Chu Jiangnan raised his head, with determination and stubbornness in his eyes!



The old man was furious. He stood up and slapped Chu Jiangnan hard on the face. He said sternly: "I'm not dead yet. When will it be your turn to take charge of the Chu family?"

Chu Jiangnan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showed a stern smile, and said, "But grandpa, you don't want your uncle to take the decision in the Chu family, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't kneel here."

The old man was furious and said: "Han Dong's bones are still cold, and you say something like this. How can you explain to your ancestors?"

Chu Jiangnan suddenly took out a gun from his body, pointed it at his arm and pulled the trigger.


His arm was directly punched through, and he was bleeding profusely. Chu Jiangnan's face turned pale and his whole body was trembling. He said: "This is the explanation I gave to my ancestors. If you think it's not enough, grandpa, take my life away."

He pointed the gun at his own head.

The old man's face was suddenly filled with astonishment, his body trembled slightly, and then he slumped on the chair, shaking his head and waving his hands with a lonely expression: "That's it, that's all, get out, I don't want to see you again."

Chu Jiangnan trembled all over, closed his eyes, tears fell down, put down the gun in his hand, lay on the ground and said: "Thank you, grandpa, my grandson can no longer serve you in the future. Please take care of yourself, your grandson is gone!" "

After Chu Jiangnan left, Chu Wenxuan walked in and said sternly: "Dad, are you just going to let that little beast go?"

"What? Handong is already dead, do you want me to kill Jiangnan with my own hands?" the old man said angrily.

"Dad, that's not what I meant, but Handong's revenge must be avenged."


The old man snorted coldly, dialed a number, and said coldly: "Ji Wufeng is on the plane now. I don't care what methods you use, he will never get off the plane alive!"

For those who control money

, All powerless people are valuable. As long as you can give a sufficient price, you can let him give up everything about himself, including his own life!

Zheng Zhihang was the captain of the plane. After the plane took off, he received a call. As long as he could kill one passenger on the plane, all his gambling debts would be written off, and there would also be a reward of 10 million. Moreover, he promised He will definitely protect him from death.


He had never thought about this kind of thing, even though he was now heavily in debt, and his creditor had already threatened to chop off both of his hands if he didn't pay back the money within a week.

At first he thought it was someone making fun of him, but when he learned that the caller was a senior official from the shipping company, he knew it was not a joke.

Immediately afterwards, his mobile phone received a message that 10 million had been transferred to his account.

Really, this is all true!

Ji Wufeng was so tired that he lay down in his seat and fell asleep as soon as he got on the plane. When a beautiful flight attendant passed by him carrying a drink, he immediately stopped. After a moment of astonishment, his face changed. An incredible surprise.

He left quickly and then came back quickly, holding a blanket in his hand and carefully covering Ji Wufeng's body for fear of waking him up.

"Hongyu is so considerate and attentive. No wonder she was named the most beautiful stewardess not long after she arrived." A voice sounded from behind.

Turning around, Hongyu said with a sweet smile on her face: "Brother Hang, you will easily catch a cold if you sleep like this."

After saying hello, Hongyu planned to leave, but the moment she turned around, she noticed that Zheng Zhihang was looking at Ji Wufeng with a fierce look.

"Ah, murder!" someone screamed.

Hongyu immediately turned around and saw Zheng Zhihang holding a knife and about to stab Ji Wufeng in the chest.

The scream woke Ji Wufeng up. When he opened his eyes, he saw a man with a ferocious face stabbing him hard with a spear. He wanted to dodge, but he was too weak and couldn't muster the strength to dodge. open.

Damn, it’s really a boat overturned in the gutter!

Ji Wufeng cursed in his heart. He thought he would be safe after getting on the plane, but he didn't expect Chu Wenxuan to be so despicable and bribe these ordinary people to kill him. But now even if an ordinary person wants to kill him, he is no match at this time!

Just when he was about to stab his chest, and when he thought he was about to die, a figure suddenly rushed over and blocked him!

Hongyu has only been working as a flight attendant for a short time, but she is already a famous beauty in the company. What is even more rare is that she is humble, has a sweet smile to everyone, and her service attitude during work is almost the best.

Within just one quarter of working, she was already rated as the most beautiful stewardess.

Beauty is always attractive, and Hongyu has countless suitors, including rich men and young heroes, but she was rejected every time with polite and tactful reasons.

Her good sisters once teased her and asked her if she didn't like men but women. She just smiled and said: "Of course I have a man I like, but I know that I can't be with him." Yes, but it doesn’t matter, I know there are many women around him who are countless times better than me, and he will be happy.”

Her good sister said with some dissatisfaction: "What kind of man is he? So attractive? He can't even look down on our beautiful red jade beauty? If you really like it, take the initiative. I don't believe that any man can do it." You can stand it."

Hongyu smiled sweetly and said: "He is a man who gave me a piece of the sky again.

He should be living a happy life now, and I can't disturb him. "

Yes, from Hongyu's point of view, the period when she was controlled by Song Zhijie was a hellish life. There was only endless darkness in her eyes, which made her despair that she would never see the sun.

However, the appearance of a person gave her hope again. She got rid of Song Zhijie and escaped from the fire pit.

Although she chose to leave school and give up her studies, she had a new life and a new sky. It seems that all of this was given by that person.

Hongyu thought that she would never be able to interact with that man again, because their worlds were so far apart and the gap between them was insurmountable.

But today I didn't expect that the two of them would meet again, and that man, no, he should be a boy. He was so tired and embarrassed. He fell asleep like a big child as soon as he got on the plane. He must be very tired. Bar?

She felt a little distressed, so she found a blanket to cover him, worried that he would catch a cold, and then prepared to leave. She didn't want him to find herself when he woke up, and he shouldn't exist in his world.

But before she could leave, she discovered that his life was in danger and someone wanted to kill him!

And she rushed over without even thinking about it. She didn't have time to think about the consequences of rushing over. She just felt that she couldn't let him die. Maybe he had forgotten her, and she had to protect him.


The dagger was inserted into Hong Yu's chest fiercely. Zheng Zhihang was filled with murderous intent and his attack was extremely cruel. The entire dagger was completely buried in Hong Yu's body, only the handle was exposed.

"Hongyu, you..."

Zheng Zhihang was shocked. He did not expect that such a situation would happen. Someone would actually block the knife for others. Looking at the wound with blood gushing, he was stunned for a moment.

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