Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Your uncle or your uncle

"Rebirth is like flowing years (

"Isn't that the boss? You call him over!"

When Old Geng said this, Xu Qian was shocked.


Seeing Lao Geng sweeping his hands, "Go and call! Tell you, I'll sign the contract today."


Xu Qian was terrified, how did he know?


After a while, the second floor.

Geng Changhai and Qi Lei sat on a small bench alone, and there was still some time before the afternoon briefing, and there were only two of them upstairs.

Qi Lei looked at Old Geng curiously, "Uncle, can you tell me, why do you think I am the boss?"

"Hey!" Geng Changhai was happy and sold it off. "Not only do I know you are the boss, but I also know more. Believe it or not?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "I don't believe it."

"Then you listen to the uncle, am I right?"

Lao Geng started his performance, "You are a couple with that Xu girl,"

Qi Lei: "..."

"The boss you hang on the wall should be your elder brother or uncle. He is a couple with the girl surnamed Zhao."

"That guy with the surname Zhao, who has been involved in society, runs field work for you outside."

Qi Lei: "..."

"The one surnamed Yang and you... forget it, it's not easy to talk nonsense."

"The girl surnamed Zhou is the master you invited. She brought that Liu Yuan and Zhang Li."

"You ask this surname Zhou, it doesn't cost less, right? Good-sighted, that girl has two tricks."

"That old horse is not yours, but an honest man who works hard."

"You... and Xu girl, and Yang girl, you are classmates, you should still go to high school!"

"You guys, if you say that being fashionable is to be a young man, you will start a business. If you say it is awkward, it means that you have a good idea and a good opportunity, ready to make a fortune."

Qi Lei: "..."

I was so silly to hear that, my heart said, your uncle, are you a fortune teller! ? This is accurate!

As everyone knows, the old Genger pointed to these eyes to make this mess to this day.

The abilities of people and people are not the same, the old man's ability is to look at people and things.

You don't think he has much culture and doesn't understand anything, but it's enough for him to understand people and things.

Qi Lei thought that others couldn't see it, but in the eyes of Old Geng, it was obvious.

A look and a small movement can reveal a lot of information.

"Just say, sir, I guess right?"

Qi Lei was speechless, thumbs up, and exclaimed, "Cow!"

"Niu, right?" Old Geng Le said, "I don't usually tell him this. It just depends on your kid."

Qi Lei frowned, this is a bit too much!

Although Lao Geng came every day, Qi Lei hadn't really talked to him, so he couldn't talk about "good".

A bit playful, "How do you see that I'm good?" half-jokingly, "I am a hard-hearted person, and it's useless to praise me, and the contract price can't be discounted!"

Lao Geng, "Ha! It's you? You're so stubborn and mean!"

Simply take off the army coat and sit back in front of Qi Lei, "Why do you say you are a good kid?"

"That girl, Xiao Xu, has a heart, but she has a very simple temperament. From her, I can see that although you children are not very reliable, you are definitely not a liar."

"Otherwise, why do I get tired of coming with you every day?"

Qi Lei, "..."

"That girl surnamed Zhou is quite capable. If you can hold her down, it means that you kid has something."

Qi Lei, "..."

"There are so many people, there are college students, there are decorators, there are social people and businessmen. If you can bring them together and get things done, your kid is no longer a mortal. !"

Qi Lei, "..."

Today is a long experience.

To be honest, Qi Lei has met quite a few shrewd and experienced people.

Zhang Nan, Tang's father, Wu's father, the fourth aunt, and the vice minister Chen all have their own merits, and they are all superior.

However, it was the first time I saw Uncle Geng like this.

Finally he turned upright, pondered for a long while, and finally admired, "Your uncle... or your uncle!"

Old Geng raised his eyebrows, "I'd like to hear that."

Qi Lei did not show weakness, "Then you can just tell me, what's the difference? Is it the price? Or which joint is not satisfied? In short, how can I sign the contract."

Talking to this kind of person, no tricks are useful, at least Qi Lei's rank can't hide anything in others.

This time Lao Geng didn't raise his eyebrows anymore, and gave a thumbs up.

"The price is not the price. As long as you are not more expensive than others, I don't care if you can be cheaper. Three questions."

Qi Lei, "Say!"

Old Geng, "First, you have to ensure that there is no tricky in your equipment, I will write it in the contract."

Qi Lei, "You haven't read the contract, it's very clear, you pay ten if you leave it."

Old Geng, "Oh? That's not bad, I'm worried."

Then he said: "Second, your management software must show me the real thing, don't be a fool."

Qi Lei, "It's a coincidence. The beta version of the management software just came out yesterday. The boss on the wall went to get it. You can see it later."

Old Geng, "Yes! Then there is the last question."

Qi Lei, "Say!"

Old Geng thought for a moment, "That is, what kind of service desk architecture is your Internet cafe? Is it directly connected to the terminal, or through the secondary exchange of the server? This is technical, can you do it? "

Qi Lei: "..."

Qi Lei was very happy, "Master, you don't understand, you don't know a lot!"

Old Geng Yile, "That is."

Qi Lei, "But, you are wrong!!"

Lao Geng: "???"

"That's called a server, not a help desk."

"Really?" Old Geng blushed and immediately calmed down. "It seems that I need to try again. You really are not scam companies, you really understand!"

Qi Lei shook his head speechlessly, "Master, the secondary exchange you mentioned, and the structure of the Internet cafe directly connected to the Internet, are all outdated!"

"Ah!?" Old Gueng puzzled, "What do you mean? I've got a professional consultation."

Qi Lei nodded and said: "It can be seen that you are always working hard. It's just that the person you consulted can not be said to be of average level. It can only be said that it belongs to a relatively popular cognition, and ours is true. lead the industry."

Old Geng frowned, he didn't like Qi Lei's words, which was a little overwhelming.

The reason why he is still sitting here and chatting with Qi Lei is mainly because of the convenience of Three Stones Company.

Qi Lei's business is to sell it for convenience, so that people like him can get started quickly, or even start the business without getting started.

How could he say that Qi Lei just thought of a good idea and made a fortune?

However, if you are a company that sells creativity and started with ideas, and you are still bragging, then it is unnecessary, but it makes people unreliable.

It's like an early shop on the street. Just sell your steamed buns. It must be said that his chef can cook a full-fledged Chinese restaurant and he is a national first-class chef. That would be boring, and even more people dare not eat it.

His face became solemn, "Boy, your cowhide is blown up, right? The one I asked, but the suppliers of several big brands, who are bigger than you, have entered the business earlier!"

Qi Lei was happy, and thought for a while, "Well, I won't be angry with you. You can sit here for a while, our R&D personnel will be there soon, and they will give you a good talk."

Seeing that Lao Geng was still a little unbelieving, Qi Lei said sincerely: "Master, what you said is correct, we are a group of young people who have come out to start businesses."

"But you are also wrong. I am not someone who has a good idea and waits to make a fortune in a good time."

"Without that diamond, we wouldn't take this porcelain job."

"I'll show you in a moment, what is the real ability of our Three Stone Company, dare to help others open Internet cafes!"

"You're welcome, in terms of technology, at least we have no rivals in China for the time being."

The talk grew bigger and bigger, and it became more and more like bragging rights. But Lao Geng looked at Qi Lei's expression, it really didn't look like a blow out.

Secretly suspect, that is that Fatty Wei didn't tell the truth with him?

As everyone knows, Qi Lei is really not talking big.

Server architecture, whether it is an Internet cafe server, a game server, or a cloud storage server, in terms of hardware architecture, it belongs to the application technology of basic theory, rather than cutting-edge technology.

Whether it’s in the 1990s or 20 years later, there is no difference between the basic logic and theoretical knowledge used.

This is like an engine. From the first day it came out, the basic science is the same. This is still the case until later lives.

The difference is that the initial one is relatively rough, while the latter is constantly improving and improving on the basis of the original model, from mechanical precision, to adding turbines, adding computer control, and so on.

The same is true for the server architecture. The basic theory is already there, but inspiration and creativity for improvement are missing.

And for this, Qi Lei, a traverser, can just make up for the lack of imagination.

Therefore, no matter which agent Lao Geng is looking for to consult, that is to show off according to the common method in the industry, he may not really understand.

Here, Qi Lei is a doctor of Harbin Engineering specializing in server architecture for technical support. Qi Lei is here to provide inspiration and ideas beyond the times.

Who can compare?

In this way, Uncle Geng waited for a while on the second floor. Before the briefing session in the afternoon, Qi Guodong took Zhao Na and a 30-year-old Xie Dingnan into the company.

Uncle Geng went up and took a look, this one is...

Zhao Na also knows Uncle Geng. This is like coming to class. She has never skipped class. Can you not know him?

Introduced to Uncle Geng: "This is a senior in our R&D team, who is still studying for a PhD in Harbin Engineering, and his name is Zhang Jian."


Uncle Old Geng grinned secretly. You see that Old Geng knew a lot of officials, but the doctor really didn't. This thing only exists in legends.


Today’s presentation will be very special, and Zhang Jian will personally demonstrate the management software.

In fact, this is what many customers are waiting for.

It’s a lot of fun for you to blow up, and there are fees, and it’s not cheap. Is it as good as what you said. Today I finally saw the real thing.

Uncle Geng finally decided that Fat Wei was indeed not a good person, so he was talking nonsense!

Is this a small program with nothing? It's amazing! Very practical! Also very strong!

Not only have the functions of the management of Internet cafes promised by Three Stones been realized, but there are also some ten most thoughtful functions, which make customers very satisfied.

For example, it is good to have a statistical algorithm.

It can display the time and spare time of each computer every day to the owner in the form of a table.

Just look at the availability, average duration, which machine works all day, and which machine hasn't been turned on for a day, it's clear at a glance.

It is very convenient for owners to make adjustments to their business strategies and balance equipment losses.

Including the sales of beverages and simple meals, there are similar statistical algorithms.

In short, very practical.

Everyone is very satisfied. After the demonstration of the management software, there are obviously more people intending to sign contracts directly today than in the previous few days.

Uncle Geng finally got free and asked him the question about the server.

In this regard, Zhang Jian personally answered, and fully demonstrated the technical contempt of all science men.

"Server? Nonsense! Our server architecture model is patentable and leads the world."

Yes, Qi Lei said that there is no rival in the country, and Zhang Jian has already expanded to the earth.

"Uncle, the two methods you mentioned can still be used for the structure of the secondary switch."

"But, in my opinion, it is also full of loopholes and outdated."

As soon as this statement came out, not only was the old man attentive, but other customers also became energetic.

So crazy?

I only heard Zhang Jiandao: "In addition to those two, there is now a more popular method of setting up foreign network services."

"It is to use a dedicated router for Internet cafes instead of the main switch. This will not only save server expenses, but also achieve the security level of using a secondary switch."

"This solution is more suitable for small Internet cafes with limited investment, saving money and security, and there is no trouble in server maintenance."

"However, the shortcomings of this server architecture are also obvious. That is, all data is connected to the network through a server, and the server load and network bandwidth requirements are very high."

"Our domestic Internet has not yet reached such a large bandwidth, so during the peak period of the Internet, it is easy to cause all Internet cafes to freeze or even disconnect the network."



Everyone glanced at each other and looked at a loss, while some customers had a certain understanding of computers. They were too familiar with what Zhang Jian said.

Moreover, it is not "easy" or "maybe" vague words, but it will definitely get stuck and will definitely break.

This is the norm in current Internet cafes and home networks, right? Who has ever been on the Internet in this era?

Someone has become solemn, "So, you can alleviate this problem with Three Stones?"

Zhang Jian smiled, "It's not a relief, but a solution!"



Everyone was excited, "Quickly talk about it!"

Imagine that if other Internet cafes are stuck in a normal state, and your Internet cafes are never stuck, this is a big selling point in itself, and it may attract customers infinitely!

At this moment, Zhang Jian walked to the whiteboard, drawing a sketch while explaining to everyone:

"For large Internet cafes, or users who are going to take the high-end route, we have designed a new server setup program."

"It is the coordination of multiple servers in parallel, and the division of labor is responsible for the different needs of the terminal."

Zhang Jian pointed to the schematic diagram,

"The traditional secondary switch is a total server. Generally, a small model server costs about 20,000 yuan, but it can only drive 50 terminals."

"All information requests and Internet interactions of these 50 machines pass through one server. If they access the network at the same time, it is inevitable that there will be excessive load and congestion."

"In our new server architecture, multiple servers are connected in parallel, and each server has a different function, which is a special purpose."

"For example, charging servers, game servers, movie servers, and security monitoring servers managed by Internet cafes."

"Each server only needs to process data of the same information type."

"When customers want to play games, they go to the game server, and to watch movies they use the movie server."

"Moreover, for example, movie servers and game servers will download game clients and movies in advance during network free time. The terminal only needs to connect to the server through a local area network. It does not occupy public bandwidth and is more than conventional downloads of movies and games. It's much faster."

"Moreover, it can save a huge expense! That is, all terminals do not need hard drives."

"Because all the stored data can be placed on the server, the terminal computer of the Internet user is actually equivalent to a TV screen, plus a remote control machine."

"Cost-saving, safe, and no lag on the Internet!"




Experts will know if there is any.

Zhang Jian's words are more effective than Zhou Tao's broken mouth, and many customers have completely convinced them. This is the core technology of Sanshi Company, and it is also the biggest selling point!

And the old man... Xin said, Fatty Wei is a fart!

The last bit of lumps in his heart was freed, and Old Geng turned around and left.

Going downstairs, Qi Lei threw a sentence, "I will sign the contract tomorrow morning!"

Qi Lei heard nothing, but responded with a smile, "Uncle, go slowly!"

But Xu Xiaoqian was about to cry after listening.

He pinched Qi Lei's arm and twisted it in a circle, "He finally signed..."

The voice was very sad and relieved.

Even Zhou Tao heaved a sigh of relief, "This old man can be regarded as arriving (the bus arrives, the train arrives, it is said that it is gone, it is over, and finally got off)!!!"

Here, after Xu Qian ravaged Qi Lei, she trot to Zhou Tao's side with a look of excitement.

"Sister Xiaotao, can this order count as mine? I want this order! I want it!"

She didn't do it for money, and logically speaking, she shouldn't be involved in sales.

But it's's not easy, Xu Qian is about to become the daughter of Uncle Geng.

This order must be counted as hers, it is of great significance!

In this regard, Zhou Tao was very generous, and Qi Lei shouted: "This is a Qianqian! I said it!"

Qi Lei also rubbed the soft flesh on his arm, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said to Xu Qian viciously: "This is mine! You make up for me!"

"No!" Xu Qian is very persistent, "It must be mine!"

After finishing speaking, he twisted slightly on Qi Lei's arm.

"My first order!"

Unfortunately, Xu Qian still doesn't know how her first order is.

The next day, Uncle Geng came, carrying a black plastic bag.

After entering, I sat there and stuffed the plastic bag into Xu Qian's arms, "Deposit!"

When Xu Qian saw it, she was shocked, a full one hundred thousand.

"Uncle, don't you need so much, right?"

Uncle Geng slammed: "Use it, 500 machines, 20 servers, the intersection of Youyi Road and Central Street, the three-story decoration of more than 1,400 square meters!"

puff! !

Everyone in the room is Zhou Tao is a little confused, more than 1,400 flat? 500 machines? Is this the biggest order so far?

However, Zhou Tao has a headache. Uncle, you are so embarrassed, are you worthy of that military coat?

Kindly stepped forward, "Master, 500 units?"

Uncle Geng, "What's wrong? Isn't that big place filled up?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "So don't you need 20 servers?"

Uncle Geng, "Either don't do it, let's do the best and largest in Harbin. You can let that Dr. Zhang do it for me!"

Zhou Tao didn't give up, "Internet cafes don't need such a good location, it's too wasteful."

As a result, Uncle Geng became impatient, his eyes widened, "You girl is so evil, don't you want to give you money?"

"What's the matter? I don't need my own house. I will rent another one?"

Zhou Tao: "..."

Xu Xiaoqian: "..."

Qi Lei: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Tao regrets it a bit, this order is...a bit big!

However, Uncle Geng hasn't finished speaking yet, he treats Xu Qian as if he is a daughter, with a flattering expression, "Girl, wait a minute, there's more!"

Xu Qian frowned, "What else?"

Uncle Geng thief said: "These days, I have talked about more than 30 Internet cafes, and there are about ten friends who used to be in the wood business! I have set up an owner's association, and I will talk to your uncle. That’s good. Now, I’m all waiting to see if I sign it or not!"

"I have made an appointment, I will be there soon!"

Xu Xiaoqian: "..."

Zhou Tao: "..."

Zhou Tao regrets it completely, can this order come back?

Okay, how can I have a face?

Xu Xiaoqian has been grinding it for more than ten days!



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