Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Don't let us keep a low profile?

Gene Sharp is undoubtedly a strategist. He can summarize the coup d'etat and subversion of the regime into 7 steps and 198 rules, and there are few people who miss it. His strategic vision and ability are only higher than Qi Lei.

Therefore, Qi Lei really wanted to keep a low profile and let this old coffin be stared at, which is really not a good thing.

However, the topic of today's symposium is not at all what Manager Wen said to discuss the future of science and technology.

He is also ignorant.

This is a tandem assembly.

This involves the question of why the U.S. provoked a color revolution and disturbed the whole world.

Many people may blurt out the answer, of course, for profit, in order to control the puppet government.

It's like Ukraine after the Orange Revolution, building a pro-Mi government, completely turning to the United States, and then manipulating the actor president to fight against *, the United States wants to benefit from it.

It's true, but it's too abstract.

Words of mouth say benefits, where do the benefits come from? I guess few people can tell.

And this forum gave the answer.

Let’s put it this way, the global disruption in the United States has formed an industrial chain.

First, Sharp's NED selects target countries for planning and pre-investment.

That is the first step mentioned above - infiltration, bribery, and dissemination of public opinion.

As for Sharp's funds, part of it comes from the U.S. government, and most of them are donated by investment banks and capitalists.

For example, Soros.

Sharp attended with George Soros because Soros is the big financier of NED.

In addition to Soros, Wall Street giants such as Desheng and ** are all investors of Sharp, and they provide Sharp with a lot of money.

Sharp took the capital money to complete a series of operations such as infiltration, public opinion incitement, and conflict.

After Sharp completed the first four steps, the media began to enter the venue to be their platform.

In the past, it was traditional media. Newspapers and television guided public opinion, while Hollywood movies and TV series carried out cultural invasion.

Export the concept of liberal democracy.

However, with the development of the times, the Internet has become a force that cannot be ignored, so there is a place for Microsoft, Google, and Silicon Valley.

Of course, now it's just following along, and the current status of Silicon Valley is far less than that of later generations.

At the sixth step, once the regime is subverted and the puppet government comes to power, then it is time for capital to start harvesting.

Whether it is Soros shorting the currency, or the resale of resources and the theft of national assets by big capitals such as Desheng and Morgan, they are enough to make a lot of money.

For example, Ukraine...

After the Orange Revolution, the pro-Russian regime stepped down, and the pro-Metropolitan regime gained power. In just a few years, Ukraine's mineral resources were divided up by U.S. capital, and all national assets were further monopolized by oligopolies.

And the Ukrainian oligarchs are all agents of Western capital.

At this time, that is to scrape the poor ghost's money together, and then everyone shares the money, and everyone is happy.

Even if you don't succeed, you can't lose if you enter the seventh step.

Once the fight starts, the arms and the international financial market can reap a lot of money, and by the way, they can also launder money and so on, and they may make more money.

So, this is business, big business!

Just like those who attended the conference today, there are Wall Street capital, financial giants, media people like Levistein, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and a series of people in the game.

As for why Qi Lei can sneak in?

In fact, it is the same as Stanford students to listen to the bigwigs brag.

As soon as it comes, Americans like this set, what TV debates, public speeches!

Moreover, it is impossible to discuss this topic openly, everyone is tacit, and getting together is a kind of conspiracy.

Those who can understand will naturally understand, but those who don’t understand, treat it as freedom of speech and speak freely!

Second, this is not a secret at all, it is a conspiracy.

Americans have used this routine for 20 years, and will continue to use it for 20 years in the future.

It has long been researched.

But you can't take this routine, you can't prevent it.

In the whole world, under the color revolution routine, no more than a slap in the face of a country can get out of the country.

China is one of them.

But so what? The price is not small.

And the current Americans have not found that China can defend against it, so they have enough confidence to be arrogant.

I have to admit that this is the subtlety of Western politics, and the magic of electoral politics.

Ordinary people who hold most of the votes do not need so elaborate cover-ups and lies. A washing powder, even if the earth is flat, can fool them.

And the highly educated elites are the beneficiaries of lies.

They can benefit directly from it, so few people debunk lies.

So... just take what you need.

In short, Qi Lei didn't know until this time that he had infiltrated the enemy.

There is still some time before the start of the symposium. The guests who came to participate basically arrived, and Stanford students began to enter the venue one after another.

Deer greeted Qi Lei from a distance, but did not come.

His purpose today is not to accompany Qi Lei, but to have other communication.

Bill came to Qi Lei's side to chat a few words, but the content...

Can kill popularity.

"Qi, you are finished! I made the company work overtime last night to deal with your invasion."

"Haha, wait and see, Microsoft won't let you get away easily!"

Qi Lei has a black line on his forehead. I really don't know whether Bill Gates is pure or cunning.

If you do it against you, you can't hate him yet.

Gritting his teeth, "Uncle Bill, you are declaring war!"

Bill still smiled warmly, "Calm down, young man, isn't that great?\"

"You have to know that Microsoft has had no rivals for many years, and I am very excited about your appearance."

Qi Lei, "…"

After Bill left, Levistan came again.

"Long time no see, Mr. Qi." His tone was also quite sluggish.

However, why can't Qi Lei hate this powerful "assistant"?

With a grin, "Professor Levi, I came to visit you on a special trip.\"

Old Levi raised his brows and said in his heart that he was in a good mood when he was defeated.

Coincidentally, Chen Wenjie and Wu Ning appeared in the field of vision among the students who entered.

Chen Wenjie looked for Qi Lei for the first time, and when he saw him sitting in the guest seat in the first row, he waved from a distance.

Levistan looked, "Oh, that's your friend Chris?\"

He knew that little Merlin was Qi Lei's college classmate.

Commented, "That's a stupid guy, I really hope he never graduates,"

Qi Lei, \"...\"

However, Levistan's words changed, "However, you are not the same as him.\"

"Mr. Qi, you are a very talented student."

"If you come to Stanford, I am very willing to accept you as a student. I will even leave you a postgraduate position."

Qi Lei, \"…\"

It hurts a bit, why don't you listen to Uncle Bei?

shouldn't have come!

With Gene Sharp around, it's not easy for him to break up with Levistan, it's just a waste of time.

Then, what makes Qi Lei even more speechless is still behind!

The layout of the venue is as follows:

It is somewhat similar to the interview studio of a TV station, with a large stage in front of it, and then connected to the auditorium.

There are six sofa chairs on the stage, reserved for Bill Gates, Gene Sharp, Buffett, Levistein, and a Fox executive.

It is Silicon Valley, the NED Foundation, investors, traditional media people, and Hollywood, each with a seat, and those who can come to power are bigwigs.

The first and second rows of the auditorium are guests who are not eligible to appear on stage, such as Qi Lei.

In the back is the student audience.

Although Qi Lei was sitting in the first row, his position was inconspicuous. Manager He Wen, and Rosie went to the nest, ready to be transparent people.

However, at the very beginning, Levistein and Sharp, two social science scholars who were also the hosts, caught Qi Lei out.

Gene Sharp, "First, we'd like to introduce a friend from afar."

One refers to Qi Lei, "Entrepreneur from China, founder of Sanshi Company, the youngest billionaire in the world, business genius, and also an expert in the field of communication, Mr. Qi Lei!"

With a bunch of titles, Rosie was stunned, and whispered to Qi Lei, "So you are so good?\"

Qi Lei's face turned dark, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to be seen through by Sharp.

Yes, although Sharp did not show any waves in the process of communicating with Qi Lei, Qi Lei's abnormal enthusiasm, including the slight change in his expression when he heard the name Gene Sharp, was captured by him.

Don't forget, Sharpe is a political scientist and a sociologist, he is also well versed in psychology.

It can only be said that Jiang is still old and hot, and Qi Lei lost the first confrontation.

Sharp saw something unusual in Qi Lei, although he couldn't tell what was wrong with this big boy.

However, Sharpe concluded that he was definitely not as enthusiastic as he had shown, for some other reason.

Because of this, Sharp caught Qi Lei as soon as he came up. He wanted to further explore what secrets this big boy had.

At this point, after Sharp introduced Qi Lei, Levistan didn't want to bring his little pride to the table.

He knows that there is a saying in China that "the villain wins", and he has not yet reached that point.

However, old Levi was a smart man. The first thing Sharp mentioned was Qi Lei. He knew that this terrible guy had an idea.

So, I can only follow Sharp's words, "Oh, damn, I'm rude.\"

Looking at the audience, "Dear guests and classmates, you may not know very well that Mr. Qi Lei is not only very successful in the shopping mall, he is also a communication scholar.

"It was he who created China's Young Eagle Class! This is a legendary group with many papers published in authoritative journals."

"Stanford's elite training camp was established by imitating the Eagles class."

This made the students present looked over curiously.

Those who come here are either t-related majors, or social science majors who came to Levistein and Gene Sharp.

Therefore, some people have heard of the Eagle Class and even Qi Lei.

There was a bit of awe in his eyes.

Qi Lei was a little speechless, frowning at Levistan and Sharp, wondering what they were going to do.

And the answer will soon be revealed.

Sharp said suddenly, "I think Mr. Qi can be assigned a place on the stage. With his academic ability, he can join today's discussion."

Looking at everyone means asking everyone's opinion.

Levistan was fine, of course, and Bill was fine too.

The other few remained silent, unfamiliar with Qi Lei.

Sharp was acquiesced and looked at Qi Lei with a smile, "Mr. Qi, are you willing to accept this invitation?"

Qi Lei, \"…\"

Sharp's purpose is obvious. From the perspective of communication, he wants to gain insight into a person's secrets. Then the person needs to convey as much information as possible.

While sitting under the stage, it is obvious that there is not much information passed on the stage to participate in the discussion.

In China, it is called, "to say too much is to be wrong".

It stands to reason that when Sharp's series of offensives were knocked down, most people would be in disarray.

However, is Qi Lei an ordinary person?

Contest-type players, at this time, have calmed down.

I smiled bitterly in my heart, brother is too dazzling? Can't keep quiet anymore!

Glancing at Gene Sharp, I said in my heart, old coffin coffee! This is so special that you recruited me first!

Holding the armrest, he was about to get up, but Rosie pressed Qi Lei's hand tightly without a trace, shaking his head silently.

For ordinary people, the name of Gene Sharp may still be unfamiliar in this era, but to the media, what he did, and the NED he founded, are no secret.

Rosie knew what this old man was doing, and she could see that, Sharpe obviously deliberately brought Qi Lei to power.

For whatever reason, Rossi didn't want Qi Lei to act impulsively.

As for why?

Let's put it this way, do you think Sharpe is only hated by those countries that were subverted and thrown into chaos by Sharpe?


The name Gene Sharp is used throughout the West, including the United States. It can only be said that he is notorious, and no one likes this sinister old man.

"Don't go!" Rosie growled.

No matter how talented Qi Lei is, he is no match for Gene Sharp. Moreover, behind Sharp is the US government.

Well, NED is jokingly called the CIA division, not without reason.

Qi Lei was very emotional about Rossi's concern.

This **** is still a bit conscientious and can deal with it.

Look at that white-eyed wolf in Pittwen, I have helped him so much, but he is still motionless, maybe he is expecting me to make a fool of himself!

Giving Rossi a reassuring look. Finally stood up.

When passing by Rosie's seat, reminded her in a low voice, "Take the recorder and turn it on."

Rossi, "????\"

I don't understand, there is a video of the scene.

Rosie also communicated just now, and will give her a copy of the whole process of the symposium.

Then what do you need a recorder for?

Qi Lei, "I'm afraid they won't give it after the meeting!"


Rossi is even more confused, why not give it?

After speaking, he calmly went to the stage, and the seats on the stage also became seven.

Levistein also handed the microphone to Qi Lei, "Before the discussion starts, Xiao Qi always wants to say something to the students at Stanford?"

Qi Lei took the microphone and didn't even think about it, "University, fall in love, skip a class, fight a fight, don't forget to make a few brothers sincerely.\"

"Don't just focus on studying and forget what youth is like just because you went to Stanford."

The audience suddenly fell silent, followed by warm applause.

No one in the audience expected that he would say such a paragraph.

I thought it was some kind of polite self-introduction, or eloquent self-bragging!

Qi Lei handed the microphone back to Levistan and sat back gracefully without speaking.

But invisibly, both the audience and the guests were deeply impressed by this oriental boy.

Over there, Sharp's brows furrowed even deeper.

So what is his secret?


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