In June, the mutated grape in Ruan Shu's house was fully ripe.

Each cluster of mutated grapes' fruits is very large, and each one is round and plump, and the black and purple ones are as beautiful as crystals.

It is obviously different from ordinary grapes.

Before these grapes were fully ripe, they were already missed by the family members, especially the little Phoenix, who would take the ginseng doll and pink girl to inspect there every day, just like the king of the mountain.

Under Ruan Shu's express prohibition, Xiao Fenghuang managed to control his greed for grapes.

As the grapes gradually matured, it would often take Ruan Shu's mutated plants with them, and they would fight and cooperate with each other to pick grapes.

However, this mutated grape is different from other mutated plants. When Little Phoenix and the others go to pick grapes, they will resist, and even whip them with vines ferociously.

So every time we cooperate to pick grapes, there will always be ups and downs.

The family guessed that it would not be aggressive to pick the mutated grape after the mutated grape was ripe.


On the day when the grapes were fully ripe, Little Phoenix started to make trouble early in the morning.

He ran directly to a hairball press in Ruan Shu's room, which was about the size and weight of an adult husky, and almost crushed Ruan Shu.

"Cough cough cough..."

"You little fat man, get up!"

Ruan Shu, who was forced to wake up, blushed and pushed Fei Jiu off her body.

Her hair was a little fried, and she looked at Fei Jiu angrily.

Xiao Fenghuang looked back at her innocently, and combed his feathers by the way.

"You are so heavy! No matter how you lose weight, there is no effect at all, and you are getting heavier and heavier!"

She muttered angrily.

A month ago, I thought this guy was too heavy, and let him train to lose weight every day, but he ate too much after every workout.

Now the soft flesh on his body has turned into a bit hard muscle, and the weight has not decreased but has become heavier and heavier.

Ruan Shu sighed, got up and folded the quilt on the bed.

"Little Phoenix, can you wake me up in a gentler way next time?"

She yawned and glanced at the time.

It's only after five o'clock! ! !

Ruan Shu threw a pillow at Little Phoenix.

"It's too much, it's only past five o'clock, and it's not even time for me to train!"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

eat grapes eat grapes...

Ruan Shu: ...I can't kill you!

There are many fruits grown in the house, and Xiao Fenghuang also eats other fruits, but the mutant grape is his favorite.

I have to watch it almost every day, and the saliva can come out when I look at it eagerly.

This is the first time Ruan Shu has seen it so greedy for something. This guy is usually a picky eater. He doesn't like many mutant fruits bought from outside. He usually eats more meat and doesn't eat vegetables.

He only eats the fruits that Ruan Shu at home waters and raises with the power of life.

Ruan Shu groaned, although she was furious, she didn't go to sleep after all.

"I know, I know, how can you eat so much, you are so big, the elders of the Bird Clan will not be able to hug you."

Little Phoenix has a special status, but Ruan Shu and the others didn't go out of their way to say it.

However, several big bird tribes still knew about it, of course it was Kong Xiu who said it.

A few days after Ruan Shu came back with Little Phoenix, she visited Ruan's house one after another. Of course, the main reason was to see Little Phoenix. If possible, they even wanted to bring Little Phoenix to the Bird Clan. Of course it would be better. up.

It's a pity that little Phoenix is ​​unwilling to leave, and this little guy is very smart, can understand what those people are saying, and when he knows that they want to take it away, he gets so angry that his hair explodes.

Then those respected clan elders of the bird clan were chased and pecked by the little phoenix, and they were in a panic.

They couldn't force Little Phoenix, they could only let it stay.

Ruan Shu got dressed, washed her face, brushed her teeth and tied her hair, then went downstairs under the urging of Little Phoenix, Ginseng Doll and Fen Girl.

"Let's go, don't keep urging me."

She was originally a slow and limp character, but now she was urged to walk faster by the cats at home.

"Wait, I still have a basket and scissors."

Hanging the basket around Little Phoenix's neck, Ruan Shu finally went out with a pair of small scissors.

The sky outside had just gotten a little brighter, but it didn't prevent her from seeing the road.

Now her eyesight is better.

Before reaching the grape rack, a strong and tangy scent of grapes came.

The aroma of ripe grapes attracts many animals, such as some large bees and butterflies, which are common bugs, but not small in size.

There are even some flying beasts.

A group of skylarks came yesterday. Fortunately, the mutated grape vines have the ability to protect themselves. With the help of my father and brothers, those skylarks failed to steal many grapes, but left a lot of corpses behind. food.

The defense at home is getting stricter and stricter. Yesterday, the group of skylarks opened the protective screen afterward, and the smell basically didn't come out, so they wouldn't attract strange beasts.

This is the first time that Ruan Shu's mutated plants have attracted so many strange beasts.

" smells really good."

Not to mention Little Phoenix, Ruan Shu herself was drooling.

Little Phoenix couldn't wait to fly over and started eating a grape.

Once the grapes are fully ripe, the vines will not attack them either.

Ruan Shu also stood on tiptoe, cut off a bunch of grapes that she could get, and handed it to the ginseng doll.

It was only then that Ruan Shu realized that ginseng dolls could also eat these fruits.

However, it does not eat with its mouth, but sticks the roots of its 'hands' into the grapes to absorb the nutrients inside.

The power of life that Ruan Shu had been feeding before.

Pink Girl and Cuscuta can also be eaten, and they also absorb the nutrients in them.

But before the mutated grapes, she had never seen these mutated plants at home 'eat'.

She had asked them what they ate before, but the answers she gave were as long as they gave her energy and occasionally fed some nutrient solution specially formulated for mutant plants.

It seems... this mutated grape is not ordinary.

Ruan Shu didn't have time to think too much, and was urged by Miss Fen to cut a string for it too.

Dodder and little vines don't need her.

"You all don't eat too much."

It's too wasteful to eat it in one day.

Although this mutated grape strain has a lot of particularly large fruits, about 1,300 bunches, but the dodders have quite a big appetite.

I picked some that I could get, and the vines fell directly from the high place to make a safe little swing, and then took her up.

"Thank you."

After Ruan Shu expressed her thanks with wry eyebrows, she began to cut the grapes seriously, carefully putting the bunches into the fruit basket.

I will make up another chapter before twelve o'clock. I have been playing outside these few days, because it is basically when my sister comes back every year. During this period of time, going out to play has become a family activity. Hurry up, I'm too tired from climbing mountains and drilling holes today_(:_」∠)_

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