"Let's go!"

The elder sister's expression changed and she was about to pull her sister away, but when she turned around, she saw a blur in front of her eyes and a burning pain in her arm. She saw Red Snake standing in front of her, looking at the two sisters in panic with amusement and cruelty in her eyes. A confused look.

"Run, it's still early anyway, I will play with you today." Red Snake said jokingly.

A careless voice suddenly sounded: "Tsk tsk tsk tsk... Big man, I'm afraid it's not good to bully two pretty little girls like this! I'm worried that you'll kill them with just one slap! How about I play with you?"

"Huh? Who are you!" The big man asked in surprise. Ji Wufeng was approaching, but he didn't notice it and he couldn't help but be cautious.

"Many people call me handsome guy. If you don't mind, just call me that!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"you wanna die!"

Red Snake roared, punched Ji Wufeng, and suddenly a hot breath hit his face.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. The strength of this red snake was not low, and he had actually reached the fifth level of the innate world.

Seeing Ji Wufeng appear, the two sisters were overjoyed. The savior finally came. Seeing the two of them fighting, the younger sister couldn't help shouting: "Be careful, it's Blazing Palm!"

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he immediately patted his chest and said fearfully: "Damn, it's so hot. Do you want to roast me and eat me?"

But while he was shouting, his feet were motionless, and he saw that the red snake was about to hit him with his palm.

The two sisters were immediately shocked, and the younger sister shouted: "Idiot, run quickly, do you want to die?"


There was a loud noise, waves of heat rushed over, and a big crater was made on the ground.

Both sisters closed their eyes. It's over. Although this guy is good at strength, he is unfortunately a fool.

"Damn it, you bastard, are you fighting or demolishing the house? Do you have a sense of ethics? You made such a big hole in the ground, what if an old lady falls in? Even if the old lady doesn't fall in, there is a beautiful woman What should I do if I fall in? A beautiful woman falls in

If I go, I have to go down to get her. What if she takes the opportunity to fall in love with me? Don’t you know that having too many beautiful women around you is not a good thing? What if I lose my kidneys? "

Ji Wufeng's ghostly screams suddenly came to their ears. The two of them opened their eyes and took a look. They saw Ji Wufeng standing there perfectly, with one hand on his waist and the other pointing at the red snake, spitting out foam and stars flying around.

The big, watery eyes of the two sisters suddenly widened. Is this a weird situation?

Hearing Ji Wufeng's yelling, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the two sisters. They had seen thick-skinned people, but never such a shameless one.

"You little bastard, go to hell!"

Red Snake screamed angrily at Ji Wufeng's scolding, and slapped him again.

"Are you coming again? I'll be angry if you come again. Let me tell you, I'm really angry!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped far away, suddenly jumped up high, and struck the red snake with a palm across the air.


This palm hit the red snake's head, and the tall body was like a wooden stake being hit hard by a hammer. It was shortened by more than half, and the neck was crooked and died.

Upon closer inspection, the two sisters couldn't help but gasp. The lower body of Red Snake was directly driven into the ground by this palm.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and sighed: "I'll just tell you, don't make me angry. It's okay now."

The two sisters looked shocked. They knew Ji Wufeng was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong and kill Red Snake so easily.

"Thank you! If it weren't for you just now, my sister and I would have died!"

My sister stepped forward to express her gratitude solemnly, and at the same time said with a solemn face: "It's just that if you kill Red Snake now, Snake Cave will never let you go! You'd better go and don't worry about us.

Got it! "

When my sister heard this, she immediately became anxious and said: "Sister! How can you let him go if he is so powerful? You saw it just now. He can kill those monsters easily. Even the red snake is not his opponent. I have this ability. But this is the first time we see him, if he leaves, we will be dead!"

"shut up!"

My sister angrily said: "He is very powerful, but you have also seen that Red Snake came here so quickly. The power of Snake Cave is definitely stronger than we imagined. He can deal with one, two, or even ten. But can we deal with the entire snake cave? How can we harm others for our own safety? Why should he help us? "


The younger sister still wanted to persuade, but it was not the right thing to say. Indeed, Ji Wufeng was very strong, but he had no obligation to put himself in danger for them.

Indeed, Ji Wufeng didn't want to have anything to do with the sisters, so he wanted to help them this time and then part ways, but after hearing that Red Snake was actually from Snake Cave, he immediately changed his mind.

After fighting against Snake Ku several times, Snake Ku seemed to be frightened by him and then disappeared, but now he found that it was far from that simple. .??.

Since Snake Cave has a master of Red Snake's level, there was no need to be afraid of Ji Wufeng before he showed enough strength, but Snake Cave chose to retreat.

This doesn't make sense.

In this case, he must eradicate the snake den and uproot it, otherwise he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

After looking at the corpse on the ground that looked like half a wooden stake, there was a faint light reflecting from an inconspicuous place.

Ji Wufeng leaned over and took out the light-reflecting object from the waist of the corpse. It turned out to be a small medicine bottle, which contained more than half of the bottle of white powder. What on earth was this thing?

At this time, my sister also saw what Ji Wufeng was holding and shouted in surprise: "Jue Jin Powder!"


"What is Juejin Powder?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Juejin Powder is a very poisonous poison. When the poison takes effect after taking it, all the muscles and veins in the body feel as if they have been broken, which is extremely painful.

"Well! This is what Snake House feeds us, and every once in a while we have to take something called the Meridian Renewal Pill! This way we won't be poisoned."

At this point, the younger sister standing behind suddenly fell to the ground in pain, with veins all over her body bulging and rolling on the ground, her pink face almost twisted in pain.

My sister immediately said in a panic: "Quick! See if he has the Pulse Renewal Pill on him, and first relieve my sister's pain!"

Ji Wufeng groped for a while on the body and found a bottle containing red pills.

"Yes! That's it! Save my sister!"

"Wait! I can't give this to you. I think the more you eat, the more poisonous you will become." Ji Wufeng said flatly.

"I can't worry about that much now, let's detoxify first." My sister reached out to get the elixir.

Ji Wufeng quickly avoided it and said, "I think it's better to forget it. I'll help her detoxify."

There is no way, forget it if you don't meet her, but if you meet her, you can't just sit back and watch. Who said she is a delicate little beauty? If she is a man or an aunt, no one cares about her life or death.

"You can't solve it! Please give me the elixir!" My sister begged heartbrokenly as she listened to her sister's painful moans.

Ji Wufeng's face suddenly darkened and he said dissatisfiedly: "I don't like hearing what you say. Don't look down on people, okay? I'm very powerful."

After saying that, he walked up to his sister, lifted her up from the ground, and slapped her on the back.

The elder sister originally wanted to say something, but she found that her younger sister suddenly became quiet, and the pained look on her face disappeared. She suddenly looked stunned. Could he really be able to cure the poison of Jue Jin Powder?

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