Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 356 The Hungry Little Ruan Shu Eats Everything

You stinky and shameless, his skin is stronger than a protective shield!

Ruan Ling'an immediately started to pick it up, and he still didn't want to say: "Why do I make it for you first? Is it because of your age or your face? How old is it to ask my sister for something."

Then he was kicked by Ruan Fengsi: "Why does a good person have such a bad mouth? If you don't talk, you will be suffocated to death, right?"

Ruan Ling'an taunted Laman: "Why do good people have such a face? Not only is it big and thick, but it's as fierce as someone owes your wife. No one wants you."


Lin Xue, who was drinking tea to relieve her embarrassment, spit out a mouthful of tea.

Ruan Shu's hands also trembled, and then her face turned red with a suppressed smile.

Ruan Fengsi and Ruan Ling'an fought again, and there were two more fighters outside, which had no effect on the people in the villa at all.

Oh... still a bit.

As the only outsider in this family, Lin Xue never thought that she would encounter such a drama after another just because she came to deliver some things.

So, is the Ruan family's way of getting along in private like this?

He hurriedly found a reason to leave, otherwise he was afraid that he would be killed if he knew too much.

Ruan Shu collected a lot of silver threads of dodder, and she also collected some vines and leaves that were cut off from the small vines.

These would make beautiful trinkets so don't waste them.

Ruan Shu, a handicraft expert, cherishes all kinds of materials very much.

When I returned to my room, I collected all these things.

She just came home from outside and went to bed a little early, and she still clings to her father to sleep.

Ruan Shu, who was still wet with the scent of milk juice after taking a bath, was hugged by her father to dry her hair, but a beautiful snow-white fluffy puppet cat appeared in a short while.

The beautiful puppet cat was lying in Dad's arms, purring comfortably from its throat, its big fluffy tail curled up and down, and its claws with pink fleshy pads grabbed the air and stepped on the milk back and forth.

Ruan Xiao put her slender fingers on her paws, and the four paws of the kitten got entangled with it, holding her father's hand like an octopus and putting it on her soft belly.

The little head tilted again, and it went straight into his hands.

The puppet cat with its eyes closed, who seems to be sleeping but not sleeping, is clingy. It meowed twice in a delicate and soft voice. His neck fell asleep completely peacefully.

This time, Maomao slept very soundly, and her dreams were full of scenes of reunion with her father and brothers.

The next morning, when Ruan Xiao opened his eyes, Mao Mao was still awake. He withdrew his hand, fearing that the kitten would pat her and fell asleep again, and then covered her with a quilt.

Ruan Xiao left lightly.

The Ruan family who returned to the main star started to get busy, because they hadn't gone to work for a long time, and all kinds of work piled up a bit, so they couldn't be lazy.

So when Ruan Shu woke up, knowing that her father and brother had gone to work, she felt very distressed and guilty.

I also want to know that they delayed their work because they asked themselves.

So Ruan Shu send them lunch!

Ruan Shu, who doesn't have to go to school, has plenty of time to cook lunch with the housekeeper and the nanny robot.

She makes some small pastries by herself, and the materials are all picked from the greenhouse at home.

Although she hasn't been to the greenhouse for several months, everything inside is well taken care of.

The little kumquats are fruiting again, and it won't be long before they mature.

Ruan Shu fed them energy once, because there were too many of them and she didn't have time to feed them one by one, so she directly used the skill and the formation appeared under her feet, which is the fastest way to feed them energy.

Although the control only appeared for about ten seconds, after stopping, she still felt weak as if she had been hollowed out, and she was still hungry.

But there is no feeling of dizziness, and she can control the time precisely.

It's not like she hasn't grown at all, Shushu is a little stronger today.

Ruan Shu thought contentedly, picked a big strawberry and ate it in her mouth.

One after another, she ate not only strawberries but also grapes, but the grapes were not yet ripe, which made her so sour, and the delicate features on her face were wrinkled into a ball.

But still cute!

She looked at the vines, apple trees and others, and these fruit trees were basically unchanged.

However, there are signs of mutation, so it should take a little longer?

Ruan Shu thought about it, then picked some cherries and put them in her mouth, the soft white cheeks on both sides of her cheeks bulging.

Ruan Shu, who is walking and eating at the moment, is the same as the soft little hamster who hides food in his cheek pouch.

Even when she went to the catnip side, she picked off a few catnip leaves and threw them into her mouth to eat.

Ruan Shu, who is hungry, eats everything.

Fortunately, there are so many things for her to eat here.

Before leaving, she struggled to pick up a big carrot.

Well, it wasn't her physical waste who pulled it up, it was the little vine who helped.

Carrying a small basket, the beautiful and delicate girl walked in front, her other hand was hooking one end of a small vine, and the beautiful purple vine was winding around a big radish to keep up.

After arriving in the kitchen, wash and peel the radish, she pointed to the juicy radish and said to Cuscuta.

"Cut it into small pieces, please dodder."

Is this not trivial to dodder?

I saw it cut the big radish into small pieces after brushing it a few times.

Ruan Shu took one piece and ate it.

Crunchy and sweet, it can be eaten as a fruit.

Ruan Shu took the rest of the radishes to make radish cake, and the cold shredded radish was also delicious.

After a busy day, several lunch boxes were finally completed.

The old man is resting at home for the elderly, so he doesn't find work for himself and work overtime. Isn't that just asking for trouble.

So he was the first to eat the dishes and pastries made by Ruan Shu himself.

In terms of cooking, Ruan Shu made a cold salad with shredded radish, steamed large oysters and scallops, and pinched fish balls.

When packing the lunch box, the fat meat in the oyster scallops was picked out and packed into a large box.

The old man took a picture of the food and sent it to the family group, showing off, showing off, must show off.

Grandpa Ruan: Shu Shu made it, it’s delicious.

No one in the family group responded to him.

The old man felt bored, they were all outright jealous!

Then he moved to other cub raising groups to show off.

After a few months, he, Hu Hansan, is back again!

I didn't show my granddaughter before, and the old guys in the group knew about it, and they spontaneously contributed their strength to help find it.

Now that I know that Ruan Shu has returned safely, and will cook for her parents the next day after her return, what kind of heart-warming little padded jacket is this.

They were very happy that Zai Zai was back, but they panicked with envy when they saw Lao He showing off.

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