Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 106: bargain

When the meeting came out, Cheng Jianguo called Zhang Nan, Wang Xingye, Vice President Ma, and Jiang Xiubo from No. 1 Middle School to his office.

"Just now there were too many people, and it was hard to say anything. Now there are no outsiders, so please hurry up if you have any comments!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhang Nan again, "Do you really want to get along?"

Zhang Nan nodded firmly, "No matter the experimental middle school or the second middle school, there are actually problems with the teachers. Some teachers are too lazy. My suggestion is to stay if you can change, and leave if you can't. "

Looking up at everyone, "To tell the truth, the second high school can have this result today, but it may not have this result tomorrow."

"Because there are only so many faculty and staff who have grasped the essentials, it is impossible to let them take the third year next semester. People can't stand it, and other teachers can't stand it either."

"If it doesn't work in the coming year, then all previous efforts will be lost."

"But the reputation of No. 2 Middle School this year has been beaten out. It would be a pity not to use it now."

These words are okay to talk to the teachers and cadres of this school. If you say the same to the principals of the First Middle School and Experimental Middle School, Zhang Nan is really heartbroken.

At this time, Wang Xingye said, "How can President Zhang use it?"

But Wen Zhangnan said: "County-level middle schools have low thresholds, and bargaining and borrowing fees are much less than those of key middle schools in Harbin and Qingcheng."

"You said that if our grades are good, should the parents choose to come to Shangbei, or spend tens of thousands to go to the not-so-good key middle school in the big city?"


Everyone was shocked, you look at me, I look at you, secretly said., the heart is really big!

Wang Xingye was a little excited, but also a little unbelievable. "President Zhang meant that our goal is not just Shang Bei?"

Zhang Nan shook his head and glanced at Vice Principal Ma, "If you just want to get ahead in Shangbei, then there is no need to merge. The Second Middle School is now the leader, right?"

This is a bit domineering, but you still can't refute her, and you have no time to refute it.

Wang Xingye thought quickly, and finally came to the conclusion, "This year is indeed a good opportunity!"

The second middle school ranks 11th in the province. This name is not small. In the past, there were only dozens of students in Harbin City in the two key middle schools.

Don't even think about other middle schools. There are none outside the county or even outside the city.

But this year, it's really hard to tell.

Cheng Jianguo also had a thumping heartbeat.

To be honest, Cheng Jianguo knew about Zhang Nan's desire to join the school. Otherwise, he would have something in his head. What report of Li Wancai's enrollment expansion was mentioned at the conference? That is an introduction.

However, he really didn't know that Zhang Nan's heart was so high, not only to be No. 1 in Shangbei, she also wanted to be well-known in the province.

This is... a good thing!

As the Secretary of Education, he certainly hopes that the Second Middle School can find a way. As the leader, he also followed Zhanguang, right?

Looking at Jiang Xiubo and Vice President Ma, "Do you have any comments?"

In his room, this is not persecution, but what is really said.

When Jiang Xiubo heard this, he quickly spoke. "I definitely support it."

There is an extra high school, can she not support it?

"It's just..." Turning the conversation, he looked at Zhang Nan and smiled, "Sister Zhang, the school district has to be rezoned! Otherwise, the school district of your second middle school, plus the experimental middle school itself is next door to our first middle school, and the two school districts are combined. Son, I won’t be able to recruit people."

But Wen Zhangnan said: "You don't need to re-divide the school districts. I will give you both the school districts of No. 2 Middle School and Experimental Middle School."

Jiang Xiubo was startled, "This...why is this?"

But it was Wang Xingye who saw the way, "Principal Zhang meant to merge the junior high school into the first middle school?"

Zhang Nan, "Yes! It's not that I look down on the junior high school, but the joint middle school and high school. It does have drawbacks, and I can't be too busy."

"In this case, the junior high school teachers and source of students from the first middle school and the second middle school are still the best junior high schools in Shangbei, and the experimental middle school and the second middle school can also concentrate their efforts on the college entrance examination."

After listening to Jiang Xiubo, he was overjoyed! "I'm fine."

Of course she was fine, Zhang Nan gave her a big gift.

It's Vice Principal Ma's turn... In fact, it doesn't matter whether Vice Principal Ma has any opinions. Everyone agrees, but only your brother objected, that is to find uncomfortable.

But now that Cheng Jianguo said it and closed the door to discuss, then Vice Principal Ma still wanted to struggle a bit.

With a bitter face, he glanced at everyone with a bit of decadence, "Just... do you have to merge? The experimental middle school has a history of more than forty years!"

It was swallowed by the second middle school in their hands, and of course the old horse was not reconciled.

Well, when they were thinking about annexing No. 2 Middle School, why didn't they consider the principals and teachers of No. 2 Middle School whether they were reconciled?

The two schools have been complaining for a long time, and whoever is pressed by others can't sleep at night, let alone being annexed.

Vice Principal Ma is really unwilling.

However, he did not expect that Zhang Nan's next words would make Lao Ma a little embarrassed.

"Let's do it!" Zhang Nan intervened, "Principal Ma, I will tell you two things."

"First, after the school is merged, it can be called the Experimental Middle School, or Principal Ma can give the new school a name."

"As long as I can teach, the school can be built well. I don't care."

"Second, after the joint school, Comrade Wang Xingye or your principal Ma can be the principal. As long as you give me a deputy principal in charge of educational affairs, I don't care!"


Vice President Ma couldn't say a word.

What is pattern? Zhang Nan is now called the pattern.

What grievances, who swallowed who, Zhang Nan didn't care at all.

If she cared about these false names, she wouldn't be transferred back to Shangbei from Ha San.

The old horse who got him blushed, and immediately changed his words: "Don't, we don't want to fight for this in a hurry, the principal still has to come to principal Zhang."

As for the name of the school... Lao Ma thought about it, and it all fits together. Do you still care about the name?

"Just call it the second middle school!"

"The reputation of the second middle school has been played out, don't waste it."

When Zhang Nan heard this, he smiled with satisfaction, "Thank you, Brother Ma!"

Vice President Ma Yile, "It's all for work!"

At this time, he was considered to truly agree with the joint school.

The old Dong on the side slammed the old horse. "That's right! Haha, we've been fighting for half a lifetime, right? The two swords have been combined, and we will achieve some results together and retire together!"

Vice Principal Ma laughed and scolded, "Old things, the spirits are quite high."

Everyone laughed, even if this matter was over, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

In fact, this is all under the stairs to the old horse!

Lao Ma is not a fool. Believe it or not, if he said that Zhang Nan should not be the principal, Cheng Jianguo would have to slap him?

Believe it or not, he is going to stab his neck to object, and he is the same?

What is the trend of the times, what are you stopping?

People are so polite, it's nothing more than because they don't have any grudges with each other after joining the school, so that they can carry out their work easily.

Otherwise, it's okay to squeeze the old horse away, but the teachers and cadres of the experimental middle school will more or less panic and it is not easy to integrate into the new school.

Now that they have given the stairs, the old horse has to continue.

Moreover, in fact, Lao Ma also understands that Zhang Nan's agile energy might really make her do something.

Like Old Dong said, it’s not bad to make some achievements together and then retire together.

So far, the merger of Shangbei Experimental Middle School and Shangbei No. 2 Middle School has set the tone.

As for how to merge, Zhang Nan actually had a plan long ago.

In the next semester, the existing junior high school of the second middle school will be relocated to the experimental middle school site for three academic years.

Temporarily within two years, the junior middle school and the first middle school will not be merged. After all, the reputation of the second middle school has been established. First, explore the teaching experience and send away the existing two-year school.

Otherwise, it will be united now, and the parents will not do it.

The administrative department of the school, the principal's office, financial office, academic affairs office, teacher union, etc., are also placed in the experimental middle school.

The South Campus and West Campus of the Second Middle School, as well as the fourth floor of the main building, are all high schools.

In this way, the junior high school can free up about 30 old classrooms.

In the main building, there were already nearly forty classrooms, plus the eight vacated on the third day of the junior high school, and a few remodeled classrooms vacated by the removal of the administrative department, plus a dozen more vacated on the fourth floor. It is not a problem to install 110 classes in the whole school. Not only does the experimental middle school and the second middle school have places in the original classes, but there is also wealth.

Enrollment can be expanded this year to fully absorb students in the Harbin area.

"One hundred and ten classes?" Wang Xingye and Lao Ma's eyelids jumped, my dear!

Don't look at the bullishness of the Experimental Middle School. In fact, there are only 40 classes with more than 2,600 students.

One hundred and ten classes! ? This is not considered a junior high school, plus there are seven to eight thousand students, right?

I always thought about co-schooling before, but I didn't expect to be able to make it so large.

Lao Ma now has no thoughts at all. A colonel of seven or eight thousand people, if you let him take care of it, he can't take care of it.

The entire Shangbei also stayed at Zhang Nan in Harbin No. 3 Middle School. He has the management experience of a large colonel. Who else would dare to take it?

However, the old horse still poured a scoop of cold water.

It's not making trouble, but really thinking about the new school.

"Xiao Zhang, I heard... Your second high school is out of money, right? Does the new school still follow your original bonus system?"


Zhang Nan is embarrassed, and Lao Dong and the old crane are also embarrassed.

Old Dong said embarrassedly: "It's true that there is no money, but about this, everyone has to discuss it."

When the old Ma heard, "Go!" Rolling his eyes, he was afraid of this.

Afraid that Zhang Nan's heart is too strong, don't toss the second middle school out of poverty. If you look back, you will be able to lose all the wealth saved by the experimental middle school.

In this regard, Zhang Nan's attitude is very firm, and he said in a low voice: "The merger of the two schools means that the funds of the two schools are used. It shouldn't be..."

"Huh!!!? Huh!!!"

But Cheng Jianguo glared, "Don't hit my mind!"

Tucao in my heart, why are there so many eyes? Want the Board of Education to pay? There is no door, and neither can the secretary's lover!

"To tell you the truth, I agree with you to merge, just to save some money. Don't pay for two shares. Even building a toilet requires a bowl of water."

"So, don't expect the Board of Education to give you money, I can't tell you!"

"Except for normal expenses, nothing more!"

But Wang Xingye quit, "Director Cheng, you are not kind! Want to let the horse run, but don't you want to feed the horse? Support it more or less!"

I saw Cheng Jianguo smile, "How much do you want to support?"

Wang Xingye also laughed, "Why... not to give five million a year?"

"Ahhh!" Cheng Jianguo almost spit on Wang Xingye's face with a mouthful of old sputum, "Our city's education department, the irregular funding for a year is not 5 million?"

The so-called abnormal funds are emergency funds that exclude the salaries and benefits of faculty and staff, normal campus construction, and appropriations for daily supplies.

The extra funding for the two key middle schools every year comes out of this.

There really is no five million.

Wang Xingye also dared to speak up. You know, last year, the Experimental Middle School and the Second Middle School only gave 600,000 yuan. You just opened your mouth for 500? The disease is not mild! !

"No! Not a single point!"

When the old horse heard it, "Isn't there not a point? Then our key high school is not a stepmother? Besides, Xiao Wang said a price, you can bargain!"

Cheng Jianguo, "Bargain, right? 150,000! No more points!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand……"

It's not such a bargain!

Cut the person away with one slash, leaving a root of shabby hair, right?

Lao Ma couldn't laugh or cry, "Why haven't there been as many schools as last year?"

Cheng Jianguo smashed his neck and played a rogue.

"The school buildings of Baihezi Middle School are about to collapse, and the problem of tension in the classrooms of No. 1 Middle School is not one day or two days. Moreover, in the future, you will dump the junior high school to No. 1 Middle School. Then you can't add school buildings?"

"When the drawings are out, it's almost impossible to start work."

"So, I'm sorry. Find a way to go by yourself!"

When Jiang Xiubo heard that it was not polite at this time, he stared at the ball, "The school building of No. 1 Middle School can't be delayed! If you don't build the Chengju Bureau this year, I will take the students to your home for class."

Cheng Jianguo spread his hands to Zhang Nan and the others, "Look, I'm not stingy, right?"



Wang Xingye was in a hurry, "Cheng Ju, don't dare to be so stingy! At least, you have to be the same as in previous years, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Nan was speechless for an instant, and he was in no rush to stop it.

As a result, Cheng Jianguo said, "Deal!"

What is waiting for is your sentence, a small sample, bargaining with me?

Wang Xingye: "..."

A little silly and sloppy.

But Zhang Nan had to speak, "Okay, Cheng Ju also has difficulties, let's not embarrass him."

Cheng Jianguo frowned, why is it so happy?

Just Wen Zhang Nan continued: "Just press last year's 600,000 yuan, and the Cheng Bureau will implement it as soon as possible. The bonus for the second middle school has not been paid yet!"

Cheng Jianguo: "..."

Last year it was 300,000 yuan for a school! Moreover……

Weak: "Isn't this year's allocation finished?"

I gave it at the beginning of the year!

Zhang Nan raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you just talk about this year's funding? Isn't Cheng Ju talking about next year?"

"Then next year there won't be so much money to spend, right? But I'm going to talk about it again."

Smiled kindly, "Then I will talk to the Bureau of Cheng about the appropriation for next year? It doesn't matter, I don't need it this year. Let the Bureau of Cheng reduce the burden."

Cheng Jianguo: "..."

do not!

It's okay to deal with Wang Xingye and Lao Ma, Zhang Nan... forget it!

I give! Okay?

He looked irritable, "Walk and go, all go! I will give you the money before school starts, it is the city's support for the construction of the new school!"

Wang Xingye and Lao Ma Xin on the side said, look, it must be Zhang Nan! Can Lao Cheng count her?

Just as he got up to leave, Zhang Nan didn't move at all.

He said: "We try not to trouble the city with the money problem, but we have to ask the Chengguan Bureau to help us solve a small problem."

When Cheng Jianguo heard that, as long as he didn't mention the money, he could say anything.

"Speak, I will do everything I can do for you!"

The support still needs to be supported. It's just that I don't have any money, so I don't need to mention it anyway.


Zhang Nan: "Whether the new school can be built well, it really depends on the process."

Cheng Jianguo knew this routine, "Don't pick me up, just talk about the purpose."

Zhang Nan: "Have fun!"

Cheng Jianguo, "Let's talk about it, there is really no money, in other respects, I can help or will help, after all, it is our Shangbei education construction!"

Zhang Nan, "You give us more weaving? If you can't pay the bonus, you can't give us a formal one? Give us more so I can hire people."

Cheng Jianguo shuddered, this is more ruthless than asking for money!

In this era, the staffing of teachers is very tense. Not all teachers have staffing. Most of them are contracted employment, that is, temporary workers.

You are like Liu Zhuofu, such a good teacher, but you don't actually have a staff.

Not to mention him, many teachers who have been working for more than ten or twenty years have no establishment.

Formal establishment, control, and distribution are extremely strict.

On this point, Cheng Jianguo has a certain right to speak, but it still depends on how much the province gives.

There are only a few places each year, and when there are more than a dozen places, so many teachers in the city are not staffed, and it is difficult to allocate them.

In the end, what do you mean? Means to solve the problem of the staffing of all the teachers in the second middle school? Still use this to recruit people?

Well, it can really recruit people. A formal establishment can be countless times more effective than you.

Don't say you are a small place, let alone a young person who just graduated from university, that is, doctors, masters, even if it is a formal establishment in the ravine, there are people who are willing to go.

This thing is so arrogant in this age!

Cheng Jianguo's face was bitter, "Can you trouble me? Where can I get so much of this stuff for you?"

There is indeed no quota, which is more life-saving than asking for money.

However, the question of money can be discussed, but Zhang Nan has not given up on the issue of establishment.

If you want to run a good school, the first thing you must solve is the teacher's problem. Not only must they have income, but they must also be practical. This is fundamental.

Will Cheng Jianguo not give it?

Zhang Nan's face was stern, "Cheng Ju, really not?"

Cheng Jianguo: "Really not!"

Chapter Nan, "Then...Don't blame me for being impolite."

Cheng Jianguo frowned, "Why are you polite? To tell you the truth, even if you asked Old Xu to order me, no!"

"Really not!"

Zhang Nan ignored him and said to Lao Ma and Wang Xingye: "Go back and say to the teachers in the experimental middle school, let's fight for another year. If the next year is the same as this year, then we will be well-known. "

"I have the confidence to go to the province to find relationships, and assign the new school to the Harbin Municipal Education Commission directly under the jurisdiction, or even under the direct management of the provincial government. Comment on a county-level There are as many establishments as you need!"

When Wang Xingye and Lao Ma heard this, their eyes were red.

Organization, this is the most troublesome issue for school leaders.

Moreover, what is the concept of a county-level unit?

Lao Ma was anxious, "President Zhang, don't worry, the former teacher in the experimental middle school is not interested, I am the first to not agree."

Wang Xingye also said: "With this sentence, we will have a head start, and we will definitely have to fight for another year!"

Cheng Jianguo: "..."

There was a thought in my heart: Zhang Nan, you are really inappropriate! !



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