Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 44: The final result

"Rebirth is like flowing years (

Zhou Tao is going crazy.

She said that the old man, come here every day, watch the excitement every day, and talk to those potential customers every day.

She really didn't take it seriously before, but now it seems, well, this uncle is not a young man behind!

Think about Zhou Tao's cold sweat. Uncle Geng has signed this. What if he doesn't sign?

And Qi Lei had been listening, although he was also taken aback by Uncle Geng, but when his eyes rolled, he thought of something else.

I stepped to the opposite side of Uncle Geng and sat down, "Uncle, I won't charge you commission for these 500 machines!"

Uncle Geng's eyes narrowed, "What are you going to do?"

Qi Lei, "I have only one request. I will make the plan for the decoration and layout of the Internet cafe, and the brand must also bear the name of "Three Stones"."

"Oh?" Uncle Geng raised his eyebrows and was amused. "You kid want to use me as a signboard?"

For the naming of customer Internet cafes, the company has no hard and fast rules, only the decoration style of the plaque is unified.

The external claim is that the use of the same decoration material in large quantities can reduce costs, which is also the result of multiple considerations by Reviver.

It is unrealistic to make all Internet cafes bear the name of "Three Stones". They can only make a fuss about the decoration style, at least it is made by the same company.

Regarding the question of Uncle Geng that Qi Lei wanted to use his Internet cafe as a signboard, Qi Lei did not deny it.

"Prepare to say, it's a model room!"

Nowadays, many customers do not sign orders, because they have not seen anything, they have taken care of them.

The Internet cafe, Uncle Geng, couldn't be better.

The best section of Harbin, the largest Internet cafe at present. If you hang the three-stone brand and decorate it according to the experience of Internet cafes that Qi Lei has taken from later generations, it will be the best model room and the best advertisement.

Is that comparable to the commission for 500 machines?

In response, Uncle Geng also smiled, squinting for a moment, but he gave Qi Lei a result he didn't expect.

"The commission, uncle, I really didn't take it seriously."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was startled, thinking that Uncle Geng would refuse or offer other conditions.

I only heard the uncle Geng said: "We do not miss your commission, you can also hang your brand. If you come to give me the decoration plan, we will be more happy, I can save worry! However, I also have a condition. "

Qi Lei felt a little bit at a loss, this uncle is very evil in nature, you really can't guess what conditions he can offer.

"Talk about it!"

Uncle Geng, "There is nothing wrong with being a model room for you, but since you have used us, you can't change this model room in two days!"

"Don't come to a bigger Internet cafe tomorrow. You are more willing to spend money than I am. If you go to someone else's, then the uncle will be rude to you!"

"This..." Qi Lei didn't understand, what does this mean?

"You, is that just one request?"

"Ah!" Uncle Geng nodded affirmatively, "That's just one request! If you can agree, I will put your sign."




Everyone is not a bit stunned, this request... a bit weird!

Only using his model room, Zhou Tao really couldn't help curiosity, "Master, can you tell us why this is?"

"Oh~~!" Uncle Geng pouted, "You guys, it's still too young! The business mind is still not flexible enough."

To dangle everyone's appetite, "Want to hear?"

"Want to hear!"

Qi Lei answered this time. To be honest, he didn't even want to understand.

Uncle Geng, "Then pour water!"

As soon as Xu Qian heard it, she immediately filled Uncle Geng with a slap in the face.

I saw Uncle Geng take a sip, "You use me as a model room, then you have to make sure that my Internet cafe makes money, and you can't make less money!"

"Otherwise, the model room won't make any money, how can you let others invest in Internet cafes?"

"So, if you are here, I will save my worry! You have to help me keep an eye on it so that I can make money!"




"Admire!" Qi Lei was convinced.

This old man, it's a bit evil to look at things.

Uncle Geng smiled complacently for Qi Lei's praise, which was very useful.

Xin said, you young people are not easy, and my old man is not bad!

I'm half buried in the ground, and suddenly I spend millions to enter a new industry. No matter how smart it is, I can't do what I want.

Well now, a bunch of elites in this business help me stare, isn't it more real than the commission?


Uncle Geng did not hesitate, starting at around nine o'clock, and one after another, customers who held a group with Uncle Geng came to sign contracts.

Among them, these days, there are colleagues that Uncle Geng talked with at Sanshisi Company, and there are also business friends of Uncle Geng before him.

Especially those ten friends of Uncle Geng.

In the 1990s, no ordinary people were involved in the timber business in the forest area. Those who have the ability to transport raw materials to the customs by train, and those who run wood processing plants in the forest area are all the owners of good money.

But now that the national policy has changed, these people are tantamount to collective unemployment. I have money in my hand, but I can't find money to do business.

It's alright now, with Uncle Geng taking the lead, everyone really dares to invest money, and the smallest scale has more than 100 machines.

Only one morning, 54 orders were signed, which can be described as a collective outbreak.

Among them, Uncle Geng brought over 46 orders, and there are only eight orders left. It's because so many people are signing contracts, so let's sign them as soon as possible!

The sign Qi Lei felt unreliable, not because of the large number of orders, but the owners' association made him a little wary.

This thing is good or bad, and it will be overturned if it doesn't.

However, Uncle Geng also has Uncle Geng's consideration. He is a layman, and he is in a different position from the Three Stone Company. It is understandable that he wants to protect his rights and interests together.

Besides, it mainly depends on the inadequacy of the three-stone company's work and whether the owners have any **** sticks.

After thinking about it, Qi Lei thinks that if there is, it is actually quite good!

And, since there is already...

I saw Qi Lei call Uncle Geng aside, before he could speak.

Uncle Geng spoke first, "Is it for the owners' association?"

Qi Lei nodded, but Uncle Geng smiled, "Boy, don't worry, your uncle is not a picker. As long as you take care of us, there will definitely be no chaos."

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei smiled, "Master, you are wrong too! I want to discuss with you, and come to my place tomorrow."

"Huh?" This surprised Uncle Geng, "Come back? What are you doing?"

Qi Lei, "I will make you a brand of the owners' association. As long as you sign a contract in the future, you can directly absorb it into the owners' association."

Uncle Geng: "..."

Looking at Qi Lei dumbfounded, his heart said, okay boy, I underestimate you!

Only Wen Qi Lei said: "I think it's nothing, but a good thing. It is also a spur to us, let us do more service in place and get closer to our customers."

"Clustering everyone together is also more conducive to suggestions, feedback and service upgrades."

When Uncle Geng heard this, he squinted at Qi Lei contemptuously, "I really think so? I think you want to set up a model room in the company right now?"

The homeowners’ association stopped at the company, and when new customers saw it, there were so many people signing orders. So what else do you suspect?

I couldn't help but looked at Qi Lei in admiration, this kid is really good, there are two things!

It's a pity that his family is a kid, if only she was a girl.

And Qi Lei is indeed for this purpose, this thing cannot be stopped, even if there is no Uncle Geng, customers will spontaneously connect.

There is no QQ group, no WeChat group, but believe it or not? This group of people will make a special phone book, all of which are customers who are also in the Three Stone Wind Bar Alliance.

When the time comes to let them connect in private, it might as well be more controllable on the bright side.

Besides, letting Uncle Geng serve as a model room is really conducive to signing orders, so why not do it?



Uncle Geng signed the contract on February 4, and there are 11 days left before the Chinese New Year.

In a blink of an eye, February 10, the twelfth lunar month, is only five days away.

That afternoon, Zhou Tao sent away the last batch of customers, also announcing the end of previous work.

Throw a contract to Qi Lei, "I'm exhausted!"

Sit there and look at Qi Lei, "How many have you signed?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone gathered together, not without concern.

To be honest, the twenty-odd days since the decision to start the company has been like dreaming.

Twenty days ago, none of them thought that there would be a company, let alone that it would be so prosperous.

"How much?" Xu Qian also asked.

Because of her busy schedule these days, she is almost becoming a robot.

In addition to answering the phone, it is still answering the phone.

I saw Qi Lei grinning, "a little bit...a little bit less!"


Whether it's Zhou Tao or Xu Qian, they are all shocked, it seems a lot, right? Who are you fooling?

At the beginning, there was really not a lot of time, but since Uncle Geng signed the contract, the order quantity has come up at once, surely a lot!

Sure enough, Qi Lei sighed pervertedly, "Only 132 orders, I thought I could break 200!"


Qi Guodong, Zhao Wei, and Zhao Na were all frightened, with a trill: "How much?"

Qi Lei, "132 orders, received 2.84 million deposit."

"Among them, there are 55 orders in the urban area of ​​Harbin and 39 orders in the surrounding counties and cities of Harbin. The rest is a bit troublesome."

"11 orders in Qingcheng, 9 chapters in Jiashi, 9 orders in Qishi, 7 orders in Dancheng, and...and 2 orders in Jishi in Jilin Province."

"A total of 217 servers, 10,510 computers, and..."

Looking at Ma Weiping, "The decoration of 132 stores, our task after the new year is very arduous!"




Who cares whether you are arduous or not, whether Zhou Tao, Liu Yuan, Zhang Li, and Ma Weiping are all calculating quickly.

Zhou Tao is calculating the commission for more than 10,000 computers, as well as the software usage fee, and how much money can be paid for the decoration of more than 100 stores.

As a result, Zhou Tao was frightened.

She hadn't thought about these things for mechanical signing these days.

"Is that much?"

And Liu Yuan and Zhang Li are calculating which single she negotiated and how much money can be raised.

As a result, I was frightened. In just half a month, they had sold socks for several years.

As for Ma Weiping...

Ma Weiping was so greedy, he was so embarrassed, the boss took it!

It is not the boss Qi Guodong, but the real boss Li Gang.

The decoration of 132 stores. Li Gang's decoration team couldn't handle so much work in two years. How much money did it make?

After Zhou Tao was surprised for a while, she immediately woke up and said, "I have to move quickly!"

She had never expected such a large order.

First look at Qi Guodong: "Guodong, go back to Shangbei and negotiate with that Li Gang!"

"Grandma's!" Sister Xiaotao pinched her waist, "Give us 5% for the decoration of more than 100 stores? Ask him if he wants to do it!? No, let's find someone else!"

Ma Weiping narrowed his neck when he heard it, and said to his heart, it seems that the boss is also hard to make money, the girl in this city is too powerful.

But what Zhou Tao said makes sense. For the decoration of more than 130 stores, for such a big job, would you give them 5%? I can't explain it!

And over there, Zhou Tao looked at Qi Lei again, "I think this year, you are not having a good time. Or, go to the capital right away and contact the computer agent in Zhongguancun."

More than 10,000 computers! This amount is not a small amount anywhere. It must be settled quickly, and it is best to strive for a little more preferential space.

"Go to those computers to negotiate the price. It's best to get the discount to more than 500 yuan."

A computer discount of 500, three stone can raise 30%, that is 150 yuan. More than 10,000 units, that is 1.5 million!

Zhou Tao is very motivated now, selling socks than her...

Well, it's not comparable to selling socks at all.

Therefore, she is the most concerned now.

One decoration cost, one equipment purchase cost, and the benefits brought by fixing these two items, to put it mildly, may double the profit of this one hundred and thirty-odd orders.

Qi Lei also agreed with this, so when Zhou Tao directed his third uncle to bargain with Li Gang, he didn't stop him.

I really want to have a good chat with Li Hanhan's father, 5% is indeed a bit less.

But, what about purchasing equipment...have to go to the capital?

Seeing Qi Lei weighing the order, he smiled slyly, "More than 10,000 computers! There are more than 100 Internet cafe servers... Do you want me to visit the capital in person?"

Everyone was startled, "Who will run if you don't?"

Zhou Tao was anxious, "Stone, you can't be lazy, you're almost out of a lot of money!"

Seeing Qi Lei didn't respond, Zhou Tao became even more anxious, "Forget it! You are an uncle, I can't ask you, I will go! I will buy a ticket to Beijing tomorrow."

Qi Lei shook his head, "What are you going to do?" Zhou Tao gave a blank look. "Old Geng is really right. Being young means that you don't have enough brains."

In the doubtful eyes of everyone, the envoy Qi Lei Zhang Li said: "Go! Go to the lawyer upstairs to draw up a tender invitation letter, and write..."

"Three Stone Network Management Co., Ltd. faces computer dealers across the province and the country. After the holiday, public bidding for 11,000 terminal equipment, 120 Internet cafe servers, and equipment supply contracts for the entire year of 1999."

After finishing speaking, I said to everyone, "Not only do we need to take out 10,000 computers, but we can also take out the equipment contract for the whole year!"

"The location is in Harbin, hold a bidding meeting, let them pinch each other!"

Who can withstand such a large order?

"Now it's not just Internet cafes who want to find us, but computer sellers also have to find us!"




Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and suddenly I find it superficial.

Qi Lei really dared to think about everything and do everything.

Bidding meetings, supply orders for the whole year of 1999...

There are more than 10,000 machines in this half month. How many are there in the whole year?

Even if there are no more orders from the previous year, for the whole year of 1999, based on the purchase volume of 50,000 units, is it possible?

This is still a conservative estimate.

50,000 units! Don't talk about regional agents, first-level general agents will be red-eyed.

"You bull!"

Zhou Tao gave a thumbs up, "You're so awesome!"

Qi Lei is now selling it now, and the ideas learned from Uncle Geng will be used immediately.

That's right, what agents are you looking for in the capital? Once the invitation is sent, wait for them to come to us!

Moreover, this price is definitely not high!

However, they were wrong. Are regional agents and first-level general agents enough?

Even if the most conservative 50,000 units, plus the supporting Internet cafe servers, count as 1,000 units.

In 1999, this can be regarded as an astronomical order, and manufacturers may not be able to sit still.

You know, a suspected domestic computer assembly factory has sold more than one million pcs, and that was still in 2000.

And this was Qi Lei's goal, and at this time he had an idea.

After he came back to his senses, "By the way, when sending a letter to the agent in Harbin, remember that, if everyone else sends it, you won't give it to Fat Wei!"

When everyone heard it, they were amused.

Fatty Wei? I almost forgot that fat Wei.

Qi Guodong suddenly laughed and joked, "Actually, Fatty Wei should be the one who should post most. Without him, there would be no Sanshi Company! Why don't you thank others?"

"Tsk tusk." He slapped his mouth, "I really want to see Fatty Wei's expression when he learns the bad news."

But Qi Lei said, "Don't worry, if you don't invite him, he will have to come. Then, the expression will be more exciting!"

After speaking, this matter is over.

To Liu Yuan, Zhang Li, and Feng Qiang said: "Sister Yuan, Sister Li, and Brother Feng, don’t leave today and return to your hometown tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, we will have two shareholders coming over, and the company will be there. Now, I have something to say."

Liu Yuan and Zhang Li looked at each other, and said to their hearts, what do you leave us for, with regard to your shareholders?

But it's hard to say much, so I can only nod his head.

Finally, Qi Lei said to Ma Weiping again: "Uncle Ma, you will follow my third uncle back to You don’t need you here anymore. But you have to talk to Uncle Li, Nian Uncle Geng's order must be started as soon as possible, and we will try to get the order in March."

Uncle Geng is a model room, as fast as possible. The sooner it opens, the more capital Sanshi has to show its customers.

Naturally, Ma Weiping has nothing to say, he is just a part-time worker, and his boss has the final say.

"That's OK, I'll be back in a while. Whether I will come in the next year or not depends on Boss Li's arrangement."

Qi Lei nodded, took out a red envelope from the inner pocket of the down jacket, and handed it to Ma Weiping: "I'm sorry to trouble you during this period. This is a little bit of heart."

Ma Weiping panicked and quickly declined, "No, no, no! I was sent by Boss Li, how can I take your money again."

Qi Lei forced it to him, "Take it! Uncle Li is Uncle Li, we are us, and this should be what it should be."

Zhou Tao also interjected next to him, "Brother Ma, don't shy away. Thanks to you for this period of time!"

Zhou Tao was telling the truth. Without the old horse, their signing would not go so smoothly. If it weren’t for the old Ma’s professionalism, in the absence of a decoration plan and seeing the effect of the decoration, how could customers trust their white teeth so easily?

In this regard, Lao Ma played a decisive role.

"Take it!" Zhou Tao simply took the red envelope and stuffed it into the old horse pocket.

And Ma Weiping made such a big girl afraid to move, so he could only bite the bullet and accept it.

But when I took it in my hand, my heart became even more flustered.

It's really a big red envelope, quite old and thick, full of ten thousand.


Ma was excited, he didn't want to do it for Li Gang.

Xin said, I'm hanging on the wall, and the director of the engineering department! Otherwise, I will continue to hang on.



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