The military is the most ruthless place. Since you have come to participate in military training, there is no such thing as being special.


The instructor quickly glanced at Ruan Shu, coughed twice and said, "Okay."

Even Song Shi who made the report couldn't believe his ears. Is this okay? So easy?

And if he read it correctly, did the instructor give him an appreciative look just now?

Ruan Shu also blinked.

The instructor's face was expressionless, but in fact his heart was very rich.

He was sent from the Third Army Corps, and he came here specifically to find out which company Ruan Shu would be assigned to. The purpose was to open a back door for their young lady from the Third Army Corps.

As for the position of instructor, they had to fight within the army for a long time to get it.

"Instructor, since she doesn't use the gravity ring, can we not use it too?"

This is the reason why the military does not engage in special treatment. Once an accident occurs, others who are dissatisfied will clamor and want special treatment.

After all, they have to wear a gravity ring for a fifty-kilometer cross-country trip. Even if they are strong, they will be exhausted. Who wouldn't want to take it easy?

The instructor glanced at the person who spoke and asked Ruan Shu to stand next to him.

"Classmate Ruan Shu, tell them how old you are."

Ruan Shu's ears were a little red after being stared at by so many people, but she still told her age calmly.


The instructor nodded and asked her to return to the team, then looked at the tall boy.

"how old are you?"

The boy whispered a number.

"22 years old."

This is the most common age for college students in the Star Beast Empire.

Instructor: "You are 22 years old and you are competing with an 18-year-old girl. Just say you are shameless. Don't get me involved in the army. Everyone is the same. You are the same, but she is different. Her body All the quality tests are not up to standard. You will be responsible if something goes wrong. He was specially recruited into the First Military Academy because he is too good in other aspects."

Other students:…………

All physical qualities are not up to standard, too good.

Just tell me that your words are not contradictory. Logically speaking, to enter the First Military Academy, even if you are from the Pharmacy School, you must have excellent physical fitness in all aspects, right?

How many years have passed and no one has been given special treatment in military training before? Why is there something different this year?

"Okay, everyone except Ruan Shu, come here to receive the gravity ring."

Ruan Shu ran the fifty-kilometer cross-country race with other students.

Except for the other seven members of the Nine-Tailed Cat Team, the rest rushed out as soon as they started.

"Shu Shu, let's not be in a hurry, just run slowly."

Ruan Shu: "You run first, there is a time limit."

Tang Rou: "It's only fifty kilometers. If you run so fast now, you won't have enough energy in the back. Besides, the instructor didn't say you can't use your natural abilities when you get tired in the middle, so it's best to run with you."

The gravity ring also has a detection function. They cannot use their natural abilities during running, otherwise it will be regarded as cheating once they are detected.

But Ruan Shu didn't wear it, and the instructor didn't emphasize that she couldn't use her natural abilities.

It can be said that the back door was opened for her.

Although Ruan Shu's explosive power is not good, her endurance is still very good without the drag of the gravity ring.

She didn't hold back. She kept running at a constant speed and was able to keep up without the seven people deliberately slowing down.

This kind of long-distance running is the worst thing to do if you run too fast at the beginning and consume your energy, so they actually passed several classmates in the middle.

When those students saw Ruan Shu slowly passing them, their eyes widened in disbelief, and then their faces turned redder. They were so ashamed that they didn't expect that they couldn't even outrun an eighteen-year-old girl!

After the fifty-kilometer cross-country trip was over, Ruan Shu was so tired that her legs could no longer walk, even if she used her natural ability twice. She staggered and fell backwards.

Ruan Shu: Suffer! I hope it doesn’t fall too badly!

It happened that everyone was so exhausted at this time that even if she fell down, there was no time to help her.

The instructors ran over quickly, but it was too late because the distance was too far.

At the critical moment, the dodder wrapped around Ruan Shu's Holy Light Bracelet suddenly grew in size and was woven directly in place into a large soft net to catch her body.

Ruan Shu, who closed her eyes, did not feel the pain. Instead, she was hugged, which was quite comfortable.

Open your eyes and take a look. This guy looks so familiar.

Then I couldn't get up.

My legs are so sore that I will definitely not be able to get up in a short period of time if I take a sudden rest.

But other people who saw this scene said: "!!!"

Something, not sure to take another look.

"Fuck me!"

"This, is this a mutated plant?"

"Hey, this mutated plant looks pretty good, but it looks familiar."


Okay, there's no need for him to save her for the time being.

He coughed and said, "Rest where you are for ten minutes."

Resting in place is really just sitting on the floor and lying down. Look at Ruan Shu again, is this the so-called same person but different destiny?

No, why are there mutated plants here?

"That mutated plant looks really familiar to me."

"Holy shit! I remembered that it was fucking Cuscuta. Cuscuta is famous on the list of the top ten most ferocious mutated plants!"


After this body shape, everyone can see that although this dodder is a little different from the dodder they have learned, the shape is definitely correct after careful comparison.

The people who were a little close to Ruan Shu immediately stepped back ten feet away.


Who is this person? Why is he carrying a ferocious mutated plant like Cuscuta with him?

The particularly delicate student who had previously thought Ruan Shu was easy to bully now just wanted to slap herself.

How can he be weak? This is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

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