Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 142: passed the trick

If a person is accustomed to darkness, then he cannot be open to sunshine.

Gene Sharp is one of the most typical examples.

He concluded that Qi Lei had some unspeakable secret, and, due to the influence of multiple identities as a spy chief, a psychologist, and a sociologist, he was very interested in this secret.

And the process of gradually digging out the secret made Sharp enjoy it very much.

At this moment, Qi Lei drew applause from the audience with a beautiful opening, and Sharp, like everyone else on stage, laughed heartily.

With Levistein, Bill, and Buffett, look at each other kindly.

"My God, it's so enviable to be young!"

Looking at the classmates in the audience, "You have wealth that makes billionaires jealous.

Next, Sharp was not in a hurry to pursue it, but explained the theme of today's discussion.

"Today, we come to Stanford University, the cradle of Silicon Valley, to discuss communication, technology and the future with you."

Communication technology and the future, in fact, the subject proposed by Sharp can be summed up in one word.

However, the term is not popular in this day and age.

Levistein took over at this time, "Professor Sharp has put forward a very good concept, then we might as well improve this concept."

"Then start with me?" Levistein insisted, "As a scholar who has studied in the field of media for decades, I believe that information dissemination will inevitably lead to a new model through the development of science and technology, and then change the future. ."

After listening, Bill shook his hand, "Dr. Levi, your concept is still too general, and everyone may not understand it.

Can I go into more detail? "

Americans are open-minded and good at performance, not to mention a bunch of bigwigs, so they quickly entered the state.

Bill laughed at his classmates in the stands.

"I don't understand information dissemination, but I understand technology."

"Every advance in science and technology will inevitably bring about an improvement in the efficiency of information dissemination. And we are now in a period of leaps in computer technology and wireless communication technology, so what changes will it bring to dissemination? This is worth exploring.

Because to take care of the audience of students under the stage, it is actually a group of bigwigs brainwashing the people under the stage to express the importance of technology and communication.

Twenty years later, these words will definitely not be so laborious. You don't need Stanford's top students. Almost an ordinary junior high school student knows what they are talking about.

However, not right now, these concepts are all new and advanced.

Not to mention high-caliber students, the company bosses, technical experts, and experts and scholars are not necessarily omniscient.

Bill's explanation is relatively simple than Levistan's, but there are still some people who are confused, including Chen Wenjie and Wu Xiaojian, who whispered BB.

Wu Xiaojian, "What kind of idiot is this?"

Chen Wenjie, "Don't speak human words!"

In this regard, Bill also tried his best.

However, Sharp suddenly gave another explanation, "Maybe, we can find the answer from history."

Sharp leaned back in his chair like a lazy old man.

"The most primitive way of dissemination of information is language! This makes the early primitive human race completely different from the beast.

"More efficient information transmission enables humans to have a synergy and cooperation ability far beyond that of other beasts."

"Language, you can think of it as the earliest technological means, is an early program given by God to human beings, natural and compiling sound elements."

"However, although language can effectively disseminate information, it has an obvious disadvantage, that is, timeliness."

"Voice cannot be preserved for a long time under the conditions of primitive society."

"So, primitive humans carried out the second technological revolution. They upgraded the technology and created a new mode of information transmission - a pattern!"

"Graphic murals solve the problem of timeliness and can be preserved for a long time, and then evolved into text.\"

"The obstacles from the time dimension have been completely resolved, and even today, we can still understand the thinking of ancient human beings from ancient monuments and slate paintings."

It's called level.

Sharp's elaboration, let everyone understand at once, the connection between information dissemination and branch access.

Chen Wenjie grinned, "Cha, this uncle has something!"

Wu Xiaojian, "It's quite easy to understand."

And Sharp continued his speech, "The next change in communication brought about by technology comes from the emergence of letters and postal services."

"Two thousand years ago, the king of ancient China used state power to establish a complete postal system, which is the earliest and most complete postal system in the world.

"On top of the original time dimension, the space dimension has been added, and information is no longer limited to one place or one area, but can spread far away."

Chen Wenjie, "I know a lot."

Sharp, "In the next two thousand years, there will be almost no qualitative leap in the time distance of information dissemination until the next technological revolution.

At this time, the students in the audience had been completely mobilized by Sharp and began to follow Sharp's thinking.

Hearing him say this, someone couldn't help but reply, "Dr. Sharp, are you referring to this technological advance, wired and radio?"

Sharp smiled. "Exactly."

"The advent of wireline and radio enabled a qualitative leap in the dissemination of information, adding immediacy, one of its most important attributes."

"It greatly reduces the time required for information transfer, increases efficiency, and has a universality that was not available before."

"This layer of change is not only about the dissemination of information, it has even changed the form of warfare, international diplomacy, and the lives of ordinary people."

"From the telegraph to the radio, from the telephone to the television."

"Information is based on efficient and instant, from simple long and short Morse code to two-dimensional text, to sound and picture, redefining the logic of life in this world."

"After that, computer networking came along again."

"Then who can tell me what changes this technological breakthrough has brought to information dissemination?"

Many of the students present were studying communication, and this question was not difficult for them. Some people blurted out,

"It's interactivity."

"That's right!" Sharp affirmed the answer. "Radio, TV, and movies are all single-handed, and the Internet is interactive. As a disseminator of information, I am also a receiver of information."

"That's why today's web is separate from traditional media, because it's completely two models and it's hard to confuse them."

Sharp not only explained the relationship between communication and technology, but also brought out new thinking. That is, the impact of both on the future.

Straight to today's topic.

At this time, Sharp had completely controlled the rhythm on the court, but he didn't seem to have any intention of being in the limelight, and immediately handed over the right to speak, "Then, we are facing a very interesting problem today."

"That is, the next technological revolution has arrived, and the development of the Internet has reached a mature stage. According to past experience, the dissemination of information will usher in changes. What will be the changes? What will be the impact on the future?"

"This requires everyone to discuss it together."

After speaking, Sharp handed over the microphone, and had no intention of continuing.

Levistan was a little annoyed by the side, and was completely compared!

He had no previous contact with Sharp, only that he was a political scientist, a sociologist, and had a bad reputation.

Today is an experience, there are indeed two brushes.

Now the embarrassment is Levistan, Sharp does not speak, he must answer. But if you don't get it right, you'll be embarrassed.

Others think much the same way as Levistein.

Although they are all billionaires, they are big bosses, but in front of Gene Sharp, they are really not enough, especially when they are involved in the field that Sharp is familiar with.

At this time, no one wanted to answer, and it would be embarrassing to say something wrong, and it seemed that they were not good enough.

Suffering from old Levi, he almost froze with the microphone. fortunately……

He saw Qi Lei.

Suddenly there was a flash of inspiration, and he smiled, "Speaking of the future, I think no one of you sitting here has a more say than Qi.

Like his classmates, they are the future! "

"How about let Qi give us a look at the future?"

After a pause, he said, "It doesn't matter, Qi can speak freely, this is the power of young people."

It's alright, old Levy **** is not broken, giving Qi Lei a step.

It means that you are a young man, it doesn't matter if you say something wrong.

However, Chen Wenjie and Wu Xiaojian in the audience don't see it that way!

"What the hell!" Chen Wenjie almost scolded, "This old bastard, make a stumbling block for my brother Lei!"

Wu Xiaojian also frowned. Old Levi's hatred was settled.

bullying my brother? Brother play you!

It is really Sharp's previous speech too brilliant, almost to the point where it cannot be surpassed.

As for Sharp, he also knows that this is not easy to answer.

However, Sharp looked at Qi Lei with a half-smiling smile, and he was waiting for Qi Lei to take over.

Let's be honest, Sharp did it on purpose. His words left no entry point, only the most difficult question.

He also knew that several other people would not pick it up, they were all mature and knew how to avoid risks.

Only Qi Lei, at the instigation of Levi, he had to pick it up.

I saw Qi Lei...

Qi Lei is also a very old dog.

Grandma's, the old coffin has played the tactics on Lao Tzu?

After a long silence, he finally slowly took the microphone.

Take a deep breath, look around the audience, and calmly spit out four words, "Social Network."

Still want to embarrass old man? What's the future like?

Unfortunately, I am the future!

"The product of the combination of communication and next-generation technology is a social network!"

"Social network?\"

Faced with this brand new term, both the Stanford students below and the bigwigs on and off the stage are all stunned.

Even Gene Sharp was a little wrong.

First, he didn't expect the young man to answer so smoothly; secondly, he was also reminiscing about the words "social network" over and over again.

Ultimately, "What is a social network?"

I saw Qi Lei suddenly cocked Erlang's legs, I'm keeping a low profile, sir! From the moment he took the stage, being low-key had nothing to do with him.

Then get some dry goods!

Isn't the old coffin playing strategy? Did you do it then?

Qi Lei also wanted to understand, I am afraid of you being an egg ball! Gene Sharp does have interests and is unfathomable, but the young man is not a vegetarian.

Besides, I am an open and hanging player, and I am afraid that you are an NPC?

There is no rush to explain the terms, talk freely, and further improve the foundation.

"With the development of Internet technology, the attributes of strong interaction are further explored, which will inevitably create a new social mode that strengthens the interactive attributes and brings benefits to enterprises."

"From the perspective of hardware, it presents the leaping development of the chip industry, the trend of increasingly miniaturized product design, and the improvement and efforts of capacitive control screen, LED technology, and wireless communication technology."

"The future direction of communication technology is also clear, which is the general direction of miniaturization, portability, and interactivity."

Having said this, Qi Lei paused, "Did you think of laptops for the first time? And wearable computers that only exist in geek fantasies?"

"Wrong!! Please let your imagination run wild!

Wearable computers are unlikely to become the future, because although they can meet the needs of miniaturization and portability,

But it lacks strong interactive properties. "

"Then the question is, what are the properties of strong interactivity?"

There was silence below. This was a completely different experience from Sharp's speech. Sharp asked everyone to follow his ideas and think.

As for Qi Lei, everyone followed his train of thought and thought, and felt that what he said seemed quite right.

However, if you think about it for nothing, you can't keep up at all, okay?

Now Qi Lei throws a question, but no one can answer it!

People like Deer and Bill Gates are also thinking, but it's a bit painful.

Forget it, don't think about it, Bill simply asked, "Qi, do you already have the answer?"

I saw Qi Lei shrugging, "Isn't the answer obvious?

"It's the phone! My friends!"

"mobile phone!?

Qi Lei, "Mobile phones, with communication functions, are terminal devices that connect traditional media."

"Then let's imagine that a device assembly that integrates computer functions, social attributes, and can connect traditional social networking and online social networking is the real future."

"Three Stones defines it as an intelligent mobile communication device, which can also be called a smartphone."



Everyone was shocked.

What is the future? This is the future! This is called looking to the future!

The people who said it are enthusiastic, can there really be such a mobile phone that integrates all functions in the future?

Unlikely, right?

However, looking at Qi Lei's expression, has Sanshi Company started research and development?

Qi Lei's expression was too determined.

Well, Qi Lei is still thinking about it, it's just a bunch of old hats! In the time and space where my brother came, beggars began to scan the code,

You can't even imagine what a smartphone is!

Alas, lonely!

However, Qi Lei hasn't finished speaking yet, "Everyone imagine!"

Seeing everyone on and off the stage looking over, Qi Lei gestured with one hand.

"If each of you is holding a smart device with a length of 158 mm, a width of 73 mm, a thickness of 8.8 mm, and a 6.53-inch high-sensitivity touch screen.

It integrates most of the functions required for mobile communication, surfing the Internet, watching video files, editing work documents, entertainment, learning, and life.

It can even connect your home refrigerator, oven, lights, curtains, and also connect your laptop and car for remote monitoring and operation.

What kind of future is this future? "

Gulu, on and off the stage, swallowed almost at the same time.

The student audience under the stage was stunned.

"Have you passed? Science fiction movies have never shown such advanced things, and the handheld communicators in Star Trek are not as advanced as you said!"


And on stage...

Swallowing on the stage is greedy.

Because, this guy obviously said hi, and the specific parameters have been said?

What does this mean?

It shows that the three stone company not only defines a smart they are really developing this kind of smart phone.

Otherwise, what 158/73/8.8mm, what's going on? Where did the 6.5-inch screen come from?

Buffett on the stage, Soros, Manager Wen, Dave, and all the investors off the stage all had green eyes.

It's a business! Big business!

Even if it's just a concept, it's a business worth a lot of money.

And Chen Wenjie and Wu Xiaojian...

The two brothers looked at each other, "It has to be my brother Lei!\"

The bragging cows are so high.


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