The whole place was immediately in an uproar. Damn, what does this little girl want to do? Is it too harsh to directly increase the price by 100 million?

The auctioneer was stunned and said: "Miss Lu, others haven't started bidding yet, you don't need to increase your bid..."

However, Lu Shuangshuang said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I like to bid with myself, so that some people who can't afford it can give up early, which saves trouble!"

Who should give up? It seems that the only person bidding against her is Prince Meris. Is she saying that Meris can't afford it?

Meris immediately became angry and immediately raised his sign and said: "Three hundred million!"

"Four hundred million!" Lu Shuangshuang wrote lightly.

Ji Wufeng's face turned green, Lu Shuangshuang looked at him sideways and said, "Don't worry, Tianxiang is definitely worth 400 million now, you don't have to worry about not being able to spend the money!"

"It's not that I care about money, but I don't want to be a fool." Ji Wufeng said.

"You can rest assured about this. There are idiots here, but they will never be us." Lu Shuangshuang glanced at Meris provocatively.

This made Ji Wufeng instantly understand that Lu Shuangshuang was deliberately playing tricks on Merius.

Meris had already promised to take down the beast head, so naturally he would not give up easily. More importantly, he had tried to get close to Lu Shuangshuang before but was defeated, which made him extremely embarrassed.

Now he is competing with Lu Shuangshuang. If he loses again, it will be a huge loss.

How could the majestic prince allow such a thing to happen?

Seeing that Lu Shuangshuang still shouted out 400 million not to be outdone, he finally could no longer calm down and stared at Lu Shuangshuang sitting behind him with cold eyes.

This is clearly a fake. Spending tens of millions would already be a loss, but now it costs hundreds of millions. No matter how rich his family is, they can't afford such a hassle.

"Five hundred million!" Meris shouted almost through gritted teeth.

Lu Shuangshuang still wanted to raise the sign, but was stopped by Ji Wufeng, saying: "I said, it can't be worse. Didn't you see that guy was already anxious? By then

If you really don’t want this anymore, just buy this piece of rotten copper back. "

Lu Shuangshuang thought for a while and said, "Well, I originally wanted him to spend a billion, but now I'll give him a half discount."

Ji Wufeng suddenly fainted. This little girl was so ruthless in his feelings. However, Mai Ruisi was so face-saving that he had already lost face once in front of Lu Shuangshuang. If Lu Shuangshuang continued to raise the price, this kid might really insist on shouting one billion. .

It seems that I can't easily offend this little girl in the future. I don't know if Meris will lose his male function in anger when he spends a billion to buy back a big copper block.

Seeing that Lu Shuangshuang finally stopped bidding, the auctioneer shouted: "Five hundred million once! Five hundred million twice! Five hundred million three times! The deal is done! Congratulations to Prince Meris!"

Just as the auctioneer finished shouting these words, a huge roar reached the ears of everyone present!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The violent vibrations caused the guests in the venue to scream and panic. It was obviously the sound of high explosives exploding, and it even felt like a missile bombing!

After the entire venue shook violently, all the large lights dimly went out, and the venue fell into darkness!

Women's exclamations mixed with men's yells, while many bodyguards nervously began to block the entrances. However, it was too dark and chaotic inside, and the bodyguards were completely at a loss.

"Damn it! What's going on?"

Mr. Yang, who was sitting in the corner and felt the vibration of the venue, stood up angrily. He didn't understand why there was such a sound, and he didn't know where the explosion occurred!

The siren suddenly sounded at this moment, and the red warning light flashed suddenly in the venue.

Come on, backup power is apparently automatically enabled.

The situation was far worse than Mr. Yang and the guests present imagined. The auction that had just been going well suddenly turned into a panic situation.

When the venue was in chaos, Ji Wufeng perked up and protected Lu Shuangshuang tightly. At the moment when he fell into darkness, Lu Shuangshuang was obviously a little panicked, but when Ji Wufeng's body gently touched hers At that moment, her face immediately became relaxed.

Although the lights in the venue were turned off, it did not affect Ji Wufeng's vision. Ji Wufeng could easily see that Tang Huanxin, Qian Yeming, Mai Ruisi and others were all frowning, but they were all very calm.

However, he discovered something interesting. He saw the body of the woman in black sitting at the back suddenly rise up, and when others were not paying attention, she jumped out of the venue.

The backup power supply was quickly activated, and the entire venue began to be brightly lit again. Mr. Yang personally stood up to comfort the guests.

"Old man, it's not good!"

A panicked voice came from outside, and it was a supervisor of the Yang family who ran in. At this moment, his face was full of fear, and he shouted in a trembling voice: "It's not good, old man, someone suddenly called me and said... A bomb was planted here!”


Mr. Yang, who had reassured his guests just now, suddenly lost his composure and asked with a livid face: "Say it again! Make it clear!"

Just as the supervisor was about to speak, the assistant standing behind Mr. Yang suddenly rang his cell phone. After looking at the phone, the assistant said, "Old man, it's an unfamiliar number."

When the supervisor heard this, he shouted: "It's him! He just said that he asked me to tell the old man what happened, and then he would talk to the old man himself!"

Hearing that a bomb had been planted in the Yang family's courtyard, everyone was immediately frightened as if they were fried. Mr. Yang remained calm in the face of danger and made a prompt decision, saying: "Take it, hands-free."

. "

The assistant rang the phone, and an electronically synthesized voice immediately sounded: "Mr. Yang, the auction went very smoothly. Five hundred million is a big deal."

Everyone was shocked. Knowing Mr. Yang's personal phone number was enough. How could that person know that there was an auction going on here, and he could even feel the price so clearly.

That means this person must be inside them and understand their situation very well.

"Hey, distinguished guests here, you don't need to panic. If I can't even grasp where you are, then how can I guarantee that the bomb I installed can affect you? How can I make you believe that I really have What about planting bombs?”

"Who are you?" Mr. Yang asked, frowning.

The electronic voice on the phone laughed a few times and said: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that now I just need to press a button, and the bomb installed in the Yang family will blow up the entire villa. When the time comes, you It’s hard to fly even with wings, everyone will die.”

Everyone was immediately frightened to death, and some of the timid ones began to shake their legs and wanted to run away.

Damn it, there is a bomb here. If you don't run away, why don't you stay here and wait to die?

But the electronically synthesized voice on the phone continued: "Hey, but I advise you not to try to escape. As long as you take a step outside the Yang family, I will regard the plan as a failure. I will activate the bomb immediately, and I can also tell you that the bomb There are also biological and chemical weapons in it, so even warriors can’t even think of escaping unscathed.”

The Yang family is a leading family with many warriors. Ordinary bombs will not work, but the opponent actually chose biological and chemical weapons. It can be said that they are fully prepared.

The electronic sound on the phone was extremely arrogant, but such arrogance made people helpless, because everyone present was afraid of death, and some timid women started sobbing directly.

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