After cutting out a basket, Ruan Shu dragged Xiao Fenghuang and the others away.

The little phoenix flapped its wings, still wanting to eat.

Ruan Shu was so angry that he slapped it on the head.

Of course, her small slap is like tickling for Xiao Fenghuang's current physique.

"Eat and eat, I'll eat it all for you, and you won't be able to eat it tomorrow!"

Little Phoenix chirped twice aggrievedly, it only ate about thirty skewers, and there was still room for it in its stomach.

Ruan Shu said angrily, "I still have to save some of those grapes to make wine. You have eaten them all, what should I use to make wine?"

Sigh, why didn't I find out before that dodders are also foodies.

This time, more than 200 strings were smashed.

You must know that there are at least hundreds of large grapes hanging on this bunch of grapes, and each bunch of grapes is longer than Dad's palm.

Although there are a lot of grapes hanging on the vines now, they can't bear to eat them with such an appetite.

Going back with a basket of grapes, Ruan Shu warned them again.

"Don't steal it anymore, I'll give you some to drink when I brew the wine."


The little phoenix flapped its small wings that had not yet grown hard feathers, and reluctantly compromised.

But the eyeballs were rolling around, and it looked dishonest.

After returning home, I saw my father and my brothers. They seemed to have just come out of the training room, covered in sweat.

"Shushu? Woke up so early today?"

Ruan Shu carried the basket and put it on the table, and gave Xiao Fenghuang a sneaky look.

"They wanted to eat grapes, so they woke me up early in the morning."

Ruan Fengsi threw a grape into his mouth, the grape tasted cold, very comfortable for the hot season.

"Delicious, this mutated grape is even more delicious than the mutated fruit I ate before. As expected of our family, the grapes grown are so different."

Ruan Shu blushed a little after being praised by her big brother, she was really embarrassed.

This is all thanks to her natural ability.

Others praised the mutated grape after eating it.


Ruan Xiao suddenly stopped after eating a few: "This is a grape."

He felt it seriously and said: "This grape is good for natural energy."

A few other people who have not awakened their talents and abilities: "..."

Dad, this makes people jealous.

Ruan Shu blinked, she also ate but why didn't she feel it?

Ruan Xiao touched the little guy's furry head: "Let your second brother study it, you can study the talent energy."

Ruan Xinglan dropped a grape into his mouth.

"You must be right if you feel it. This also explains why this thing is so attractive to those larks, and even to little phoenixes."

Ruan Shu scratched her head: "I thought it was just because the grapes are delicious."

Ruan Xinglan said, "I'll take some to study for a few days."


Ruan Shu nodded, she was thinking about saving some to eat and the rest to make wine.

Everyone in the family likes the peach blossom wine she brewed before.

Aunt Shen from Longdao also likes them very much.

Thinking of Long Island, Ruan Shu thought of Xiao Yin who was still in Long Island.

There is no place for Xiaoyin to do activities here, so he can only leave Xiaoyin in Longdao temporarily, and send a video to Aunt Shen every day to let her take him to see Xiaoyin.

After the Ruan family went to work, Ruan Shu started to do her own thing.

She took out several palm-sized jade tokens.

I said before that Ruan Fengsi gambled a large piece of useless jade and put it in the warehouse to accumulate dust.

When Ruan Shu went to the warehouse to pick up things, she happened to find the jade that was placed in the corner, which was taller and much bigger than her, and she was immediately happy.

That jade stone is useless to big brother, but it is useful to her.

It just so happened that she wanted to make some jade plaques to keep her safe.

After talking with his elder brother, Ruan Fengsi happily took out the jade that had been dusted by him, and then cut it into palm-sized jade plaques according to Ruan Shu's request.

This is just using one of the slices and there are more than 200 yuan.

The other ones haven't been made into jade tokens for the time being, and Ruan Shu put them away, and will take them out when they need to use them later.

The texture of this jade is very good, it is still the best suet jade, it is so shiny and white that it looks very beautiful.

But no matter how beautiful it is, it is just a useless stone to Ruan Fengsi and the others.

For star beasts, nothing is as important as power.

That is to say, the dragon clan and the bird clan prefer things that are shiny and gaudy.

Ruan Shu sat under the grape arbor and put all the prepared things on the table.

The grape trellis is very high, and the space below is also very large, so it was designed by the housekeeper as a leisure area, and Ruan Shu can come here to play at any time.

She held the jade card, and the Linglong pen became very small, no different in size from an ordinary writing brush, but it looked much more delicate and beautiful.

Now Ruan Shu has learned some runes, and based on the formation diagrams that she has only briefly seen in memory, she draws a safe formation diagram with the runes she has learned.

In fact, it can form a protective screen when being attacked by others to resist other people's attacks.

In terms of effect, it can probably block five attacks from the energy light cannon.

Although the Linglong Pen looks like a brush, the fluffy and soft nibs can leave carved marks on the hard jade after using spiritual power.

This is Ruan Shu's first attempt to draw an array on a jade tablet, so she has to be more careful.

Let's practice with jade tokens of poor quality first.

After almost an hour...

Ruan Shu's mental strength was exhausted, and she was so tired that she lay on the table, surrounded by scrapped and torn jade tokens.

"A formation jade token is really not that easy to make."

Ruan Shu yawned and drank a spirit recovery potion, picked a bunch of grapes and started eating.

Keep fighting after eating.

The whole day wasted about twenty or so jade tokens without success, but it made her feel bad.

The mental power is also being consumed and replenished, and Ruan Shu is extremely tired.

I didn't wait for my father to come back today, so I went to bed around eight o'clock.

After the Ruan family's father and son came back, they heard what Ruan Shu did today from the housekeeper. They went to Ruan Shu's room one after another to check on the servants, covered her with a quilt, and left without disturbing her.

The next day, Ruan Shu woke up refreshed, and her mental strength seemed to be much more solidified in this kind of exercise.

She was not in a hurry to continue drawing the formation jade tablet, and started picking ripe grapes after the morning physical training.

I sent some to Aylmer and Long Island, and some to the lobby brother, and kept some at home for food, and the rest Ruan Shu used to make wine.

It took Ruan Shu a few days to package all the grapes together with the housekeeper and Xiaomi and start brewing. After that, Ruan Shu only needed to warm up with the power of life, and then waited.

There are only two updates today, and I probably won’t go out after returning home. Tomorrow, I will resume the update of the third chapter.

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