Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 141: Thunder Tribulation

When we went to Louzi River, Lingquan Pond was still emitting white mist, but it was not the water vapor formed by hot water encountering cool air, but the cold air emitted by Lingquan. Yes, the Lingquan in Lingquan Pond is cold.

Although the Lingquan was still liquid, the temperature of the Lingquan was the same as that of the frozen river water, and it was icy cold to the bones.

Louzixi is in the state of soul, so there is no process of undressing. He directly touched the surface of the water with his feet. As soon as Louzixi’s toes touched the surface of the water, Louzixi shuddered hard and shivered all over his body. They are all upright. However, just touching the surface of the water with the toes, the aura in Lou Zixi's body has already increased a lot.

Louzixi buckled his teeth, raised his foot and stepped into the Lingquan Pond. As Louzixi's entire body was immersed in the water, the aura in Louzixi began to run wildly.

"Are you okay?" Lou Yiran was a little worried. "If you can't stand it, use aura to keep out the cold."

Although the spiritual spring can quickly repair the wounds in the practitioner's body, at the same time, the practitioner will also experience a biting icy feeling. If the spiritual energy in the practitioner runs the body to block the chill, the effect of absorbing the aura will be greatly reduced, so , Generally speaking, many people don't use aura to resist the cold when they soak in the spirit spring.

"Don't worry, I can bear it." Lou Zixi closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing.

When Lou Yiran saw this, he didn't bother Louzixi, and with a light wave of his hand, there was an additional layer of enchantment on the entire Lingquan Pond to prevent anyone from disturbing Louzixi.

However, no one would have imagined that Lou Zixi had practiced for half a year.

In the past six months, Lou Yiran would observe Louzixi outside the barrier from time to time, but Louzixi seemed to be asleep without responding.

Although Lou Yiran was worried, he never disturbed Louzixi.

Half a year later, the cloudless sky above Lingquan Lake suddenly became gray, and suddenly there were more billowing black clouds in the sky. The strange thing is that, except for the sky above Lingquan Pond, the rest of the sky is still clear.

Lou Yiran and others knew this was a sign of a breakthrough.

"Look at this, someone has broken through the primordial infant stage. Is anyone going to break through during this period?" A white-bearded grandfather touched his long white beard and his face was delighted.

"It doesn't seem to be." A young boy with a child-like appearance pinched his fingers and said hesitantly.

"Then who is this?" Grandpa White Beard paused when he touched his beard, with some doubts.

"It's Zixi!" Lou Yiran looked up at the location where the dark clouds appeared, and found that it was in Lingquan Pond, but now the only person in Lingquan Pond is Lou Zixi!

Thinking of this, Lou Yiran's face suddenly turned white, Lou Zixi didn't prepare anything at all, and he didn't expect Lou Zixi to break through to the Yuan Ying stage so soon, naturally he didn't make preparations in advance, that is to say. This time, Louzixi could only rely on his own soul to stop the thunder catastrophe, and how could Louzixi's soul stop the thunder catastrophe! Moreover, Lou Zixi had fallen during the advancement of Yuan Ying stage in his last life, so how could Lou Yiran not worry about it.

Lou Yiran teleported to a short distance from Lingquan Pond, but he didn't get close anymore. Instead, he paced back and forth anxiously, paying attention to the situation of Louzixi.

The reason Lou Yiran didn’t get close was that he could only rely on himself when he was fighting the thunder tribulation, and no one was allowed to approach him when he was surviving the thunder tribulation.

When someone is fighting thunder tribulation, someone approaches and helps him to stop thunder tribulation, thunder tribulation will change according to the level of the person who comes, the higher the level of the person who helps, the more difficult the thunder tribulation will be.

On the Lingquan Pond, Louzixi stood in the sky, surrounded by spiritual energy, ready to welcome the baptism of Lei Jie at any time.

As if to shock Louzi Creek, some dark purple lightning began to appear among the originally black clouds in the sky, making the sky look even more terrifying.

Lou Zixi clearly remembered that he died in the hands of these black and purple lightnings in his previous life, and now he seems to be able to feel the pain of lightning hitting his body when he died. Lou Zixi squeezed a fist, he can't die this time, he still has to go to see the man

It seemed that I wanted to hit Louzi Creek. When the Louzi Creek burst out with a strong intent to fight, the clouds in the sky rolled faster and faster, and the black and purple thunder and lightning appeared more and more among the clouds. Finally, they struck unexpectedly. Down.

When Louzixi saw this, he turned the aura in his body to the fastest speed, and summoned Ruohan from the sea of ​​consciousness. At the moment when the thunder and lightning were passed down, Ruohan with the blue ray of the sword was blocked in front of him. Thunder and lightning.

When the lightning hit Louzixi, it was the strongest time. Louzixi was directly hit by the lightning and fell more than ten meters.

Later, Lou Zixi slowly pushed the lightning back slowly.

"Ah..." Louzixi fiercely lifted Ruohan up, and Thunder also spared no effort to beat Louzixi to the ground.

In the end, the thunder and lightning disappeared first, but Lou Zixi knelt down too tired.

"He can't look like this." Grandpa White Beard walked behind Lou Yiran and said, "There are a total of four Thunder Tribulations who have been promoted to Yuan Ying, and now he is the first one to be so exhausted. What can be done with the three thunder and lightning behind? Do? If I’m not mistaken, he is now in a soul state and he can’t get magic weapons from the space ring at all.”

"He will be fine." Lou Yiran said firmly.

"How do you know that there will be nothing wrong with him?" Lou Yiran's eyes were too firm. At first glance, it was not a self-comforting statement, but a fact.

Lou Yiran pursed his lips and said nothing.

Cultivation was originally to go against the sky, and Thunder Tribulation was born because of this, and Lei Tribulation existed to prevent practitioners from becoming gods. Therefore, Lei Jie will not wait for Louzixi to return to its peak state before landing. Lei Jie’s favorite thing is to kill you when you are sick.

While Lou Zixi was still panting, a black and purple lightning that was even bigger than before struck down again.

Lou Zixi cursed, and had to stand up and continue to think of ways to fight against the thunder and lightning.

Lou Zixi was a little grateful that he had space, but the magic weapons and medicines in the space ring had been moved to the space. Otherwise, he would really fall down today.

Lou Zixi quickly took out a bottle of Hui Ling Pill from the space, poured a pill into his mouth, Hui Ling Pill, which is a kind of pill that can quickly restore the aura in the body.

Then he took out a magic weapon from the space. The name of the magic weapon is Hunyuan Umbrella. It is a mid-level magic weapon. Although the level can only be regarded as medium, its effect is very powerful. The Hunyuan Umbrella can absorb anything at its level. After the following things are absorbed, the Hunyuan Umbrella will not absorb or destroy the absorbed things, but will store these things in its own body as a container, waiting for the owner to decide whether to leave or leave them.

"Where did he get the magic weapon?" Grandpa White Beard's eyes protruded in shock!

"I don't know, it seems that he also has his own opportunity during this time." Seeing Lou Zixi had a way to protect himself, Lou Yiran was finally relieved.

Lou Zixi used the Hunyuan Umbrella to survive two thunderstorms. He first washed the second thunder and lightning into the inside of the umbrella, and then when the third thunder and lightning struck down, he released the thunder and lightning he had absorbed before, two lightning phases. After the collision, although there were still some omissions, it was no longer a threat to Lou Zixi.

Only the last thunder and lightning remained, and the strongest thunder and lightning.

As long as it passes this thunder and lightning, Louzixi will be able to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage.

The last thunder and lightning Louzixi is not a big deal to use the Hunyuan Umbrella, one is because although the lightning exists to prevent the cultivator from becoming a god, it will strengthen the physique of the cultivator, which is very helpful to the cultivator. Second, frequent use of the Hunyuan Umbrella can easily damage the Hunyuan Umbrella. Louzixi plans to use it again next time.

After the third thunder and lightning disappeared, the fourth thunder and lightning appeared, giving no time to react at all.

This time, Lou Zixi released all the spiritual energy, and the blue light on the sword was more pure, turning the trees around Lou Zixi blue.

Louzixi stood in the air, waiting for the arrival of thunder and lightning.

Probably Louzixi’s previous actions made Thunder feel ashamed. This last thunder and lightning was much fiercer than before. Even if Louzixi released his aura to the maximum, Louzixi was directly hit by the thunder and lightning.

Although Lou Yiran knows that there will be nothing wrong with Louzixi, but when he sees the blue light representing Louzixi, it is bright and dark, sometimes completely covered by black and purple, and the blue light is completely invisible. When he was in the shadow, Lou Yiran still felt that his heart was about to jump out.

The waiting time was long. Although it was only ten minutes from the appearance of the last thunder and lightning to its disappearance, Lou Yiran felt that almost ten days had passed.

When the last thunder and lightning disappeared, the black clouds in the sky began to disperse, and finally disappeared, and the sky turned blue again.

Lou Yiran hurriedly walked over to check the situation of Louzixi and found that Louzixi had already sat up, but he was still uncomfortable from his more transparent soul and dimly colored aura.

"how do you feel?"

"It's okay." Lou Zixi stood up on the ground with a sword, and walked slowly towards Lingquan Pond. He suffered a lot of injuries, and now he still needs to go to Lingquan Pond to soak for a while.

"Hey, little friend, you are in the state of soul, how did you come up with the magic weapon?" Grandpa Whitebeard rubbed his hands trivially.


"I have spatial power." Lou Zixi replied with a sword propped up on his body.

"Space abilities?!" Grandpa Whitebeard's pupils shrank slightly, "If I remember correctly, Manjushahua likes to call their abilities a supernatural ability. Could it be said that you have anything to do with Manjushahua?" Grandpa Whitebeard's A trace of alert flashed in his eyes.

"Before I was arrested by them to do an experiment. After the experiment was over, I had the spatial ability." Lou Zixi said calmly.

"This is impossible, you weren't like that back then..." Lou Yiran looked at Lou Zixi incredulously, but Lou Yiran said halfway, but shut his mouth.

"What's wrong with me?" Lou Zixi gave Lou Yiran a meaningful look. Sure enough, Lou Yiran must have hidden secrets he didn't know.


"I mean, you can't fight on Manzhushahua's side." Lou Yiran patted Grandpa Whitebeard, "Old Hu, let's go, let Zixi heal."

□The author's gossip:

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