Moreover, Ji Wufeng was certain from the aura exuding from this woman that even though they were at the same level, if she were to fight Yuan Kun, there would be no exception in killing Yuan Kun.

There are also high and low levels among people of the same level. This woman is undoubtedly the strongest person Ji Wufeng has ever seen who is below the half-step master.

"Tie Xin, they are the ones vouched for by Mr. Jiang and Mr. Qi to treat my husband." Xu Feng said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

The woman named Tiexin immediately cast her eyes on Ji Wufeng and Ma Tianlin, and they instantly felt the cold aura coming from this woman. Just like her tone, she gave people the feeling of being thousands of miles away.

"Come in." Tie Xin turned around and walked into the room, saying expressionlessly.

Ma Tianlin murmured in a low voice: "This girl is quite beautiful, but it's too cold. It's not a good idea to marry such a wife. I like someone who is passionate and unrestrained."


A cold light suddenly shot out from Tie Xin's hand. Ma Tianlin tilted his head, and the cold light rubbed his ears and hit the door square.

Ma Tianlin's face turned pale with fright when he saw the flying knife stuck on the door square with a cold light. Damn it, it's a good thing I'm agile, otherwise my life would have been decided here.

Tie Xin walked to the door, pulled out the throwing knife, and said coldly: "You'd better shut your stinky mouth, otherwise, you won't be able to escape next time."

Ma Tianlin suddenly turned green and said to Ji Wufeng: "Damn, you can make people submissive with your bad mouth. Why did the Taoist get a knife for his bad mouth?"

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "I can't help it, I'm so handsome!"

"You are so handsome, uncle!"

When you walk into the room, there is a faint smell of sandalwood. The furnishings in the room are very simple, giving people the feeling of walking into an ancient home outside the courtyard.

The walls were covered with calligraphy and paintings. Looking at the signatures on them, they were all the names of ancient celebrities. Ma Tianlin felt itchy in his heart.

These are real treasures. If you just pick one up, you can become a rich man.

There was a man lying on a bamboo and rattan recliner. He should be very tall, but he was as skinny as a stick. The skin on his arms was as dry as a tree root, which was shocking.

"Sir, a doctor is coming to treat you." Tie Xin walked to the recliner, squatted down and whispered.

The old man raised his hand, waved it feebly, and said, "Tie Xin, didn't I tell you? Don't send any more doctors."

Tie Xin hurriedly said: "Sir, can your disease not be cured?"

"Is there anything that can be cured? Anyway, I'm retired. It's good to be dead. I can just take a break." The old man said very freely.

Tie Xin's eyes suddenly turned red, he turned away, and finally said with a stiff smile on his face: "Sir, the doctors are already here, please cooperate."

"No need, my disease can't be cured, don't waste the doctor's time." The old man shook his head.


When Tie Xin was about to say something, Ji Wufeng rushed to say: "Old sir, I am not one of those experts and doctors. I idle around every day and have a lot of time. Instead of wasting it on me causing trouble outside, I would rather waste it here with you. .”

Tie Xin's eyes suddenly glowed coldly, staring at Ji Wu Feng with murderous intent on his face.

Ji Wufeng was extremely depressed, what happened to this little girl? She acts as if she wants to kill someone at every turn. No matter how beautiful she is, no one dares to marry her.

The old man slowly turned his head and looked at Ji Wufeng, allowing Ji Wufeng to see him clearly.

I saw him wearing a long

Wearing a robe and old-fashioned black glasses, one can immediately think of the teacher in a private school on TV. The ordinary is no longer ordinary.

But Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, because he saw the vastness in the old man's already cloudy eyes.

What kind of person can give him this feeling?

Only those whose state of mind has reached a level beyond the reach of mortals and whose mind is broad enough to embrace everything in the world can feel this way.

This shocked Ji Wufeng, because this state of mind was exactly the supreme state of mind that all cultivators dreamed of.

This person is not a warrior, let alone a cultivator. How could a mere mortal have such a perfect state of mind?

But no matter what, this made Ji Wufeng, the Immortal King of this generation, feel admiration for him.

The old man's face and arms were the same, with only skin and bones left. At a quick glance, he looked like a skeleton.

But there was no trace of decadence or desolation on his expression, as if he didn't care at all that he was dying and his life was hanging by a thread.

The gentleman looked at Ji Wufeng with some astonishment in his eyes and said, "Young man, what's your name?"

"Sir, my name is Ji Wufeng." Ji Wufeng bowed and answered respectfully.

The husband was stunned for a moment, then a happy smile appeared on his face, and he said: "Okay, it's really you. I didn't expect that we would meet one day."

"Sir, have you seen me?"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't remember meeting his husband.

"Haha, we have never met, but I have heard about you from Hong Tu."

"Grand plan?"

Ji Wufeng was shocked, then forced himself to calm down, nodded and said, "Ji Hongtu, is this his real name?"

The husband sighed and said: "My child, many things are helpless actions. Sometimes they seem to be harmful, but the real purpose may not be."

Ji Wufeng laughed and asked, "Why do you excuse him so much, sir?"

The gentleman looked sad for a while, and said with a wry smile: "I also have to bear a lot of responsibility for the situation of your mother and son."

After hearing this, Ji Wufeng understood everything. He bent down and saluted respectfully: "Sir, if it hadn't been for your words back then, I'm afraid our mother and son would have been in trouble long ago. You only have merit, so how can you have any responsibility?"

A glimmer of light appeared in the gentleman's eyes and he said, "I'm very pleased that you can understand this."

However, Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly turned cold and he said: "Sir, as a father, no matter what the reason is, he can't escape responsibility, right?"

"Why are you so entangled?" The gentleman's tone was filled with sadness.

Ji Wufeng's eyes softened and he said, "Sir, let me feel your pulse first. "

The top priority now is to cure his husband. Ji Wufeng sees that he is almost exhausted.

Just as Ji Wufeng was about to step forward, Tie Xin suddenly stood up and blocked him. Two flying knives with cold light appeared in his hands, and he looked at Ji Wufeng coldly.

Ji Wufeng had a headache. Why is this little girl so ignorant? Haven't you seen all the relatives? Why are you still so serious?

The gentleman waved his hand and said: "Tie Xin, please get out of the way. He will not do anything against me. Even if he wants to do something against me, you can't stop him."

Tie Xin stepped aside, but did not take back the flying knife in his hand. His eyes were fixed on Ji Wufeng, as if he would strike him with a knife at any time.

Ji Wufeng gently put his fingers on Mr.'s wrist, his brows suddenly furrowed, and then his eyes began to turn cold. "

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