Ji Wufeng also had a look of astonishment on his face. He originally thought that he was dead this time, but he didn't expect that someone would come to save him and save him with his own chest.

If Ji Wufeng is killed, he will be sad and angry, and if someone dies to save him, he will definitely be furious!

"go to hell!"

Ji Wufeng roared and punched Zheng Zhihang in the neck.


In his rage, Ji Wufeng's strength was so great that Zheng Zhihang's head was directly blasted by him. Blood spurted out from the neck of the still standing body, and a bloody rain fell from the sky.

"Who are you? Why do you want to save me?" Ji Wufeng asked while holding Hongyu in his arms.

The wound hurt, but Hongyu felt even more painful in his heart. He even forgot who he was.

"Hongyu, are you Hongyu?"

Even though Hong Yu's body has long been washed away from the dusty aura and has become pure and beautiful, Ji Wufeng still recognized her.

In an instant, the sharp pain in Hongyu's heart turned into sweetness. She stretched out her trembling hands to touch Ji Wufeng's cheek and said with a smile, "It's great that you still remember me!"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. Although he still remembered Hongyu, he never thought that the two would meet again, because the two were not from the same world at all.

In order to plot against Rong Tianlin and Song Zhijie, Hong Yu was just a tool to him, and helping Hong Yu leave was just a reward for her. He never thought that Hong Yu would repay him in return.

But now they meet each other, and Hongyu protects herself with her own life.

"Why do you want to save me? Is it worth it?" Ji Wufeng asked tremblingly.

"It's worth it, because you still remember me..." A large mouthful of blood spurted out from Hongyu's mouth.

"Don't talk, don't talk now..."

Ji Wufeng said while frantically inputting his true energy, but unfortunately, his power had long been exhausted. He couldn't even protect himself before, so how could he save others?

Ruby seems to have used up all its strength

The last strength grabbed Ji Wufeng's arm, shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter if I die, at least I will die because of you..."

Hongyu didn't finish the rest of her words, but Ji Wufeng knew that she had no regrets, because she wanted to say that at least she died in his arms.

Holding the body that was gradually getting colder, Ji Wufeng's mind went blank for a moment.

To be honest, Hong Yu is not even a friend in his eyes. If Hong Yu is in trouble, he will definitely help her, but if Hong Yu is in danger of life and he needs to pay a price to save her, he will definitely choose to refuse.

But the more this happened, the more painful Ji Wufeng felt. He might never be able to repay this kindness.

Two people died at once, and another person's head was smashed. There were screams in the cabin, and some even had heart disease and their whole bodies twitched, and they hurriedly took out their own medicine.

After receiving the news, the security personnel on the plane rushed over. Under unknown circumstances, they pointed at Ji Wufeng's head and shouted: "Hold your head with both hands, don't move!"

Ji Wufeng raised his head and said coldly: "I need a phone call now!"

The plane landed at Yuzhou International Airport, and a fleet of Mercedes-Benz vehicles were waiting to land on the airport runway. Who could drive a car directly here?

Is there any international big shot coming?

All the car doors were opened, and several handsome young men led a group of strong men wearing white shirts and black suits in a neat row, with a white flower hanging on each person's chest.

The cabin door opened, and a pale bald young man walked down slowly holding a woman wearing a stewardess uniform. Four people in black suits immediately stepped forward to pick up the woman. The young man said in a hoarse voice: "Be careful. , I don’t want her to get hurt anymore.”

Sitting in the car, Jin Yu and others said with indignation: "It's really despicable.

Actually using such means? "

Ji Wufeng remained silent. Although he was a little despicable, he almost succeeded. If it weren't for Hongyu, he would be a dead man now.

The next day Ji Wufeng found Hongyu's family. Her parents were a very ordinary working-class couple, and her mother was seriously ill. The high medical bills put the whole family into financial crisis. This was also the reason why Hongyu fell into prostitution in the first place. root cause.

Seeing their daughter's cold body, the couple was so distraught that they fainted from crying several times.

After they calmed down, Ji Wufeng held their hands and said: "Uncle and aunt, Hongyu is no longer here. Please express your condolences and accept my wishes. My name is Ji Wufeng, and I am Hongyu's boyfriend. From now on, I will be your son. I will You will take care of yourself till the end of your life!"

After handling Hongyu's funeral, Ji Qingchen appeared in front of Ji Wufeng. He knew that Ji Qingchen had been here a long time ago, but he just didn't show up.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Ji Qingchen looked at the extremely haggard Ji Wufeng, his face full of guilt and distress.

Ji Wufeng smiled, touched her head and said, "Silly girl, this matter has nothing to do with you, what is there to be sorry for?"

"Brother, will you still love me?" Ji Qingchen asked.

"Of course I will love you. You are my sister and will always be, so I will always love you." Ji Wufeng affirmed.

"Then I want to go shopping now, and you want to accompany me." Ji Qingchen said.

"Come with me? Go shopping?"

Ji Wufeng's face suddenly fell. Of course he knew that Ji Qingchen just wanted to accompany him and comfort him, but going shopping?

Women who like shopping are disgusting, but women who like shopping but don't like buying are even more disgusting.

Ji Qingchen immediately pouted and said, "You said you loved me just now, but now you don't even go shopping with me."

"Go, go, go!"

Sure enough, after walking around several streets, Ji Qingchen at least tried a few

I didn't buy any of the ten sets of clothes, but every time I left, the shopping guides looked at Ji Wufeng with disdain.

The last shopping guide said something when they left: Poor guy, why should you take your girlfriend shopping if you don't have money?

This made Ji Wufeng's face turn green and he said, "Sister, please, how about we buy one."

Ji Qingchen rolled his eyes and said, "I'm just here for shopping, I didn't say I wanted to buy anything."

Finally Ji Qingchen stopped and said, "I'm tired, let's go back."

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he was so excited that he almost cried. He quickly stopped and squatted down, saying, "Come on, I'll carry you."

Ji Qingchen hesitated for a moment, and finally lay on Ji Wufeng's back, holding his neck tightly with both hands.

Ji Wufeng stood up and strode forward. Ji Qingchen lay on his back, enjoying the warmth.

At this time, a girl's voice came from behind, saying: "Husband, I also want you to carry me."

Ji Wufeng said proudly: "You see, some people envy you."

"Holy shit, you actually let me carry you?" a boy screamed.

Ji Wufeng stopped and turned around, and saw a very thin boy standing in front of a girl not far away. When he saw the girl's size clearly, he almost fell to the ground.

The boy weighed only a hundred pounds when he was dead, and the girl was probably twice as heavy as the boy.

At this moment, there was sudden chaos in front, followed by a girl's apology and a man's scolding.

"You can't walk without eyes. Now my car is costing me money. What do you want me to do?"

"Yes...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."


This was followed by the girl's cry of pain.

Ji Wufeng felt that the voice was very familiar. He frowned, put Ji Qingchen down and said, "Let's go over and have a look."

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