Someone even sent their grandkids to cook themselves a meal and...

The kitchen exploded, and a pile of unknown black matter was harvested.

The kind that has a high probability of going to the hospital.

Sighing, he could only look at Lao He enviously.

After eating with grandpa, Ruan Shu got into the car with those big lunch boxes.

Each lunch box is heavy. From the perspective of Ruan Shu's previous life, each serving is enough for three grown men to eat.

But here, it is estimated that there is only enough for my father and brother to eat half full.

Ruan Shu couldn't even hold her, but the housekeeper and bodyguards carried her into the car.

The old man got into the car with Ruan Shu, and the bodyguard who drove them was the bodyguard who was in charge of protecting Ruan Shu when they went out.

The kind that has driven a fighter jet, the driving is very stable.

She used to belong to the Third Army, but now she was hired by Ruan Xiao to be her bodyguard after retiring from the army.

In fact, Ruan Shu feels that she is quite safe by her side now.

There is a small vine in the left hand and a dodder in the right hand, and there is a pink girl in the hat behind her.

Just these three, not particularly powerful ones, within a hundred people don't even think about getting close to her.

I miss Little Silver a bit, I don't know how it is doing in Luoxuexing.

The first stop for food delivery is the second cousin's hospital.

The bodyguard dutifully followed behind the old and the young with a lunch box.

Ruan Shu held her grandfather's hand, and followed her grandfather to the second cousin's office step by step with her short legs.

Knock politely.

No one is inside.

It was Ruan Qingran's colleague Gu Feixing who greeted them when he saw them: "Dr. Ruan is going for surgery and is not in the office right now."

Ruan Shu thanked him, then pointed to the lunch box in the bodyguard's hand.

"I brought lunch for my brother, could you please tell him later?"

Gu Feixing made an OK gesture.

Ruan Shu thanked her politely, and went to find her elder brother with her grandfather.

The eldest brother was also in a meeting and was busy, but Ruan Shu didn't bother, and directly handed the lunch box to the secretary's sister, asking her to help deliver it.

Then there was the third brother from the school. The third brother came to see her, but Ruan Shu didn't stay for long, and left after giving him the lunch box.

"Third brother, remember to eat, it's hard work."

The little girl looked like a little angel. She was hugged by the third brother and stuck to his face to cheer her up before leaving with her grandfather.

Because the second brother's place is in the National Research Institute, ordinary people can't go in.

Even the identity of the old man has to be verified, and then he can only enter after reporting to the upper management.

It was the first time for Ruan Shu to come to the research institute, and the first thing she saw was not her brother, but the green bamboo dancing master surrounded by mutated kumquats and a pot of catnip.

I don't know what they are doing, anyway, the way they dance with hands and feet is really like a great dancer.

Ruan Shu is slightly embarrassing, in the National Academy of Sciences, shouldn't she be able to engage in theology?

"Kumquat tree Kumquat tree, I take care of you diligently every day, this time there must be more fruit."

"Catnip, catnip, with more leaves, your hair will look lush and beautiful."

"Mutated green basket, bless the kumquat tree to grow fruit, and let our research go more smoothly."

The mutated plants were muttering about each other: ...

Here we go again!

Grandpa Ruan only felt his eyelids twitch. I heard that these guys are all highly intelligent, but now they look a little silly.

Ruan Shu couldn't help laughing for a while, then felt a little rude, hid behind her grandfather and looked at them eagerly, apologizing in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

The attitude of apologizing can be sincere.

The researchers of the institute:  ………

It is a bit embarrassing to be found out as a scientific researcher.

A few people were slightly embarrassed, then stood up straight and looked at them.

"Excuse me, are you?"

Grandpa Ruan said, "The one who came to look for Ruan Xinglan, what about the others?"

"Member Ruan, he and Dean Hao are in the research room, I'll inform them."


Ruan Shu stood up and waved her hands quickly: "We are just here to deliver something to my brother, can I trouble you to give this to him when it's time for dinner?"

Ruan Shu pointed at the lunch box: "Don't bother him now."

"Oh, you are Ruan Keyuan's younger sister."

"Okay, okay, we'll give it to him."

After the things were delivered, Ruan Shu originally wanted to leave with her grandfather immediately, but she didn't want something to be entangled in her legs.

She looked down and saw that it was a long vine growing out of the mutated green basket, which was wrapped around her ankle in a circle.

The little girl's eyes were bent. After all, they were cultivated by themselves. Even if these mutated plants were sent away, they would still be very friendly to her.

She knelt down and hooked the tips of the vines of the mutated green basket with her fingers.

The mutated plants she cultivated are different from other mutated plants. They seem to be gentle and harmless according to her personality. They will only be fierce when they are in danger, or get impatient when they are entangled. curl up.

They are also very adaptable, and they are too lazy to take care of them.

This is why Ruan Shu dared to give all these mutated plants to family members or friends.

They are really good.

After interacting with the mutated green basket for a while, Ruan Shu touched the other mutated plants, turned her head and met several pairs of eyes, but looked at her researchers in astonishment.

Ruan Shu quickly withdrew her hand, she blinked her eyes: "Why... what's wrong?"

Several scientific researchers hurriedly asked: "How did you do it?"

"Little Green and the others usually ignore us."

"Yeah, we talked to them so much and they never responded to us."

Ruan Shu hesitated and told them: "Well, maybe it's talk too much?"

She has expressed it quite euphemistically.

The old man was very rude: "You bothered them too much."

Researchers: ...

"But I don't say much."

"Me too. I only have so little time to take care of them every day, so I don't have much to say."

Ruan Shu couldn't help laughing when she thought of the scene she saw when she first came in, her round eyes curled up.

"But everyone of you is talking, and then there will be a lot."

The researchers were suddenly embarrassed: "Ahem...we know, we will restrain ourselves."

After Ruan Shu and Grandpa left the research institute, they went to the Third Army to find their father~

As soon as they got on the suspension car, both her and grandpa's terminals rang.

It's news from the family group.

Ruan Fengsi: [Picture]

Ruan Fengsi: [After the meeting, I received Shushu's bento, which is very rich. 】

Ruan Ling'an also took a picture of the lunch box that was almost finished and went to the group.

Ruan Ling'an: It's like who doesn't have it. I'm almost finished eating and you just realized it now. Have you not seen Shushu? I saw it.

From the lines, one can feel Ruan Ling'an's desire to win and lose.

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