With this shout, the guest who originally shouted three million immediately lost his voice.

After the auctioneer called three times, Tang Huanxin accepted the first collection.

After the first round was over, Tang Huanxin turned around and smiled at Ji Wufeng: "I know nothing about antiques. I guess many people laughed at me as being taken advantage of."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "Maybe it will be worth 10 million in a few years. Just keep it at home."

"Oh, do you know this business?" Tang Huanxin asked curiously.

Ji Wufeng was about to speak when he suddenly felt a pain in his foot. He turned to look at Lu Shuangshuang and quickly waved his hands and said, "I don't understand, I don't understand. I'm just talking nonsense."

Tang Huanxin immediately pursed her lips and smiled, and when she turned her head, she didn't forget to glance at Lu Shuangshuang.

The second and third collections were successively put on the screen.

They were either famous calligraphy and painting, or antiques, and each piece was more valuable than the other. Soon, the starting price directly exceeded 10 million.

However, after collecting the first collection, Tang Huanxin stopped bidding, and Lu Shuangshuang was as quiet as ever, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Ji Wufeng felt slightly bored. The games played by the rich were actually extremely monotonous. The money, which they didn't know where it would go to, besides bringing them a moment of pleasure, only left a greater emptiness.

However, when the fifth item in the collection was released, Ji Wufeng clearly felt some changes in everyone's mood.

I saw that it was a dark object, and it was not very ornamental. However, after Ji Wufeng saw the object clearly, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The animal head is actually an animal head!

Although it is very dark, you can still tell that it is made of metal and is in the shape of a dog's head. It is very old, but it looks lifelike.

"It's the head of a dog in the Chinese zodiac!" someone shouted.

His shout immediately attracted everyone's attention and everyone exclaimed, including Lu Shuangshuang, who had always been lacking interest.


The twelve zodiac animals are the essence of Chinese cultural tradition. According to legend, the ancients made twelve animal heads out of bronze, which represent the twelve zodiac animals. They have very important cultural collection value and are worth immeasurable money.

However, it is a pity that most of the twelve beast heads were lost in the flames of war. I did not expect that one would appear here.

However, not everyone is full of interest in the beast heads. Qianye Ming and Tang Huanxin all have a casual look on their faces, and there are also some people with more than simple identities who do the same.

Sure enough, the auctioneer smiled and said: "Yes, this is the dog in the Chinese zodiac, but unfortunately, through the channels we obtained, we cannot verify whether this animal head is a fake."

When the auctioneer said this, everyone immediately understood that it was impossible to verify that the 80% was fake. No wonder the big shots didn't pay attention to it.

But before the auctioneer finished speaking, Meris, who had been sitting there, shouted loudly: "Fifty million."

The auctioneer didn't even quote the starting price, and this guy just shouted 50 million. Is he crazy or does he print money at home?

Seeing everyone looking at him in confusion, Mairis said proudly: "Although it cannot be verified, what if it is true? If I can buy your national treasure for just a few small bucks, I will make a profit." ”

Hearing this, some people were slightly angry, but no one made a bid.

There is absolutely no way this beast head is real. If it is real, it will never appear here easily. Even if it is real, the government will definitely come forward and it must not fall into the hands of foreigners.

"Fifty million once, fifty million twice, fifty million..."

Just when the auctioneer's hammer was about to hit the ground, a clear voice sounded, shouting: "Fifty-one million!"

Following the sound, I saw a beautiful, but cold and arrogant woman in black sitting there quietly at the very back of the seat.

Ji Wufeng was stunned when he saw this woman. How could it be this little girl?

At the same time, the auctioneer on the stage was stumped because the woman did not have a number plate on her desk. This shows that the guests at this table were not invited to participate in the original auction event, and they were only there to watch.

So, when the girl finished shouting, the auctioneer didn't know how to open his mouth.

Mr. Yang, who was sitting in a corner of the venue and quietly watching the auction, looked a little surprised and asked an assistant beside him, "What's going on with that young lady?"

The assistant replied nervously: "Old man, that lady entered the Yang family privately. However, according to the investigation, the lady came to Yuzhou from Huajing yesterday and lived in the Liu family. As for why she suddenly participated in the I was also surprised by the bidding.”

"Hmph, did you let the guest in without investigating clearly?"

Mr. Yang looked solemn and said, "Send me a number quickly. We can talk about other things after the auction is over." ??

"Yes." The assistant was sweating and immediately sent someone to deliver a number plate to the seat of the woman in black.

When the auctioneer saw someone coming to the rescue, he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Guest No. 89 bids 51 million, 51 million once..."

"Eighty million." Meris said with a slight smile.

Everyone looked depressed. This bastard had nearly 30 million in total. He really had a lot of money to burn.

"Eighty-one million!" the woman in black shouted quietly.

"One hundred million!"

When the price reached 100 million, the woman in black finally stopped shouting. Obviously, the price was beyond her tolerance.

Just when everyone thought that no one would follow Merius, Lu Shuangshuang, who had been silent, suddenly raised his number plate.

"One hundred and ten million." Lu Shuangshuang shouted in a somewhat serious tone without any expression on her cold face.

Many guests showed strange expressions and looked at Lu Shuangshuang who suddenly disrupted the situation in confusion. Although Lu Shuangshuang is now a rising star in the shopping mall, the businessman is very profitable. Why would she spend a lot of money to buy a fake and offend a prince? Even though I have been offended before.

Ji Wufeng also looked surprised and said: "I said, if you spend so much money to buy a fake, aren't you going to be taken advantage of?"

Lu Shuangshuang turned to look at him and said, "How do you know it's fake? People said it couldn't be verified, but they didn't say it was fake."

"What if it's fake?"

"But what if it's true?"

Lu Shuangshuang said with firm eyes: "We cannot let such a national treasure fall into the hands of outsiders, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, but if you care about money, I can give up."

Ji Wufeng looked sideways for a while. Lu Shuangshuang was undoubtedly a miser, but for this reason he actually made such a big deal.

"What are you talking about, Sister Shuangshuang? No matter how high the price is, if it's not enough, you can just sell the Tianxiang. But you still have to believe me. I guarantee that this animal head is fake."

Ji Wufeng has never seen an animal head, but he knows that such a national treasure must have accumulated a lot of spiritual energy after being passed down for thousands of years. However, this animal head has no spiritual energy at all, so it must be a modern imitation of a fake.

Lu Shuangshuang absolutely believed Ji Wufeng's words. Seeing him so sure, the expression on his face was obviously extremely disappointed.

But she suddenly raised the number plate in her hand and shouted: "Twenty million!"

Ji Wufeng almost fainted. Even though he said it was fake, he still wanted to buy this girl's skin. His brain was squeezed by the door? No matter how generous he is, he won't spend 200 million to buy a piece of scrap metal and go back.

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