes, and found a pair of slippers to put on his feet.

As for Zhao Jiaolong, he

They were not much better, wearing a large T-shirt, beach shorts and canvas shoes, with their hairy legs directly exposed.

Jin Yu, Wen Jingtao and Murong Wuji were yawning out of boredom. They had seen this kind of scene too many times and found it boring. They almost fell asleep. Finally, they found a few acquaintances and ran over to Ji Wufeng after talking to them. Say hello.

However, Ji Wufeng and Zhao Jiaolong were reluctant to leave. They kept passing many big shots and celebrities who were often seen on TV, the Internet, and newspapers. However, they were not interested in these people at all, but focused on those young girls. look.

Those who could come to the Liu Family Courtyard were either ladies from well-known families or socialites. Not only were they good-looking, their elegant temperament was even more eye-catching, and the eyes of Zhao Jiaolong and the other big perverts suddenly glowed green.

"Damn, that little girl has such a great figure, tsk tsk..."

"Uh-huh, look at that little girl, she's so pretty, isn't she? I can probably squeeze the water out of that little face."

"Hey, that one is definitely a goblin. If you can stay with me for one night, look at that small waist, it's just killing me. I'm willing to shorten my life by one year."

Those little girls felt uncomfortable all over when they were stared at by Liu Jie's burning eyes. When they turned around, they suddenly had a look of disgust on their faces, and some of them even had a hot temper and even started scolding them.

Soon, everyone discovered the obscene behavior of several people, and they all looked at them with contempt and disgust.

But a few people's cheeks were thicker than the city walls. They didn't care at all about those looks, and they still admired the beauties unscrupulously, and even stared at their breasts and thighs.

Zhao Jiaolong stared at a stunner with an extremely voluptuous figure and a charming look. He was about to go up to strike up a conversation, but Zhao Jiaolong grabbed him. He cursed anxiously: "Damn it, why are you holding me back? Didn't you see a beautiful girl there? What if someone else picks her up?"

Yuan Dongdong scolded: "You don't even look at the way you are dressed. You are just like a beggar here. Who the hell will pay attention to you?"

Zhao Jiaolong looked down and scratched his head anxiously. Damn it, they fell asleep immediately after returning from the training camp. When they woke up, they didn't even have time to change their clothes. It's really not suitable for picking up girls. It's too unsightly. .

At this moment, several chilling glances came from the crowd, making Zhao Jiaolong couldn't help but shudder. He turned around and saw two men and one woman in the crowd staring at them with hatred on their faces. , that look in his eyes would kill several of them without even realizing their hatred.

The three of them are all old acquaintances of Ji Wufeng, namely Lu Zixuan, Zhang Wenjie and Zhang Wenwen.

Ji Wufeng originally didn't want to talk to them, but the three of them came over. Zhang Wenwen pointed directly at Ji Wufeng and the others and said: "How do the Liu family do things? Even these cats and dogs got in, hurry up and get rid of them."

Zhang Wenwen's words immediately had a chain reaction, and those who had long been dissatisfied with Ji Wufeng and others immediately said, "That's right, how could the Liu family let such a little brat in? He must have sneaked in."

"They're not just thieves who sneak in and want to steal things, right? You see, they have sneaky eyes, and they are not good people at first glance. I think it's better to call the security over, arrest them, and send them to the police station."

"Yes, grab it quickly. Just now, you were staring at me lewdly. It made me sick." "It turned out to be three sixes and eighteen o'clock."

After everyone saw it clearly, some people couldn't help but screamed.

Plop, plop, plop...

The guys who placed bets had their legs weak and slumped down on the ground almost crying. Damn it, three sixes and eighteen times again. Each of them bet 20 million. Eighteen times is 360 million. This is not Peel off a layer of their skin alive?

Jiang Wenhui stayed on the spot for a while, muttering to himself: "How is it possible? How is this possible? There is no way he can shake three sixes."

"Everyone, Leopard Three Six, Eighteenth Division, let's figure out how much you have to pay?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

A guy knew that he couldn't get so much money even if he was killed, so he stood up secretly and was about to run away. Ji Wufeng's face turned pale, he punched the stone bench next to him, directly knocking off a corner of the stone bench, and said fiercely : "Damn it, if anyone dares to run, I will break his legs!"

The guy was so frightened that he trembled all over and didn't dare to run away anymore. He said with a sad face: "Brother, I can't come up with so much money now. Can I pay it back first? I will definitely pay it back tomorrow."

The evil look on Ji Wufeng's face disappeared in an instant, and he said with a smile: "Okay, who among our brothers will follow whom? Why are you saying such polite words? Just create a document and you guys sign it!"

After saying that, I found a pen and paper, scribbled down a few strokes and handed it to the guy. The guy immediately cried when he saw it. Damn it, where is the written evidence? This is clearly a contract of betrayal!

According to the profit calculation of three points per day on the note, Ji Wufeng was basically robbing money. If they couldn't exchange the money in time, it would be almost like a contract of betrayal.

But they had no choice but to gnash their teeth and sign the note. They had no choice. They were all wealthy and respectable young men. In front of so many people, losing money was a trivial matter. If word spread that they had defaulted on the bill, not only would they He and even their family will be embarrassed.

After those people signed the papers, Ji Wufeng carefully put the papers away, and then said with a smile: "Everyone, I'm leaving now. Come and play with me when you have free time. I will definitely stay with you until the end."

Those people suddenly wanted to vomit blood. Damn it, they were playing with you and playing with your mother. In such a short time, they took over half of my personal property.

For a moment, those people looked at Ji Wufeng with eyes that wanted to eat him alive. Although Jiang Wenhui's face was expressionless, anyone could tell from the coldness in his eyes that Ji Wufeng was already being cared about by Young Master Jiang.

Everyone knows the Jiang family's status in Yuzhou, and Jiang Wenhui, the eldest son, is also a well-known figure. This unknown guy who came out of nowhere was taken by him, and there is definitely no good fruit to eat. For a moment, everyone looked at Ji Wufeng's eyes were like looking at a dead person.

Ji Wufeng didn't care about the looks of those people at all, he patted his butt and walked away swaggeringly.

After leaving the grove, I found that the entire Liu Family Courtyard was full of people coming and going. The men were all well-dressed and elegant, while the women were all gorgeous and well-dressed. It was like a high-society cocktail party in the movie. Same.

Looking back at Ji Wufeng and the others, Ji Wufeng had already thrown the suit into the guest room, put on a pair of large pants, threw away the leather shoes, and found a pair of slippers to put on his feet.

As for Zhao Jiaolong, he

They were not much better, wearing a large T-shirt, beach shorts and canvas shoes, with their hairy legs directly exposed.

Jin Yu, Wen Jingtao and Murong Wuji were yawning out of boredom. They had seen this kind of scene too many times and found it boring. They almost fell asleep. Finally, they found a few acquaintances and ran over to Ji Wufeng after talking to them. Say hello.

However, Ji Wufeng and Zhao Jiaolong were reluctant to leave. They kept passing many big shots and celebrities who were often seen on TV, the Internet, and newspapers. However, they were not interested in these people at all, but focused on those young girls. look.

Those who could come to the Liu Family Courtyard were either ladies from well-known families or socialites. Not only were they good-looking, their elegant temperament was even more eye-catching, and the eyes of Zhao Jiaolong and the other big perverts suddenly glowed green.

"Damn, that little girl has such a great figure, tsk tsk..."

"Uh-huh, look at that little girl, isn't she too juicy? I can probably squeeze the water out of that little face."

"Oh, that one is definitely a goblin. If you can stay with me for one night, look at that small waist, it's just killing me. I'm willing to shorten my life by one year."

Those little girls felt uncomfortable all over when they were stared at by Liu Ji's burning eyes. When they turned around, they suddenly had a look of disgust on their faces, and some of them even had a hot temper and even started to scold them.

Soon, everyone discovered the obscene behavior of several people, and they all looked at them with contempt and disgust.

But a few of them were thicker-skinned than the city walls, and they didn't care at all about those looks. They still admired the beauties unscrupulously, and even stared at their breasts and thighs.

Zhao Jiaolong stared at a stunner with an extremely voluptuous figure and a charming look. He was about to go up to strike up a conversation, but Zhao Jiaolong grabbed him. He cursed anxiously: "Damn it, why are you holding me back? Didn't you see a beautiful girl there? What if someone else picks her up?"

Yuan Dongdong scolded: "You don't even look at the way you are dressed. You are just like a beggar here. Who the hell will pay attention to you?"

Zhao Jiaolong looked down and scratched his head anxiously. Damn it, they fell asleep immediately after returning from the training camp. When they woke up, they didn't even have time to change their clothes. It's really not suitable for picking up girls. It's too unsightly. .

At this moment, several chilling glances came from the crowd, making Zhao Jiaolong couldn't help but shudder. He turned around and saw two men and one woman in the crowd staring at them with hatred on their faces. , that look in his eyes would kill several of them without even realizing their hatred.

The three of them are all old acquaintances of Ji Wufeng, namely Lu Zixuan, Zhang Wenjie and Zhang Wenwen.

Ji Wufeng originally didn't want to talk to them, but the three of them came over. Zhang Wenwen pointed directly at Ji Wufeng and the others and said: "How do the Liu family do things? Even these cats and dogs got in, hurry up and get rid of them."

Zhang Wenwen's words immediately had a chain reaction, and those who had long been dissatisfied with Ji Wufeng and others immediately said, "That's right, how could the Liu family let such a little brat in? He must have sneaked in."

"They're not just thieves who sneak in and want to steal things, right? You see, they have sneaky eyes, and they are not good people at first glance. I think it's better to call the security over, arrest them, and send them to the police station."

"That's right, catch her quickly. Just now she was staring at me with a leering look. It was disgusting just to look at her."

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