Ji Wufeng's words immediately caused the experts and doctors to explode, and they all shouted angrily: "You little bastard, how do you speak? How did your adults teach you?"

"Young-haired boy, he is still young, he talks so ignorantly, and he has no education at all."

"Secretary Xu, please take him away immediately, otherwise, I will withdraw from the medical team."

"That's right, Secretary Xu, you can't let a mouse spoil the pot of soup. If you insist on keeping him, I will also choose to quit."


Except for Sun Baibai, these experts and professors, who had always been highly respected, all turned into shrews at this time, blushing and yelling, spitting foam everywhere.

Xu Feng couldn't help but feel a headache. He wanted to step forward and strangle Ji Wufeng to death. Damn it, these old bastards are difficult to serve. They all have the same temper as a firecracker and they can't help but get angry at the slightest. It's better for this kid to just come up and light a fire.

Ji Wufeng suddenly sneered and said: "Then you can quit. No one will force you to stay. You are here to treat patients, not to put on airs. If you want to put on airs, get out. Stop being so fucking disgusting here!"

Suddenly, those old guys all stared at Ji Wufeng, their eyes almost bursting with fire.

Xu Feng's face suddenly fell. It's over. It's all over now. After coaxing these old guys for several days, it's all in vain. After Ji Wufeng scolded them like this, they didn't all run away?

"Secretary Xu, I choose to withdraw from the medical team and say goodbye!"

Immediately, all those old guys stood up and started to leave angrily, making Xu Feng's face turn green with fright.

Ji Wufeng said with a sneer on his face: "It's okay to leave. They are a bunch of trash with no ability, but they are still here to be the boss."

"Boy, who do you think is a waste and who has no ability?" an old man said angrily.


Ji Wufeng pointed at the old man and then at his

He said: "And you."

"Boy, you've gone too far!"

"I want to sue you, I want to take you to court, sue you for defamation, sue you for destroying our reputation!"

"Who are you? The seven hospitals under my name in Huajing will blacklist you from now on!"

Everyone was immediately furious, and their lungs were about to burst with anger. They had high prestige in their respective countries, and even if they were invited here, they would still be polite.

This kid actually said that they were useless and had no ability. How could they stand it?

"Your reputation is not given by me, nor by the judge, but by your patients. All of you are experts. The patient has not started treatment, and you choose to quit because of my words. I doubt you very much." Are you afraid that you won’t be able to treat the patient well, and are you deliberately making excuses to avoid it? Why don’t you admit that you are trash?”

Ji Wufeng's face was sarcastic and his tone was full of contempt.

At this moment, the group of old guys were all stunned, their hearts itching with hatred, but they didn't know how to refute Ji Wufeng's words.

"You brat, I won't leave yet. I want you to see if I'm really capable!"

"I won't leave either. You don't know the heights of the world, let me show you what real material is."

"Damn it, if you don't leave and stop your stinky mouth, I won't be able to swallow this breath."


These experts and doctors are not short of money, but what they value more is their reputation. In their hearts, they want to cut Ji Wufeng into pieces and walk away.

But what if it gets spread in the future?

, saying that they didn’t even dare to see the patient and just ran away. What should I do?

People are more afraid of being famous than they are of being strong. If someone really uses this as an excuse to attack them, their reputation will be seriously damaged.

Therefore, their only choice now is to cure the patient honestly and then shut up Ji Wufeng's foul mouth.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "If you can cure the patient, I will apologize to you in public."

"It's a deal!" .??.

"Bring the test report immediately and formulate a treatment plan immediately!"

Xu Feng's eyes widened when he saw the experts and doctors working hurriedly. These old guys were all tough, but Ji Wufeng was able to finish them off in just a few words.

"Damn, a bad mouth can be so powerful!" Ma Tianlin said, slapping his thigh.

Ji Wufeng found a seat and sat down. He banged his legs on the table and said, "I don't have a bad mouth. I have a good eloquence. You know nothing!"

Lei Zhensheng on the side looked at Ji Wufeng with a very strange expression. Lu Tianyi chuckled and said: "Old Lei, how are you? This kid is not easy to mess with, right? It's not unfair for you to give in."

Lei Zhensheng said helplessly: "He is just as difficult as me, but this guy is thicker-skinned and even more shameless!"

Seeing Ji Wufeng tapping Erlang's leg and holding a small cigarette in his mouth, Xu Feng stepped forward and said, "Brother Ji, don't you need to look at the patient's laboratory report?"

"No, I just need to see the patient."

Those laboratory reports may be useful to those experts, but to him they are just a pile of waste paper, and they are in vain.

"This..." Xu Feng looked embarrassed.

"Let him see the patient, I will guarantee it."

Lu Tianyi said.

"And me, count me in." Lei Zhensheng also said.

Ji Wufeng glanced at Lei Zhensheng in surprise, was this a proactive gesture?

"Well, with two old gentlemen as guarantees, there will be no problem. Please come with me."

After all, the patient's identity is too special. Even as the patient's full-time secretary, he has no right to make the decision to let strangers approach him. But with Lu Tianyi and Lei Zhensheng vouching for it, it is different.

Ji Wufeng stood up, looked at Lei Zhensheng and said, "Don't worry, I will educate your grandson well."

"Thank you very much." Lei Zhensheng smiled.

Because Ji Wufeng did not use the word "teaching", but used the word "education". Although the literal meaning is similar, when it is said in Ji Wufeng's mouth, it is very different.

It shows that even if Ji Wufeng teaches Lei Ming a lesson, he won't go too far, at least he won't have bad intentions.

Following Xu Feng out of the conference room, he knocked on the door of a room. After the door was opened, a woman came out and asked coldly: "What's the matter?"

This woman couldn't tell her age. She looked like she was eighteen or nineteen years old, but she also looked like she was in her early thirties. She looked very sweet, like a cute Barbie doll, like a young and beautiful girl.

But the expression on her face is very mature and calm, and she is wearing a mature black tight leather jacket, which outlines a slim and sexy figure. The black leather shorts reveal the shapely and powerful long legs, which are also black long legs. She wears high-heeled boots and a black leather glove on her right hand, looking like a pretty girl.

This was the first time Ji Wufeng saw two extreme temperaments in a woman.

What surprised Ji Wufeng even more was that this woman actually had the strength of a half-step master.

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