Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 139: brothers meet

It was nearly midnight, and on the wild road from San Jose to Mountain View, there were only two solitary headlights echoing the starry sky.

Qi Lei was obviously tired, and suddenly stopped joking.

These days, though he doesn't seem to be doing anything other than eat, drink, and have fun.

However, maybe only Brother Xiao Ma knows that this guy's head never stopped for a moment.

Sometimes when he was chatting, he suddenly slipped out of his mind.

The conversation in the car also came to an abrupt end with Qi Lei's silence.

Looking at the wilderness shrouded in endless night, Brother Ma suddenly had a hint of enlightenment.

At this moment, at that time...

Aren't he and Qi Lei the two dim lights in this wilderness?

In a foreign country, isolated and helpless. Maybe Qi Lei is not as easy as he seems, that guy...

There must be a lot of pressure, right?

This is, Rossi actually has the same idea.

It's just that Rosie is not as emotional as Pony, she has always been terrifyingly rational.

You don't need to think much to know how difficult Qi Lei is...

to be honest.

In the face of this difficult situation surrounded by powerful enemies, it will be difficult for anyone to change.

Not to mention a big boy who is only twenty years old?

Even if his hands and eyes are sky-high, he is no exception.


Rosie sighed softly, causing Qi Lei to look at her more.

It's just that Rosie didn't say anything comforting and reassuring after all.

The car remained silent.

Back in Mountain View, Qi Lei sends Rosie and Kayla back to the hotel.

I was going to go back to take a shower and rest.

However, Brother Ma didn't go back to his room, obviously he had something to say to Qi Lei.

"Why don't we go back...why be angry here?\"

Brother Xiao Ma sneered, "We want wind and rain in the country, so what are we doing here?"

"Besides, stay in the country and build the four modernizations as well."

Qi Lei was amused by him, and said puzzledly, "Isn't this going well? Why did you return to the public?\"

Brother Little Ma, "Pull it down! What's going on?\"

"Really I can't see it?"

In the past, when Qi Lei did everything, he always followed eight steps! I can't wait to start, but the ending has already been planned.

Whether it's the acquisition of Imagination, or the strategy of ARM, the whole set of plans has already been made.

But this time around...

It seems easy, but Qi Lei has no rules at all!

It can be said that it is a broom in the east and a broom in the west. Explain what?

This shows that he not only has no complete plan, but also has no confidence!

Even today, after a week, he hasn't even found a breakthrough.

"It really doesn't work, let's go back? Without the old rice market, we are still good at it!"


Qi Lei sat on the sofa, his expression restrained.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly smiled bitterly, "Okay, my brother is indeed a little empty at this time. There is really no progress.\"

Brother Little Ma, "Then let's go back?\"

Qi Lei glared at him, "What is it?"

Brother Ma was anxious, "Then what are you spending here?"

He counted Qi Lei with his fingers, "First of all, Deer! Don't look at that old **** and his kindness, in fact, he is the most sinister!"

"This grandson, what's wrong with holding back!"

"His purpose is definitely not a browser anyway!"

Qi Lei, "He wants the Pangu system.\"

Brother Xiao Ma paused for a moment, and then said, "Cha! I'll just say it! Don't go up! If he wants, it's different to come in with you!"

Qi Lei, "I know\"

This is obvious, Deer's so-called "want"! The contract would be even harsher than the browser contract that Reviver offered!

Not harsh or not, otherwise the U.S. government will not agree.

This is also unacceptable to Qi Lei.

However, Qi Lei did not dissuade Brother Xiao Ma's enthusiasm, "Continue to say, by the way, I will also rationalize my thoughts."

Brother Ma, "Second! That's the U.S. Department of Commerce!"

"That old lady, Sansa, made it clear that she's here to oppose us! With her watching, you can't let go!"

Qi Lei nodded, it was true that although Sansa was trapped on the browser letter of intent, but...

In fact, she doesn't need to come forward, as long as someone is watching until the US Department of Commerce is watching, it will be enough trouble.

Little Marco, "And then there's Pittwen!\"

"I don't know how you got him under control, but this guy is definitely not on our side! You can't trust him!"

Qi Lei,"

Little Marco, "And then Bill Gates!\"

"Don't look at the good conversation you guys have today, but he will never be soft-hearted in business, and Microsoft is working overtime all night to deal with you!"

Qi Lei, ""

Brother Xiao Ma, "Also!! And Dave's investors!"

"You don't think that if they are interested in your project, they will help us?"

"So" Little Ma was a little frustrated! Yes, given so many examples, he was depressed.

Well there's no good people around except that girl Rosie has no conflict of interest!

"Thi! It's so embarrassing!"

The organs are exhausted, but it still doesn't feel good to see hope.

Qi Lei was also depressed. He didn't even know that he had so many enemies.

After pondering for a while, I felt that I still had to make a deal with Brother Ma.

"You're right, I really didn't know where to start some time ago"

"But now I've found this breakthrough."

Brother Xiao Ma was startled, "I found it?\"

Qi Lei, "Yes, I found it!

"What is it?"

Qi Lei didn't answer directly, but instead asked Brother Ma, "You said that we were doing business in a serious way, but everyone knows that this business is unlikely to happen. What's the reason?"

Brother Xiaoma stared, "Isn't this nonsense?\"

"Operating system or social software."

"This is the lifeblood of a country's Internet! No one can easily let you master it."

Qi Lei nodded, "It's true...\"

"But this is positive thinking!"

Brother Ma, "What is positive thinking?\"

Qi Lei, "It's whether it's you or me, everyone has encountered the positive development of the Internet\"

Brother Xiaoma frowned and thought, a little bit of understanding.

Qi Lei, "Don't you understand?"

"Everyone knows that the control of the operating system and the national network big data are impossible for opponents to master."

Brother Xiaoma: "Yes! Is there any problem with this?"

Qi Lei, "No problem, but the problem is that this is a technology and data security issue, not a Silicon Valley or business issue.\"

Brother Xiaoma, "Brother! Don't be funny! You are in the business of data interaction, so why is there no problem?

Sanshi is the system and Penguin is the social software, which inevitably involves user data.

Qi Lei, "Maybe I didn't explain clearly enough.\"

"Let's put it that way!"

After pondering for a while, "Data security is a national interest, and it is an issue that the US government has to consider. What does it have to do with Guge Microsoft?\"

"The U.S. government maintains data security, not Silicon Valley companies like Guge Microsoft."

The more Xiao Ma listened, the more confused he became. "What do you mean? That is to say, as long as you take care of the U.S. government? If you take care of Sansa, you will find a breakthrough?"

Qi Lei, "Wrong!!\"

"Just the other way around.\"

"in turn?"

Qi Lei, "I'm not that big, and I still want to deal with the U.S. government?"

"What I have to do is to get the Guge Microsoft! Get the Silicon Valley!! The rest, leave it to the U.S. government to do it for us.\"


Well, little brother is even more confused.

"Forget it, don't tell me."

Brother Xiao Ma gave up, "Just say you can't go back!

Qi Lei, "I can't go back now."

Brother Little Ma, "Then you can do whatever you want, I'll just see the result.\"

Stanford is located in Palo Alto, in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area, close to Silicon Valley.

Therefore, Qi Lei did not need to travel long distances from Mountain View City.

In the morning, despite the reluctance of Manager Wen, he still reunited with Qi Lei. It was less than ten o'clock at Stanford.

Qi Lei parked the car and got out of the car with his phone in hand.

"Just arrived, urge you uncle!"

"I'm in school, how do I know where it is? There's a big white pagoda next to it, it's so ugly!"

"Hofferta? That should be it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Of course, the phone number belonged to Wu Xiaojian. Knowing that Qi Lei was here today, he made three calls in the morning.

Putting down the phone, Qi Lei spread his hands apologetically to Brother Xiao Ma, Manager Wen, and Rosie, "Free activities, everyone, see you at the afternoon lecture!"

Several people knew that he was going to see friends, so they didn't say anything.

Exactly, Manager Wen is going to say hello to Levistan.

Rossi is also going to visit the "teacher".

After the three of them left, it took fifteen minutes before Qi Lei saw a Ford Raptor rushing into the parking lot with the accelerator all the way down.

In front of Qi Lei's car, there was a quick brake, and then, Wu Xiaojian, Cheng Lele, and Chen Wenjie pushed open the car door and stepped on the frame of the car. He looked down at Qi Lei condescendingly.

Wu Ning lay on the car door, "It's only been a few months since we were separated? Why are you not excited at all?"

Qi Lei didn't talk to him, he circled around his car for half a circle, and suddenly felt that the big G was not fragrant.

As soon as he reached out to Wu Ning, Wu Xiaojian immediately understood, threw the car keys over, and then got out of the car and ran to the big trunk.

Qi Lei ignored him and sat in the cab.

As for Wu Xiaojian and Cheng Lele, they moved all your hometown goods from the trunk to the raptors like a treasure hunt.

The car moved, Qi Lei, "Guide the way!\"

Chen Wenjie, "go!\"

Between brothers, there is not too much chatter, no matter where or when, it is the most comfortable state.

Under the guidance of Wu Xiaojian, the car drove out of Stanford again and stopped in a residential area not far from the school.

Qi Lei sighed as he looked at the stronghold of these three goods, "It's corrupt."

The single-family villa has a garden swimming pool, and a Mustang GT and a Mercedes-Benz 230 trot are parked in front of the door.

Chen Wenjie smiled and said, "Enter the room, hurry up."

Wu Xiaojian grabbed Qi Lei's neck, "I seem to be taller than you.\"

Qi Lei stared, "Impossible!"

Entering the house, Qi Lei took a tour first and came to the conclusion that it is completely unnecessary for everyone in China to worry about the lives of these three goods in a foreign country!

It was very comfortable.

During this period, Wu Xiaojian also gave Qi Lei a brief introduction. Chen Wenjie bought the house cheaply.

Wu Xiaojian originally wanted to buy it by himself, but he came to see it and felt that it was okay to live here.

In terms of study, Cheng Lele is a little hard, and Chen Wenjie and Wu Xiaojian are more than enough.

And listening to Wu Xiaojian's boast, their connections at school are also very good.

Qi Lei has no doubts about this...

Aside from Cheng Lele, these two have exquisite personalities, and they won't suffer anywhere.

The four of them sat around on the sofa and laughed for a while before they finished.

Then Cheng Lele went to cook, and the green onions dipped in soy sauce at noon made Qi Lei very resentful, "Why, I've run so far, so why don't you just give me this?"

As everyone knows, Hao Ning and Cheng Lele have been thinking about this for half a year!

Chen Wenjie is okay, he will live with a small bottle of water, "I will have it at noon!"

When Cheng Lele went to work, Wu Ning and Chen Wenjie became more serious.

Wu Xiaojian was the first to speak, "How is it? Have you opened the situation?\"

Qi Lei shook his head, "Not yet"

Wu Xiaojian snorted, "Then just do as we said and it's over!"

"Let's greet him with a blushing face! Let the cheap dad of the fake foreign ghost come forward to the system and collect the penguins!"

"What do you say you're working so hard for?"

Chen Wenjie also said, "Who said no?"

"My second shadow also said that now he and Desheng's Jia Kuier can talk to each other, and it is feasible to encourage him to come forward."

Qi Lei didn't say anything, just glanced at them both, how could it be that simple?

The point is to be too risky...

Let's come forward twice in a row, and in the middle, he has to play a brother-in-law drama with Wu Xiaojian.

Too complicated.

Qi Lei often said before that the more critical the operation, the simpler it is.

Complexity only brings trouble.

However, you can't directly push the two back, just say, "Wait and see"

Wu Xiaojian still doesn't know him? Obviously he disagreed, he pouted, "Then wait! It's really not good, we won't listen to you!"

Qi Lei smiled, "I'm useless, let's see what you guys are up to."

Chen Wenjie, "Isn't this over?\"

"By the way. What lecture did you attend?"

Qi Lei, "It's not even a lecture, it's just a bunch of capitalists sitting together to make a fool of yourself, and a bunch of stupid students below listening."

Chen Wenjie, "Where are you?"

Qi Lei, "What are you talking about, right next to the Hoover Tower? What is the auditorium of the Humanities Department?\"

Wu Ning heard and looked at Chen Wenjie, "Your department?"

Chen Wenjie frowned, from the humanities side? As far as he knew, it seemed that there was indeed a speech meeting that suddenly glared at him and asked Xiang Qi Lei, "Is there an old Levi?

Qi Lei, "Oh? You know Levistan?\"

Chen Wenjie, "That grandson! I'm a communication lecturer!"

"Why didn't you give me credits last semester!"

Qi Lei, "

Well, he really didn't know that Chen Wenjie fell into Levistan's hands,

He smiled and said, "I just ran for him!"

I saw that Chen Wenjie first got a certificate, and then shouted, "Get him for the Lord!!"

After Qi Lei listened, he smiled lightly, "It depends on the situation.\"

The breakthrough he was looking for, to put it bluntly, was to use the media, and to use his best at communication.

Therefore, the participation of Levistan is very necessary.

Of course, it's not the kind of participation in cooperation, but he wants to use Levistan's influence in the US media field to deliver some information for him, so it's not necessarily what Chen Wenjie wishes.

It's wrong, I deleted a lot.

Fortunately, it was finally straightened out. No matter whether it is two chapters, three chapters or four chapters tomorrow, I will definitely finish this turning point.

Some people say that the old man has stopped chatting recently.

It's not that I don't talk, there are too many things, I can't calm down, plus the update is not good, I'm embarrassed to talk.

That's right, let's deal with it.



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