Song Shi laughed when he saw their actions, but that smile looked a bit mean and made people want to punch him.

"I said, what are you afraid of? This dodder doesn't know how to bite."

After saying that, he touched a handful of dodder quite proudly.

Cuscuta and Ruan Shu stayed together for a long time, and became more and more familiar with them. They occasionally dared to touch them boldly.

At this moment, Song Shi had completely forgotten his reaction when he saw Cuscuta for the first time.

The instructor glanced at Ruan Shu, with a smile in his eyes, but did not let her put away the dodder.

The main reason is that Ruan Shu doesn't want to move at all now, and just lies softly on Cuscuta.

At this time, Cuszi also thoughtfully made herself into a pretty hanging basket shape so that she could lie down more comfortably. She was quite skilled in changing her form.

If it could use the space, it might be able to fish out a pillow or a small fan now, it's so hot right now.

But it doesn't matter if there is no small fan. Cuscuta wove another round fan and hung it above to slowly blow air to the little girl lying inside.

Others sitting on the dusty ground:…………

This is too much. They are all here for military training. How can they be treated differently? Did they not charge VIP?

But the instructor turned a blind eye, which was completely different from their previous instructors!

The surrounding students were extremely envious. Song Shi and the others were able to go over and catch some wind. After all, the fan was quite big.

But others didn't dare to get close at all, so they could only watch helplessly.

Ten minutes was not long. Ruan Shu took out some physical recovery potions while lying down and breathing slowly.

"Sister Tang Rou."

Tang Rou immediately ran to her side.

The beautiful young man with snow-white hair reluctantly sat up. Cuszi was worried that she would fall, so he quickly supported her body, which was really considerate.

"Here, sister, share it with everyone."

The box she took out was full of the best quality physical recovery potions. Not only did they come in various fruit flavors, but the key was that they were very effective and did not have any side effects.

Ruan Shu didn't pay attention to this physical recovery potion at all, mainly because she knew how to refine it herself, and because her master had filled a space storage bag with all kinds of potions that her master had given her.

She couldn't use up so much. Ruan Shu emptied it once when her father and her third brother left, but it didn't take long for her storage bag to be filled again.

Master, he is really afraid that she will suffer a loss.

So she is taking it out now not because she is generous, but because it will expire if she doesn't use it up.

"So many."

Tang Rou was holding the box and was speechless. Many of the medicines they used before were also taken out by Ruan Shu.

Originally, she didn't want the money and gave it to them directly, but none of them wanted to take advantage of Ruan Shu, so they gave her some money, although she was not short of it.

The most important thing is that the medicine Ruan Shu takes out every time is first-class in terms of quality and effect, but the price she gives is less than half of what is on the market. To everyone, this is no different from doing charity.

"It will expire if you don't drink it."

Ruan Shu whispered to Tang Rou.

"There are still more than ten days left, and we can't use that much. Master stuffed me with a lot more the day before yesterday."

The corners of Tang Rou's mouth twitched, and she suddenly felt a little jealous of the rich.

The potions refined by Ge Lao, even the most common potions, are very expensive, and the most important thing is that they are not available on the market at all.

But here in Ruan Shu, can you believe that level 7 and 8 potions can be drank directly as water?

Why doesn’t she have such a good master?

"Okay, if you can't use it up, it's indeed a waste."

As for if you can’t use it up, why not sell it? Ruan Shu is really not short of money, and they have to go to the black market to compete in the black market every day, so how can they have time to sell potions.

Tang Rou directly left the matter to her brother to handle. Among the eight people in the team, Song Shi and Tang Yun were the best at dealing with people.

The two of them lived up to expectations, and quickly became brothers with the others with the box of physical recovery potions.

Knowing that Ruan Shu had taken it out, they looked at the little girl with as kind eyes as possible.

What a good man!

Of course, they were too embarrassed to ask Ruan Shu for something belonging to a little girl, so they all said they would spend star coins to buy it.

The potion is of very good quality, and they won't lose money if they buy it.

Ruan Shu thought for a while and only paid half the market price.

Everyone's favorable impression of her suddenly became higher.

Although cheating is not allowed in military training, it is okay to use physical recovery potions during rest time after training.

As long as you don't think of using some special methods to avoid training and take shortcuts during training.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and everyone who drank the physical potion was already full of energy, and then started the next round of training.

The first few days of military training are all very basic physical exercises. There is no need to worry about stances and formations. These are things that Star Beast has engraved into his bones.

The entire Star Beast Empire has been under military and semi-military management since elementary school, and the team has to be organized at every turn.

So standing in a military posture, walking in formation, etc. are simply engraved in everyone's DNA.

In current military training, what instructors have to do is to increase everyone's training volume and improve their endurance of various physical qualities.

After a few days of basic training, they began to touch weapons.

Firearms, armed aircraft, fully manual battleships, and even external racks, etc.

Ruan Shu's physical ability may not be good, but after getting familiar with firearms, her shooting results are indeed very good, and she can rank in the top ten, not only with perfect accuracy.

He is among the top ten freshmen in the entire First Military Academy.

Her memory is also very good. After learning how to operate a fully manual battleship with the instructor for a few days, she was able to master it on her own.

Mainly when she was at home, her father and brothers taught her this knowledge, so she got started much faster than others.

The students who previously crushed Ruan Shu in terms of physical fitness:…………

They are still learning to memorize the functions of various buttons and their combinations.

Damn, is that really the kind of brain a star beast should have? How come you remember it so quickly!

Also, there are hundreds of buttons. When they get started, they feel that their brains and hands are separated. Their fingers are smoking and cramping, and they still don’t understand how she did it.

They crushed her during physical training, and now it's her turn to crush them all when it comes to IQ, right?

In a small battleship, the instructor asked Ruan Shu to fly while the rest of the people watched.

Then Ruan Shu was seen sitting in front of the control console, turning on the control device.

A blue technological virtual keyboard appeared in front of her.

Ruan Shu wore virtual glasses, and when she moved her hands, they became afterimages.

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