Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 105: Do you have any comments?


Farewell, my second high school!

Farewell, my Baggio!

This senior year of high school ended in glory.

But for the students who are still in the second middle school, their nightmarish senior year has not yet begun.

As for Zhang Nan, her magnificent education blueprint has not yet been developed, only a corner has just been opened.

The results of this session are unquestionable, amazing enough, and even the strongest in the history of the second lieutenant school.

However, although Li Wancai was driven away and Liang Cheng was driven away, Zhang Nan still had many problems to face.

For example, how will you bring it to the next senior year of high school?

For example, how can a teacher like Chen Li mobilize their enthusiasm?

For another example, the Second Middle School has emptied its funds, but only lasted for a year, and even owed two months of bonuses. How to solve it?

These things are enough for Zhang Nan to worry about.

Sitting in the office, Zhang Nan looked at No. 2 Middle School outside the window.

The playground paved with loess, the dilapidated South and West campuses...

Zhang Nanxin said that she wants to build a first-class middle school, and there is still a long way to go.

After watching for a while, Zhang Nan finally got up and carried his bag, and went downstairs to meet the old principal Dong and the old crane.

The three of them rode on their bicycles and went to the Board of Education for a meeting.

Today’s meeting is very important. The Board of Education will summarize the education work in the first half of the year and explain the enrollment issues in the second half of the year.

All the principals and vice principals and deans of middle schools above the township level in the city attended the meeting in the conference room of the Education Commission.

When the three of Zhang Nan arrived, there was still a while to leave the meeting, and some principals came earlier than Zhang Nan's.

After a year of contact, Zhang Nan is no stranger to these people and greeted them with a smile.

Because of the previous problems, they are now being rehabilitated, and everyone is expressing condolences more or less.

Especially Jiang Xiubo, the principal of No. 1 Middle School, and Wang Xingye, the newly appointed principal of the Experimental Middle School.

Jiang Xiubo is a female principal, and she has a good relationship with Zhang Nan. After Zhang Nan was dismissed, Jiang Xiubo went to see her at home.

When they met, they were naturally not cautious at all, but instead complained about Zhang Nan's arrival.

"It's too much, no matter if it is so good in the third year of high school, and it is so outstanding in the third year, you make me the principal can't do it!"

The first middle school only has the junior middle school, and the results in previous years are similar to those of the second middle school.

If there are also key junior high schools, then the first and second high schools are the best junior high schools in Shangbei.

The second middle school is actually not easy. There is an experimental middle school in high school, one middle school in junior high school, and one middle school in two schools.

Regarding Jiang Xiubo's complaint, Zhang Nan also joked: "Return to make up for you."

Jiang Xiubo was stunned, "How to make up for it? You won't compete with me this year?"

Zhang Nan, "I will give you all!"


What this said made Jiang Xiubo aware of the hypocrisy, and pointed to Zhang Nan, "You, everyone is pitted!"

Zhang Nan didn't take it seriously. Don't think Jiang Xiubo was a female principal, but that mouth was more poisonous than a man.

But when Wang Xingye met Zhang Nan, his mood was much more complicated.

It stands to reason that Wang Xingye should be happy. Li Wancai wanted to fight Zhang Nan, but he played with himself and made him cheaper.

The Heshan Tun No. 1 Middle School and Experimental Middle School where he was originally located are not at the same level. To be the principal of the Experimental Middle School, Wang Xingye had never thought about this before.

But why couldn't Wang Xingye be happy?

Sitting next to Zhang Nan, they whispered bitterly, "Sister Zhang, I can't start work!"

He can't start work anymore. The experimental middle school is not like the first middle school. At least there is a school district problem in the middle school.

No matter how good the second high school entrance examination is, if your registered permanent residence is not in the second middle school district, it will be difficult to enter the second middle school.

But high school is different. In the past, the city’s junior high school graduates chose two schools, and the level of the two schools was not bad, and the source of students was evenly divided.

This year is very lively, the second high school entrance examination is so explosive, who still chooses the experimental middle school? They must all go to the second middle.

Otherwise, Wang Xingye took the mess!

Although he has not reported to the experimental middle school yet, Wang Xingye has been complaining.

In previous years, the experimental middle school opened fifteen or six classes. This year, it was not possible to cut half of it, which is shameful!

Therefore, Wang Xingye is begging Zhang Nan for forgiveness, "Sister Zhang, think of a way, otherwise it really won't be able to report."

Wang Xingye is less than forty, and his face is thick enough. In the previous meetings of the Board of Education, he and Zhang Nan only nodded to know each other.

In response to this, Zhang Nan still smiled indifferently, and whispered: "Want to start work?"

Wang Xingye nodded, "Yes! Help, Sister Zhang!"

Zhang Nan nodded, "Listen to me for a while."

Wang Xingye stagnated, thought for a while, and immediately nodded, "Listen to sister!"

The situation is stronger than that of others. Besides, they are the lover of the secretary, so she must listen to her!

Just as he was talking, Cheng Jianguo and several other leaders of the Education Committee entered the large conference room, and the voice of discussion was instantly subdued.

Nothing special after that, the normal meeting process.

The work summary in the first half of the year naturally praised the Second Middle School and called on all middle schools in the city to learn from the Second Middle School.

The enrollment arrangements for the second half of the year are nothing new. Junior high schools are based on districts, and high schools implement two-way selection. The school chooses the source of students, and the source of students can also choose the school.

Of course, Cheng Jianguo also knew that Wang Xingye's experimental middle school might encounter problems this year in enrollment, but he did not take special care.

The demon that Li Wancai made, if you take his post, then you have to take his thunder as well. Otherwise, anyone can be the principal of this experimental middle school, what else do you use Wang Xingye for?

In this regard, Wang Xingye was also speechless. It was you who ordered me to come up, okay?

I stayed well in Heshantun, and my enrollment rate was not bad. I have become the number one middle school in the township. As a result, you learned me by experimenting, blame me?

Secretly cursing in my heart, Te Niang's, Lao Cheng just eats food and does not shit!

But these words also cursed in my heart, saying that Wang Xingye didn't dare to say, so he could only look at Zhang Nan for help.

And Zhang Nan gave him a relieved look, meaning, "Sister, help you think about it!"

In fact, Zhang Nan really wanted to help Wang Xingye.

This young principal is really good, in his thirties, and very capable.

Well, the ability is really strong, just look at the development of these studies in Heshan Tun No. 1 Middle School.

And when Cheng Jianguo named Jiang Xiubo and asked her to pay close attention to the teaching construction of No. 1 Middle School and can't let No. 2 Middle School go too far, Jiang Xiubo didn't forget to stare at Zhang Nan, "It's all you did!"

Zhang Nan still answered her calmly, "Don't worry, make up for you!"


After more than an hour, Cheng Jianguo finished talking about the major event, and began to talk about minor issues around corners and corners, and checked for omissions.

The first one was the deputy principal of Heshan Tun No. 1 Middle School. The principal Li Wancai did not come.

Where's the face?

I urge the vice-principal that Li Wan still has the ability, but there may be some emotions now. You must cooperate with his work and don't delay the teaching work of Heshan Tun No. 1 Middle School.

Then, he instructed Wang Xingye, who came, "Experimental middle school has improved compared with previous years, but since the second middle school can achieve such results, I believe the experimental middle school can also!"

"Grasp the teaching work, and strive to have a comparison with the second middle school next year."

Wang Xingye wanted to scold his mother again. He spoke lightly, but not everyone could be Zhang Nan, nor could any school be like the second middle school.

You know, the results of the college entrance examination are coming. In the past two days, teachers and principals in the city have been discussing the second middle school. They don't understand why it is so bad.

Including when Zhang Nan didn't come, Wang Xingye was still talking about this with Heshan Tun No. 1 Middle School, as well as the deputy principal and director of the Experimental Middle School.

What caused the second high school's performance to explode this year?

And the final conclusion is that it can't be copied!

This is not just a high bonus. Teachers are willing to be responsible and students are willing to work hard.

Do you believe it or not? Some teachers give him so much bonus, he will try his best to teach. However, most teachers will only increase the amount of homework and increase the amount of teaching, and they will never reach the level of the second middle school.

Don't say anything else, just say this third year of high school.

Which teacher can do it for a year, no matter in winter or summer, put the desk in the corridor, at the door of the class.

Any teacher who can do it, can't wait to enter the class and take a look, he will know which student has psychological problems and what is wrong.

This is not something that can be done with money, it can be mobilized.

Don't talk about the third year of high school, just talk about the most famous high school 14th class in the second middle school!

A group of scumbags, from being tired of learning to screaming, from the penultimate to the third in the school year...

That's right, at the end of this semester, the results of Class 14 are second only to the top two classes of Class 1 and Class 2.

This is not something that can be done with high pressure and strict management.

Teacher Xiao Liu in Class 14, including all the teachers, has spent so much effort.

From psychology to emotions, to teaching methods, how many ways have been thought of.

And they are so desperate and able to find the right way, it is not just a question of bonuses, but the leadership and wisdom of the principal Zhang Nan, as well as the outstanding ability of looking at the overall situation.

This is not to say that copying can be copied.

Therefore, Wang Xingye didn't catch a cold at all with regard to Cheng Jianguo's words about the car.

Let's just say it, just as if I didn't hear it!

Similarly, the vice-principal and dean of the experimental middle school are also observing your nose, nose and mouth, and mouth and heart. Nagging whatever you like, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.


If this year's Second Middle School is just a little bit beyond, even if it is a short period, they may still have the desire to try it.

However, you are so outrageous, and now you don't even have the desire to chase.

Regarding this, Cheng Jianguo could only shook his head secretly in his eyes.

Continued: "There is one more thing. When President Li was in the experimental middle school, he handed over a report about the application for the expansion of the experimental middle school."

"I don't think this matter is necessary, so I won't mention it in the future, let's catch up with the second middle school first!"

Cheng Jianguo's words were for the deputy principal of the experimental middle school.

Want to expand enrollment, want to swallow the second middle school, this is not the obsession of Li Wancai alone, the experimental middle school has this mind.

To mention such a mouth in public is also beating the experimental middle school. Just a few days after Wang Xingye went there, he asked you to be biased and came to me to raise the enrollment expansion.

The deputy principal of the experimental middle school was surnamed Ma, and he buried his head deeper at this time.

I also cursed in my heart, **** it, Lao Cheng is really not a thing! If you don't remind me, I am too embarrassed to mention the expansion of enrollment!

The principals of other schools also watched the excitement with a smile.

Can it be fun? It’s no secret that the experiment wanted to annex the Second Middle School.

It turned out to be good this time, and made me lose my temper in No. 2 Middle School.

But no one thought that at this moment, Zhang Nan suddenly spoke.

"Director Cheng, I would like to make a few comments about the expansion of the experimental middle school."

Cheng Jianguo raised his eyebrows and looked over, "What's your opinion?"

At this time, all eyes were focused on the past.

Seeing that Zhang Nan still had an indifferent expression, he smiled and said, "I personally think that enrollment expansion is beneficial to the construction of Shangbei's key high school. Therefore, I agree with President Li's previous report and the experimental middle school to expand the scope of enrollment. !"





As soon as these words came out, the entire large conference room was silent for ten seconds, and everyone looked at Zhang Nan dumbfounded.

Especially Wang Xingye next to him, his heart said, this...what kind of operation is this? I don't understand!

Cheng Jianguo frowned in contemplation. Finally, "Principal Zhang, talk about your specific thoughts."

I only heard Zhang Nan said: "In fact, on the surface, it is good for the two key middle schools in Shangbei to compete with each other, but in reality, it is a repeated waste of educational resources."

"I think if we take the opportunity of expanding the enrollment of the experimental middle school to reorganize several schools in the city, it might be a way out."

Cheng Jianguo: "Go on!"

Zhang Nan, "Experimental middle school enrollment expansion will inevitably attract a large number of outstanding teachers to form a larger teaching team to support more students."

"My opinion is that the experimental middle school, the first middle school, and the second middle school should be merged and reorganized."

"The team of excellent teachers from the Experimental Middle School and the Second Middle School constitute the true and only key middle school in Shangbei City."

"Excluding the experimental middle school and the second middle school, the relatively ordinary teachers are merged into the first middle school, making the first middle school an ordinary middle school supporting junior and senior middle schools."

"In this way, the new experimental middle school can not only concentrate high-quality students and concentrate the power of outstanding teachers to build the education brand of Shangbei, but also increase the number of ordinary high schools, and also solve the embarrassing situation of the city's relatively small number of high schools. "

There are indeed not many Pugao in the urban area of ​​Shangbei City. There are only two, one fourth middle school and one railway middle school, and they are not large in scale.





As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the principals present at the meeting were so wonderful!

Those who watch the excitement have one thought in their hearts, the secretary's lover is extraordinary! Ruthless! It's so cruel! !

This is how the experimental middle school expanded its enrollment. This is the fact that the second middle school expanded its enrollment based on Li Wancai's report.

Don't look at what Zhang Nan kept saying was to support the expansion of the experimental middle school and the merger of the two schools.

But, are you embarrassed to be the leader in your experimental school? Let the Second High School of the People's Family be smashed into scum, who merged with whom?

You, Wang Xingye, haven't even been in the office of the principal of the Experimental Middle School. Can you be the principal of this joint school?

High! Really high! But ruthless is really ruthless!

However, the three schools involved did not think so.

It was also the first time Lao Dong and Lao Crane heard that Zhang Nan didn't get angry with them before.

Pick your eyeballs now, huh? This proposal is good, this proposal is good!

Old Dong stood up immediately, "I think Xiao Zhang is right, I support it!"

The folds on the face of the old crane were all screwed together, and the back molars of the smile leaked out.

And Jiang Xiubo, the principal of No. 1 Middle School, stared at him for a long time. When he heard the attitude of Lao Dong and Lao Crane?

All of a sudden, "The First China also supports this proposal!"

Nonsense, can Jiang Xiubo be willing to give her a high school for nothing?

The heart said, so did you compensate me like this? good! really not bad!

The experimental high school is complicated. Associate Ma’s nose is flat and crooked. At this time, the two schools are merged.

He was about to speak out against it, but Wang Xingye's eyes turned and he took the lead in Vice Principal Ma, "I, agree, agree!"

Who of you likes to play this mess? Waiting to be called back to the meeting? How can it be mixed?

Must agree! !

At that time, either you will transfer me to another school, or let me give Zhang Nan a hand, and be willing to be the deputy principal.

Moreover, it is best to be the vice principal of Zhang Nan.

Think about it, the second middle school ranks 11th in the province this year. If this is a merger, Zhang Nan must be the main school.

If you get the teacher, student source of the experimental middle school, or Zhang Nan at the helm, then it's still worth it?

Not to mention Shangbei, it is not impossible to make a name in the province. It's not a loss to be a deputy.

Moreover, Zhang Nan is the secretary's lover, and was transferred back from the provincial capital. The current working relationship is still in the province.

Wang Xingye felt that Zhang Nan had to be transferred back sooner or later, when that time...

Which of these vice-principals can compete with him?

Lao Dong is approaching retirement age, and Lao Ma is not young. He is a young cadre. Who do you think will succeed?

Wang Xingye's mind is still turning fast.

"Agree! I support Zhang Xiao's suggestion!"

Yes, Vice-School Ma's blood pressure jumped up, staring at Wang Xingye, and said to his heart, you are also an experimenter?

traitor! !

And Zhang Nan, who is behind Wang, looked ahead, as if listening to the leader's words, but quietly said to Vice-Chancellor Ma, "Principal Ma, let go of our prejudices! You can do great things in one place."

Vice-Chancellor Ma was taken aback, doing it, doing something big? How big is the matter?

Thinking about it, Cheng Jianguo spoke at this time.

"Vice Principal Ma, the other principals seem to support Principal Zhang's opinion very much, what about you? What do you think?"

Vice-Chairman Ma looked at Zhang Nan, Wang Xingye, and Jiang Xiubo.

Xin said: Did you discuss it early? Is it useful for me to have opinions?

Finally gritted his teeth: "Me too..."




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