"Since you clearly know that he is setting you up, why do you still fall for it?"

"But what if he can't frame me?" After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, there was a smile on his face, and he smiled very wickedly.

Lu Shuangshuang was not a fool and understood immediately.

Mai Rui was invited by Qian Ye Ming to come to Yuzhou. Now that Mai Rui is dead, Xin'an will definitely investigate him. If the murderer is found, he will be severely punished, but what if the murderer is not found?

If the murderer cannot be found, then Qianye Ming will be responsible for Maires's death!

Ji Wufeng wanted Qianye Ming to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

But Lu Shuangshuang was still worried and said: "But even so, you are taking too much risk. After all, he is a prince. If you kill him, you will leave traces..."

Ji Wufeng said carelessly: "That's nothing. This bitch prince actually dares to trick you. I originally wanted to kill him, but Qian Yeming even sent him to your door. Wouldn't it be too rude if I didn't want this gift?" Yet?"

Lu Shuangshuang was stunned and said, "Did you kill him because of me?"

Because of Hongyu, Ji Wufeng's knot in his heart has not yet been resolved, and he said: "I will not let the people I care about get hurt again." .??.

Lu Shuangshuang was silent for a while, and just then a car drove over. Zhong Tianmin, Cheng Yang and Xia Feng ran over and were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Instructor, are you a little too big this time?" Xia Feng said.

Ji Wufeng pointed to the broken corpses of the two monsters on the ground and said, "Take this back and let Mr. Long take a good look at it, otherwise he will have to eat me!"

After Yang Feiyun brought Yang Tianming back to Yang's house, he immediately announced that the bomb issue had been solved. All the guests immediately breathed a sigh of relief and ran away, faster than a rabbit.

I almost lost my life here, why would I want to stay here anymore?

But before they left, Yang Tianming announced another blockbuster news that was as powerful as an atomic bomb. Mai Ruisi was killed by Ji Wufeng!


The guests who had already run to the door suddenly stopped. They looked at the body of Mairis that Yang Tianming brought back with expressions of disbelief on their faces. He was a prince of a prince. He was actually killed. How could he? Come on?

Sure enough, although Qianye Ming's face was full of shock, there was an imperceptible viciousness in his eyes.

Although Tang Huanxin was still dignified, she remained in the same posture for a long time without moving, as if her acupuncture points were tapped. She looked shocked. After a long time, she murmured: "What kind of person are you?"

After the news was brought out of the Yang family, although it was late at night, Yuzhou was not calm at all. It was as if a pot had exploded. Killing a prince was a big deal.

After taking Lu Shuangshuang back to Longtan Township, the phone rang. It was Long Si. After the call was answered, Long Si cursed: "You little bastard, are you crazy or crazy? You actually killed all the princes. Are you looking for death? If you want to die, just stay away from me. Don’t hurt me. I haven’t lived enough yet and I haven’t married a wife yet. Damn it..."

Ji Wufeng held the phone far away, and he knew where the phone was without having to guess. Long Si probably jumped up, and Tumo Xingzi collapsed all over the phone.

It took more than ten minutes, when Long Si had probably finished squirting the spitting stars, and the phone finally became quiet, Ji Wufeng put the phone to his ear and said slowly: "Why don't you just kill a prince, what's the big deal?" What are you talking about? He is already dozens of years old and he doesn’t know how to be calm at all."

Long Si was already tired of scolding, but when he heard this, he jumped up again and shouted: "Calm down? I'll calm you down! You killed a prince. If the superiors hold me accountable, I'll have to drink porridge too. You let me?" How can I calm down?"

"What are you talking about? Wait until you see Zhong Tianmin give me to you

Can't you scold me again for your gift? "Ji Wufeng said.

"Giving gifts? It's useless to give you any fucking gifts at this time... Uh... Tianmin, what is this? Damn it..."

Obviously, Zhong Tianmin had brought the monster's body back.

After a while, Long Si's anger obviously dissipated and he said, "You want to do something big this time?"

"If you want to play, just play big. It's not fun to always play small."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, but I need your cooperation."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone with Long Si, Ji Wufeng stripped himself naked and got into the bathroom humming a little tune.

Outside the villa, two graceful bodies came slowly, reflecting the moonlight. They turned out to be the twin sisters who had competed with Ji Wufeng for the CD. .??.

My sister said, "Sister, are you sure he can really help us?"

"I don't know, but since he can kill those monsters easily, he at least has the ability to fight against them."

"Then let's go in quickly, otherwise we will be dead when the red snake comes after us!"

My sister said with a solemn face: "Sister, if he doesn't help us, you should leave immediately and I will help you hold Red Snake down."


My sister immediately objected and said: "Sister, you are my only relative. I will never leave you. If you want to die, we will die together!"

"Hey, if one of us is going to die, let's die together!" A cold voice came.

Then a strong man at least two meters tall walked away, and the two sisters could feel a tremor in their hearts with every step they took.

He has a big blood-colored face, a beard, and two thick eyebrows that are like two fat caterpillars, clinging to them. Although his big eyes are not as big as a copper bell, they are still surprisingly big.

When the two sisters saw the person coming, they immediately

With a look of panic on her face, my sister forced herself to calm down and said, "Red Snake, it seems there is still one day before the deadline! What do you mean by coming now?"

"You must have forgotten! Counting from the day I received the mission, today happens to be the day to hand in the mission. Where are the things!" Red Snake looked at the two sisters coldly.

"We can't get it!"

The younger sister took the lead and said coldly: "Whether you want to kill or behead me depends on your ability!"

He waved his left hand towards his waist and pointed a soft steel sword diagonally at the ground, blocking it in front of his sister, as if facing an enemy in battle.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

Red Snake laughed loudly and strode towards the two sisters. The younger sister gave a sweet shout and shook her soft sword. The sword struck towards Red Snake's face like a silver snake. Although the latter was huge in size, it moved at an astonishing speed. Very quickly, this move was easily resolved with a slight tilt of the head.

The younger sister snorted in her heart, poured her inner strength into the sword body, and stabbed dozens of swords at Red Snake in an instant. In the blink of an eye, Red Snake's eyes were filled with sword shadows, but there was no trace of fear on her face. She let the sword tip pierce her body, "Ding Ding Ding" "Ding ding" several metallic collision sounds sounded.

The younger sister looked at the red snake in front of her with surprise. She was stabbed dozens of times by the soft sword that she had imbued with internal strength, but nothing happened.

Seeing that her sister's attack had no effect on the red snake, her sister pushed it behind her and shouted: "You go first! Hurry!"

Then he took out a small pistol from behind and pointed at Red Snake: "If you don't want to die, just stop!"

"No! Sister, let's go together!" The younger sister rushed forward stubbornly.

"I want to leave! Humph!"

Red Snake roared, and his palms suddenly turned blood red, as if they were burning, and a burst of fire-like hot breath came out of his body from time to time.

Seeing such a weird scene, my sister instinctively fired a few shots. She saw Red Snake waving her palms and heard the sound of "ding-ding" metal colliding. The bullets fell to the ground, as if they were burned red by fire.

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