Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 142: go back

"I mean, you can't fight on Manzhushahua's side." Lou Yiran patted Grandpa Whitebeard, "Old Hu, let's go, let Zixi heal."

"Lou Yiran, are you so sure he won't?"

"OK." Lou Yiran's face was very solemn, "If he is really on Manzhushahua's side, I will kill him personally.


"Hey..." Lou Yiran sighed. It is true that Lou Yiming's rebellion in those days impressed people who have experienced it, and now they have become more suspicious. "Forget it, this kid is also I watched When I grow up, I believe him once. Yiran, let's go and let this kid have a good rest."

"Grandpa don't worry, I won't live up to my grandpa's trust."

"Good." Grandpa White Beard touched his beard and said admiringly.

After speaking, Grandpa White Beard and Lou Yiran left here. When they left, Lou Yiran strengthened the previous barrier.

Because of the help of Lou Yiran's enchantment, Lingquan Pond did not receive any damage, but the power of Lou Yiran's enchantment was reduced a bit. Just in case, Lou Yiran strengthened the enchantment.

After the two left, Lou Zixi's legs softened and almost fell.

After all, Louzixi is only the state of the soul, and it is more painful for the soul to directly accept the baptism of Thunder Jie than the body to accept.

Lou Zixi gave a bitter smile, and slowly moved to the Lingquan Pond with Ruohan's body, and then walked into the Lingquan Pond. It was said that he had walked in, but in fact, Louzixi had completely slipped on his feet.

If it hadn't been for Lou Zixi to use Ruohan to support his body in time, he would have become the first cultivator in history to drown himself in Lingquan Pond.

Lou Zixi strenuously folded his legs, closed his eyes, and began to practice.

While cultivating, Louzixi used his divine sense to investigate his dantian. There were many cracks in the golden core in the dantian. As Louzixi continued to practice, the cracks became bigger and bigger, and the fragments of the golden core were also Start to fall.

As the golden core was completely shattered, a small man with only the palm of his hand curled up appeared in front of Louzixi's divine consciousness. After the Jin Dan completely disappeared, the crouched little man began to stretch his body slowly.

When the villain yawned greatly, the villain's appearance was fully presented in front of Lou Zixi. The villain had black hair and dark eyes, and his smart eyes blinked and blinked, seeming to blink away from his sleepiness. The villain looks exactly the same as Louzixi, except that it is much smaller than Louzixi. It is a condensed version of Louzixi. This little man is Lou Zixi's Yuan Ying.

It seems to feel the divine sense of Louzixi. The mini version of Louzixi looked at the wisp of divine sense of Louzixi with attachment. When the divine sense approached, the mini version of Louzixi jumped up happily. Play like a child with the gods of Louzixi.

Upon seeing this, Lou Zixi's eyes curled up gently.

Louzixi spent ten days repairing his injuries and consolidating his level in the early Yuan Ying stage.

Ten days later, Lou Zixi recovered completely. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the man standing in front of the Lingquan Pond, Lou Yiran.

"How do you feel?" Lou Yiran waved his hand to remove the barrier.

"It's all done already."

"That's good." Lou Yiran's frowning brows also stretched out.

"Father, I almost have to go back." Lou Zixi was a little worried about Lou Zixie. He didn't know if it was because of his current state of soul. He couldn't feel Lou Zixie's situation. Now his injuries are healed, and it's almost time to go back.

"Well, before you leave, I have a few things for you." Lou Yiran was not surprised that Lou Zixi would say that. He beckoned and motioned Lou Zixi to follow him.

This time, Lou Yi went to his room.

Although Lou Yiran's room looks simple, it can be seen from the soft carpets on the floor and the silk curtains that the contents are still valuable.

Lou Yiran took Lou Zixi straight to a white exquisite door. The door was very secretive. It should be a hidden door. Lou Yiran pressed the button next to the door, and then the door opened.

As soon as he opened it, Lou Zixi saw a sword glowing with gold and a little blue electric current directly in front.

"That's Thunder?" Lou Zixi looked at Lou Yiran with some surprise. Thunder is a gold sword, and by hearing its name, Thunder is more suitable for people with mutant gold roots. This sword looked like it was tailor-made for Lou Zixie. But this sword has a master.

"Well, but I'm giving it to you now. This sword is quite suitable for your partner." Lou Yiran picked up the sword and handed it to Lou Zixi.

"Father, thank you." Lou Zixi touched the blade with affection, "Father, when will you tell me, how do you know so much?"

"Child, you have to know that the secret is not to be revealed. When the time is right, you will know it naturally." Lou Yiran shook his head

"Okay." Lou Zixi felt helpless.


"Father, I want to ask you something?"


"The way to resurrect a person." Lou Zixi said, pursing her lips.

"Who are you going to resurrect?" Lou Yiran thought for a while and said, "Is it your grandpa in this life?"


"Do you really want to resurrect him? You need to know that when you resurrect a person, the thunder catastrophe you face when you ascend will be more difficult. Even if you fall unfortunately at that time, do you want to save this person?" Lou Yiran Although they were all asking questions, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

"Think about it, I owe him a lot."

"Hey, come with me, the pill is ready." Lou Yiran said as he walked, "The name of the pill I gave you is Resurrection Pill. You have his soul in your hand, right?"

"Yes." Lou Zixi took out the white light-emitting bead-the soul-raising pearl.

"Well, you keep this bead. Next, you need to refine a body..."

"What do you do for body training?"

"Idiot, isn't his body gone, how can he take the pill without his body? How to resurrect people?"

"Well, what's next?"

"Next, when the body is refined, you inject your soul into that body, and at the same time, put the pill into his mouth, so that you can resurrect him. However, you may need a few more days. He won't really wake up until his soul and body are fully integrated."

"Well, I see." Lou Zixi asked curiously, "Who made that body?"

"Don't worry, the refining has started a few days ago. It should be fine in a while. At that time, you will return to your body first, and then inject your soul into your body. If you resurrect him here, he will not be able to get out. "

"Father, I plan to let him stay here." Lou Zixi explained, "He is already a dead person outside. If he suddenly

Appear, it will cause a sensation. Moreover, here, he doesn't need to worry about family matters anymore. I want him to practice well here


"Yes, but don't you need to ask his opinion?"

"No need." Lou Zixi looked at the Soul Cultivation Orb with complicated eyes, "After putting his soul into the new body, I will leave. He won't know that I resurrected him. At that time, his father only needs to let him. I thought he was reborn after death."

Lou Zixi did this, one is that Liu Wenqing can stay in a safe place, and the other is that Liu Wenqing can stop worrying about his family.

"Good." Lou Yiran responded.

Then Lou Yiran gave Louzixi a lot of things, magic weapons, and medicine, as long as Lou Yiran could think of it, he gave it to Louzixi.

After Lou Yiran was ready, Liu Wenqing's new body was refined. Lou Zixi injected his soul into Liu Wenqing's body, and put the resurrection Dan given by Lou Yiran into Liu Wenqing's mouth. Then, the new body was originally The popular face began to change, slowly turning into Liu Wenqing's twenty-year-old appearance. The cold body also began to warm up, the sniffles also began, and the heart began to change from a slight beating to a powerful beating.

The function of the Nurturing Soul Orb is to nurture the soul. Liu Wenqing's soul absorbed a lot of spiritual energy in it. Not only did his soul become more solid, it also made his face much younger.

The body changes according to the appearance of the soul, so Liu Wenqing naturally became his twenty-year-old appearance.

After all these things were done, Lou Zixi was about to leave.

Lou Yiran took Louzixi to the place where Louzixi woke up at that time and asked Louzixi to stand on the Yinhun Formation. Later, Lou Yiran changed some of the strokes on the Yinhun Formation and used his aura to touch his fingers. A cut was made on the top, and blood was dripped in the center of the formation.

Finally, Lou Yi Ran Nian moved a few spells, and the formation at the foot of Lou Zixi began to shine.

"Father, there is something I forgot to tell you."


"Uncle asked me to say sorry to you."

Before Lou Zixi's soul disappeared, he heard Lou Yiran say, ‘That fool, I’m sorry! ’

Lou Zixi could feel from Lou Yiran's tone that Lou Yiran had forgiven Lou Yiming, so Lou Zixi was relieved. Lou Zixi chose to say what Lou Yiming asked him to take at the last moment, not because he really forgot, but because Lou Zixi didn't want to see Lou Yiran hating Lou Yiming.

Lou Zixi felt a sense of falling, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the white roof. Lou Zixi moved his hands and feet unaccustomedly, and then felt his right hand being held. Lou Zixi turned his head, not surprisingly saw Lou Zixie, Lou

Zixie seemed to be very tired. He was lying on the side of the bed with his eyes closed and rested. He didn't know if it was Lou Zixi's illusion. He always felt that Lou Zixie seemed to have grown up a lot. Lou Zixi gently wanted to pull her hand out, planning to get out of bed and go for a walk. After all, she hadn't used this body for half a year. Lou Zixi was a little uncomfortable and didn't want to wake Lou Zixie anyway.

"Hmm..." Lou Zixie raised his head and looked at Louzixi in a daze. After seeing Louzixi, Lou Zixie was shocked and blinked a few times in disbelief, confirming the person in front of him. After Lou Zixi, he stood up excitedly, "Zixi, you are awake!"

"En, but you are Lou Zixie?" Lou Zixi was shocked the moment he saw Lou Zixie.

Because, obviously only half a year later, Lou Zixie changed from a boy to a man.

□The author's gossip:

Dear friends, Merry Christmas, n(*S▽客*)n ask for recommendation, what is it (5_3_)3r?

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