Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 138: more and more

Bill is 27 years older than Qi Lei, although in this time and space, the 47-year-old Bill Gates is not old, and he is in his prime, but he is indeed the age of Qi Lei's parents.

It stands to reason that apart from business, there is no common language to speak.

In addition, the completely unequal wealth status and public status, no one would have imagined that these two people would sit together and talk freely without any barriers.

The level of harmony has even surpassed any small circle present.

However, if you look at the life trajectories of the two people, you will find that there are many similarities.

It is also a boy who became famous and a legendary figure.

In fact, Bill knew early on that Deer would bring the Oriental boy over.

And as soon as he entered the party, without anyone introducing him, Bill locked on Qi Lei immediately.

That young man seemed to let him see who he used to be.

Young, fearless, and full of wisdom.

Just like Qi Lei who went back in time, full of regret and yearning.

Bill, who already has everything, has reached the age of nostalgia for the past, and there are some regrets of youth that can no longer be made up.

"Qi, Pangu's personalized costumes and themed markets are a genius idea!"

\"Okay, I admit, windows is defeated here.\"

Bill was not stingy with praise.

Qi Lei was not at all modest, "Then you should check out our 3.0 beta version. We have opened up more permissions and handed over the customization rights of the Pangu app to users."

Bill, "Really? That's crazy. That would be a huge burden on system maintenance and upgrades, wouldn't it?"

From the company's point of view, it is not conducive to the compression of operating costs. "

Qi Lei smiled, "Uncle Bill, you have been shackled by the company, and you are starting to lack imagination."

"Pangu 3.0 will also open the update and upgrade permissions for enterprise users."


Bill didn't quite get it.

Qi Lei, "Simply put, in the future, Sanshi Company will only be responsible for the basic maintenance of the Pangu system, as well as the upgrade and maintenance of the underlying code.

"What does the system look like and what it shows to users? It is not decided by Pangu, but by various custom manufacturers."

"For example, Imagination Computer, starting this year, has customized a personalized system for Imagination user groups on the basis of Pangu."

"At the same time, many Chinese manufacturers, as well as several European manufacturers, have also carried out personalized transformation."

"We even allowed them to change the name of the Pangu system."

"They will develop a lot of branches on the basis of Pangu. Therefore, I don't have to think about the difficulty of upgrading and maintenance at all, they will take care of it all by themselves."

Bill Gates: ""

He was stunned for a while, "Oh! Damn it! I think I really met an opponent."

"However, it's not too late to deal with it now."

Qi Lei smiled, "Then you have to hurry up. Because there are still two to three months at most, Pangu 3.0 will be officially launched."

Everyone couldn't understand more and more, so Qi Lei just told Pangu's upgrade plan?

You know, for a system company, this is the core secret, right?

And Deer listened from a distance, but his eyes glowed with golden light.

Mind Dao, 3.0…

Pangu 3.0! !

This, where did this set up a strong enemy for Bill Gates? He made a bunch of enemies for Bill.

This idea is so genius!

Deer is more aware that the Pangu system has great potential.

What surprised Deer even more was that Bill Gates remained calm when he heard the news. Even faintly... excited?

Well, other guests were curious too. How big of a heart does this have to be? You can ask Qi Lei to directly reveal company secrets,

And Bill is also fiercely fighting?

Kayla looked over there with some envy, "Rosie, did you hear that? Mr. Gates is really amazing! No wonder he's a billionaire! There's no fear at all."

Rossi curled his lips and said in his heart, isn't Qi Lei more amazing?

It's just that Rosie was not in the mood to argue with Kayla and bit her lower lip, she was worried about Qi Lei.

You must know that Qi Lei's previous disclosure of the purpose of his trip to the United States will cause some people to be alert and cause a lot of trouble.

And now, he also revealed Pangu's upgrade plan, making everyone realize that Pangu would be a huge threat, which undoubtedly made his trip even more difficult.

Although the Sansa from the Ministry of Commerce didn't come today, she would definitely know about it, and she would definitely stop Qi Lei.

"This big mouthed idiot!!"

Rossi couldn't help worrying, "Why say it!?"

Over there, Qi Lei and Bill were still talking like no one else.

Bill laughed and self-examined, "Actually, I should thank you."

Qi Lei, "How do you say it?"

Bill, "The original intention of the windows system, or the secret of success, is to simplify computer operations.

Simplified to the point that you can use a computer without any problems, even if you haven't learned about it. "

"This allowed us to beat a lot of opponents and become the most popular system."

Qi Lei, "Indeed, the advantage of the Windows system is here. Before Windows, it is difficult to use a computer without systematic computer knowledge."

Young people in later generations may not have the concept, thinking that the computer operating system should not be what they see it. Actually, that's not the case at all.

Before windows, don't say too early, a DOS can drive people crazy.

It is necessary to memorize various instructions in order to realize computer operation.

That's why Qi Lei said he stood on the shoulders of giants.

Of course, many people complain that Bill Gates copied the Apple system, which is a matter of opinion.

At this point, Bill said, "Because of these actions to simplify the experience for users, we won, and Microsoft became the most successful company in Silicon Valley."

"But!" Bill became serious. "Twenty years have passed, and Microsoft seems to have forgotten its original intention and why we were successful."

"In China, we lost to the more humanized Pangu. This is a question worth reflecting on. Therefore, now Microsoft is back on the track of the past, back to the concept of humanization."

"Damn it!" Bill cursed at this point. "You're such a marketing genius that you beat me with my methods!"

Qi Lei, "It doesn't count? At least outside of China, Microsoft is still number one."

Bill, "It's good, you still want to beat me outside of China?"

Qi Lei suddenly laughed, "I want to try it!"

Bill looked at him in surprise, a little envious.

After pondering for a moment, he came to the conclusion, "It's hard!"

"First of all, the personalization, and open source plan is very creative and brings you a lot of users."


The conversation changed, "I have personally studied your Pangu, except for personalization and the Fuxi browser, it is almost useless!"

Bill was rude, "Your technology is too poor, and the underlying code is full of loopholes. Such products are substandard and will be abandoned by users sooner or later."

Qi Lei does not deny that, to be honest, Pangu is not as good as Windows from a technical point of view, there is no controversy about this.

The success in the domestic market is due to the blessing of the domestic system, and the second is the cleverness of personalization and marketing.

He does not deny these.

However, in the face of Bill's impolite criticism, Qi Lei still had to say a few words for Pangu.

He curled his lips and said, "Be content! You must know that we are only a team of 100 people, and it took two years to

Start from scratch. "

"It's pretty good to be able to do this."

Bill, "But, it really sucks."

Qi Lei glared, "Then your windows still has a blue screen!"

Bill, "!!!"

"Qi, you can't say that, we've done our best! With tens of millions of codes, mistakes are inevitable."

Qi Lei, "each other."

Bill, "Not the same! We have far fewer mistakes than you!"

Qi Lei, "Even if there is one, it is a mistake!"

Bill, "You can't compete with me when you enter the United States."

Qi Lei, "Let's see!"

The guests are not calm again, why are they fighting again after a few words?

And, the point of contention is fresh! Childish or not?

Besides, it's still too early for Qi Lei to argue with Bill about competition, let's talk about it after passing the hurdle of the Ministry of Commerce!

The whole evening, Qi Lei and Bill had a good talk, which is a good story.

The two of them, sometimes laughing, sometimes quarreling over trivial matters, so that the others had no chance to talk to each other at all.

Bill seems to have found the feeling of young people starting a small business from Qi Lei.

And Qi Lei also learned a lot from this senior.

Attitude towards affairs, competition, and the ultimate pursuit of technology.

In fact, the early entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and other generation of Silicon Valley people, are still quite lovely, with the innocence of i men, and the pursuit of the ultimate pursuit of technological peaks.

Although there is also the cunning of the mall, but...

This is like the Apple of the Jobs era and the Apple of the Cook era are two apples, and they are different from businessmen after all.

As parting approached, Bill gave Qi Lei a hug.

"Qi, you make me very contradictory!"

"From the company's point of view, of course I don't want a competitor like you."

"But, personally, I hope there is an opponent like you in Silicon Valley, maybe that makes Microsoft better."

Qi Lei smiled, "Uncle Bill, I think we will see each other soon."

"At that time, I hope we can still chat happily as we do today."

Bill, "I hope so.\"

On the way back to Shanshan City, the car was quiet, and eight eyes looked at Qi Lei curiously.

It's not good to be curious. Tonight, Qi Lei's performance is incomprehensible.

Originally, Brother Ma should not have asked some sensitive questions in front of Manager Wen and Rosie.

However, he really couldn't hold back.

"Stone, what are you planning? What conspiracy is brewing?"

This made the four of them **** up their ears, waiting for Qi Lei's answer.

And Qi Lei, "Cha! There's really no conspiracy this time, it's all conspiracy."

Kayla was anxious because she was speaking Chinese, which she could not understand.

Rosie could only translate for her, but she still couldn't understand, "What is Yangmou?"

Rossi thought for a while, "It's a trick on the surface!"

Kayla understood, "It's still a conspiracy."

Manager Wen was not in the mood to listen to a little girl fooling around, "I still don't understand you."

"Anyway, I declare again that Desheng will not help you this time."

Qi Lei sneered, "Brother Wen, don't talk too much."

Manager Wen, "????"

Qi Lei looked at his troubled look, "Forget it, I'll tell you!"

When Manager Wen heard it, "Don't!! I don't listen!"

I just want to guess for this little fun.

Besides, if you can't guess, the headquarters has spoken, it really can't help.

He was afraid to hear it, but it was embarrassing.

"I'll go back to Hollywood tomorrow. There will be results there soon. If you need to watch, I won't accompany you."

He thought, let's run, it's dangerous to stay here.

In the end, Qi Lei said, "No, tomorrow's schedule is all arranged."


Qi Lei, "Stanford, watch my brother go!"

special! Manager Wen cursed in his heart, are you here for business or sightseeing?

I haven't seen him do anything right.

"Am I not going?"

You go to see Haoning, what am I doing?

Qi Lei, "You really have to go."

Manager Wen, "Why?"

Qi Lei, "Because, I want to chat with Levistan."


Why are you talking about old Levina again?

As mentioned before, in addition to being a senior advisor to Desheng, Levistein is also a well-known scholar at Stanford University.

So, when Desheng's side had nothing to do, old Levi was hiding in Stanford to teach.

Manager Wen thought for a while, then simply took out the phone, "Then I'll make an appointment for you, don't you need to go?"

Qi Lei thought about it, since he was so reluctant to Na, it would be fine if he could date Levistan anyway.

Manager Wen Wen made a phone call, and after putting it down, he smiled Unfortunately, Levistan won't have time tomorrow! "

Qi Lei frowned, "That's really unfortunate, he's not at Stanford?"

Manager Wen, "Yes, but there will be a joint lecture tomorrow, which is very important."

Qi Lei asked casually, "If you can hold a joint lecture with Levistan, your academic status should not be low. Who is it?"

There are many masters in the field of communication studies. Out of professional interest, Qi Lei is really curious.

I saw Manager Wen smile, "I'm really not a communication scholar."

"Levy said it was us Desheng, as well as several executives from Morgan and other investment banks, and a well-known geek who was a lunatic who engaged in it."

"What's it called, I forgot, let's discuss the future technology industry together."

"By the way, Bill and Deer will be there tomorrow too."

Qi Lei is stagnant, geek?

The mind is turned, this period is called a famous geek, or a lunatic who engages in it.

A name came to mind immediately.

I couldn't help but my heart skipped a beat, "Yes... is it called Andrew Bin?"

Manager Wen was also stunned, "Yes, it's Andrew Bing, how do you know it's him?"

When Qi Lei got an affirmative reply from Manager Wen, he couldn't help but smile strangely.

"Tomorrow then! Talk to old Levi, and tomorrow I'm going to listen to his story."

Manager Wen, "…\"

Why is Qi's little eyes more excited than seeing Bill Gates? **


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