I really can't blame Lagerfeld for being like a child, because Qi Lei's routine is too deep.

Imagine that if someone else did this, even if you didn't cry, you would be shocked.

Lao Qin is really a little embarrassed, not so exaggerated!

He felt embarrassed.

Just as he was about to go up to the round, he was stopped by Qi Lei and stared at Lao Qin.

At this time, shouldn't it be clear and lofty, and when you pretend to be honest, you have to fool around, and if you don't say a few words yourself, will you wait for the conscience of outsiders to find out?

Lao Qin could only back away speechlessly, watching Lagerfeld crying and wiping tears for more than half an hour before he calmed down.

How could he know that Qi Lei has just warmed up, and the ones who are more able to fool him are still behind!

As for Lagerfeld, he really doesn't understand Chinese landscapes, he can only understand colors.

I only know that the refreshing blue-green is an encounter that spans thousands of years.

"Qi!" Lagerfeld turned back and asked Qi Lei, "What's the name of this blue?"

Of course he knew the English name for this kind of blue, but Lagerfeld didn't want to use such a cliché noun. Intuition told him that the Chinese must have their own names, otherwise it would be blasphemy on the painting.

If Qi Lei answered him and called him Blue, then Lagerfeld would be angry, extremely angry!

That is the greatest insult to art.

Qi Lei also understood the meaning of Lagerfeld's question. He should have answered him with a dignified, Chinese-like, and even poetic name.

However, Qi Lei said, "No name!"

"What!?" Lagerfeld really exploded and exclaimed, "What are you talking about!? Oh, my God, this is simply unforgivable!"

In his view, this is a crime that God cannot forgive.

In the end, Qi Lei grinned, "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Lagerfeld! Of course it has a Chinese name. However, I can't express the beauty in English."

Lagerfeld, "??????"

What kind of plane are you doing? How can a color name be so beautiful?

Seeing that Lagerfeld had a question mark on his forehead, Qi Lei called to the outside, and a young man with eyes came in holding a color card book.

After handing it to Qi Lei, he stood aside and did not go out.

Lagerfeld glanced curiously and saw that it was a homemade tonal book, not a printed public edition.

This is not unusual. Generally, designers and painters have their own understanding and definition of color. Also, even the most accurate prints will be distorted because some colors cannot be printed.

"what is this?"

Qi Lei, "This is a Chinese color matching book."

As he spoke, Qi Lei asked the staff to turn on the fluorescent lamps and introduce Chinese colors to Lagerfeld in situ. The background is the classical gorgeousness of the Forbidden City and the map of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains.

At first, Lagerfeld didn't care much about color, it was his instinct.

But when I listened to it, I was lame... No, I was stunned!

Qi Lei, "Few people in the West understand that Chinese color is actually a very large and complete color system."

"And the names of various colors are not distinguished by color labels. Each color has its own unique cultural connotation."

Lagerfeld, "…"

It's just a color number. Does it also have cultural connotations?

However, Qi Lei ignored him and introduced himself, "I can explain some of these to you in English, and some I can't explain clearly."

Lagerfeld, "????"

Qi Lei, "For example." Pointing to one of the colors, "It's called Hai Tianxia."

"Oh." Lagerfeld groaned at the color, "It's so beautiful!"

Well, Hai Tianxia, ​​you don't need Qi Lei to explain more, you don't even need to see the color, just listen to the name and you will have a picture in your mind.

Qi Lei, "For another example, it's called Huang Baiyou."

Qi Lei explained to Lagerfeld that the free yellow and white play together.

Old Qin, "..."

Master Tuo, "..."

Fudge, you will!

But Lagerfeld took this set, "Oh, God! You Chinese are too good at naming names."

An intermediate color between light yellow and milky white made Qi Lei speak of flowers.

Afterwards, Qi Lei explained a few more things he could explain, all of which were vivid.

For example, stealing blue, moon white, and clear water in the sky are too vivid.

However, Lagerfeld found very few, and it took several pages of Qi Lei to point out one. The rest is that Qi Lei's English level can't be translated.

For example, Chu Huang, Ultramarine, Azurite, Flower Scallion, etc.

In fact, if he can explain it, Master Tuo can explain it. He made up the color book.

In a hurry, Master Tuo wanted to replace Qi Lei, so he went up to show off to Lafayette.

Chinese color is broad and profound, and he has to let him understand it as soon as he hears it, and let out more sighs.

However, Qi Lei glared Master Tuo back at a glance.

Significantly you?

As for Lagerfeld, he was in a hurry.

You think, if he used the Western color scale, he could memorize all the color numbers in this book.

For example, c0m45y35. something, Lafayette understands it too well.

However, he is eager to know what these colors mean in Chinese. He wants to hear more novel and culturally meaningful names.

Names like Hai Tianxia and Ji Lan are amazing.

However, Qi Lei couldn't explain it clearly, could he not be in a hurry?

After all, Lafayette is a man of temperament. Looking at the picture of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains, to be honest, he already has inspiration.

The three main colors on the picture are blue, green and yellow. He knows that Chanel's new product release next season must be these three main colors.

Moreover, the creative Lafayette of the conference has already thought about it, which is the Chinese theme.

He used this masterpiece as the stage background, and invited Chinese dancers to dance like clouds, accompanied by models on stage.

God, that would be the most wonderful scene!

However, this idea did not relieve Lagerfeld's curiosity, but made him more eager to know what kind of stories these colors have.

"Oh, Qi, your English is really bad, I need a better translation!"

As a result, Qi Lei jumped out a sentence, which made Lagerfeld's head hum and almost saw God.

"What you need is not a translator, but an imagination!"

Lagerfeld, "What do you mean?"

I saw Qi Lei smiled meaningfully, "Mr. Lagerfeld, don't you understand?"

Lagerfeld, "What do I understand?"

Qi Lei, "These colors don't have English names yet."

Lagerfeld was anxious, "So, I need you..." He paused for a while, and he seemed to be thinking of something.

Qi Lei, "No, it means that anyone can give it a more culturally meaningful name than m45y37!"

"Don't you want to be this person?"

Lagerfeld, "…"

Gulu, he swallowed his saliva, so he was waiting for me here?

The old man said in his heart, why does this young man like it more and more?

Master Tuo was also dumbfounded, the teacher is the teacher, the height is still yours!

what is this? This is to know without telling you, let you discover and define for yourself.

As long as Lagerfeld wants to complete this work and does it, wouldn't he be on a pirate ship?

And Qi Lei's next words completely knocked Lagerfeld out.

"Mr. Lagerfeld, I can probably guess the time you need to consider and your concerns."

Lagerfeld frowned, "Really?"

Qi Lei, "It's nothing more than three o'clock!"

"First, you are white, and you still have prejudice against China."

"Secondly, the center of fashion is still in the West. And the Western world also has prejudice against China. You are afraid that there is no market for what you design, and you will smash the signboard."

"Thirdly, being unfamiliar with Chinese culture makes you afraid to set foot in it easily."

"Am i right?"

Well, Lagerfeld had to nod.

The three points Qi Lei said were exactly what Lagerfeld had concerns about.

And Qi Lei, "First!" pointed to the painting, "I think the prejudice against Chinese culture is gone when you see this painting. Art knows no borders."

Lagerfeld nodded, he didn't deny it, "That's it."

Qi Lei, "Second, are you afraid that there will be no market? In fact, this is exactly what you should be least worried about."


Qi Lei spread his hands, "I have created a public opinion environment. If you end up now, not only will you not lose the market, but you will not smash the golden signboard, but you are saving the fashion circle!"

"The public will see what is the real aesthetic, and it will form a backlash and be highly sought after. The fashion media and professionals who have lost their credibility will go crazy in order to restore their reputation. There is no better time than now."

Lagerfeld, "..." seems to be the truth!

Qi Lei, "Thirdly, you don't have to worry about being unfamiliar with Chinese culture at all. Because as I said, I will use my human, material and financial resources to support you!"

"I will give you the best team that understands Chinese culture, from outstanding Chinese designers, aesthetic scholars, communication scholars, communication platforms, historical consultants, etc. As long as you want, I can invite you over!"

"Believe that I have this ability!"

Lagerfeld, "…"

He gave up resistance completely, and it's all about this, so there's nothing to hesitate.

Qi Lei had prepared the meal, brought it to the bed, and fed it into his mouth. If you still can't eat it, then there is something wrong with your brain.

Thinking of his idea again, Lagerfeld found himself a step down and smiled brightly, "Qi, I'm going to prepare for Chanel's autumn conference. I think I'm going to stay in China for a while."

Qi Lei curled his lips, very calm, "Then you have to be more careful, the capital is fighting against a pandemic of pneumonia, you must take precautions."

Lagerfeld shook his finger, "nonono, the virus can't stop my pursuit of art!"

At this point in time, China is indeed in a little trouble and is going through fd.

However, since you have said so, then Qi Lei has nothing to be hypocritical. He pointed to Master Tuo beside him, "Introduction, Ma Tuo! Proficient in Chinese culture, Chinese aesthetics, and product marketing, he is my student. ."

"This essence book belongs to him."

"Really!?" Lagerfeld was very excited and shook hands with Ma Tuo.

Then I couldn't wait, "This is your color book? You organized it? How is your English?"

Pointing to one of the colors that Qi Lei didn't explain, "Can you translate this color for me?"

Master Tuo's face was flushed, looking at the color that Lagerfeld was referring to - "Plum dyeing".

What is there to explain? Don't you just open your mouth?

However, he glared at Qi Lei resentfully, and replied in a muffled voice, "I don't know!"

In this way, Lagerfeld has really come and gone. He will complete his autumn works in China, complete the definition and naming of Chinese colors, and try to create a brand-new aesthetic genre.

Old Qin still hasn't figured it out, isn't it the clothing trade? Why has it become an aesthetic genre again?

Moreover, Qi Lei has operated Datong, and now it has nothing to do with China's clothing trade.

To this, Qi Lei's answer was, "Don't worry, if Lagerfeld succeeds, the time to eat meat will not be far away."

If Chinese-style aesthetics rises, will those foreigners still be able to play with the Chinese? At that time, the most profitable commercial enterprises must be Chinese enterprises.

The purpose has been achieved.

As for Lagerfeld, what about letting him take advantage of it?

I'm reluctant to let the child catch the wolf!

"It's still too early for us to take action!"

When Lao Qin heard this, he also accepted his fate.

"Anyway, it's your dirty trick, you can decide for yourself!"


"It's useless. What we do now is useless."

On the other side of the ocean, Adams is drinking coffee leisurely, and is spreading illiterate science to Oakley and Riley about the current situation.

"Useless!?" Oakley was obviously impatient, "Why is it useless?"

"You have to know that this time he's not looking for those junk designers, he's looking for Carla Lagerfeld!"

"Also, that old **** has gone to China with him!"

"If Lagerfeld agrees to come out and design for Qi Lei, then we can hardly guarantee that his purpose will not succeed!"

Oakley was really in a hurry. From start to finish, they were always passive, and they couldn't even understand the purpose of every move Qi Lei made.

Now to get another Lagerfeld, it's maddening.

Riley also said to Adams, "At least, we can't let public opinion continue to develop like this, right?"

"Didn't you say that Qi Lei's previous purpose was to drag the fashion media into a dormant state?"

"Then we should do something to help those **** media get out of trouble. Maybe this way, Qi Lei's plan will fail!"

In response, Adams took another sip of coffee and shook his head speechlessly.

Although I really don't want to play the piano to the cow, I really can't explain it.

"His method of communication is similar to the 'nonviolent revolution theory' of my teacher Mr. Sharp. (In fact, Adams has already determined that this is Sharp's handwriting, but he can't say it explicitly.

"The most terrifying thing about this theory is that once he completes the layout and starts to act, then the resistance is meaningless."

Oakley and Riley, "????"

His face paled, "Adams, what nonsense are you talking about? How is that possible!?"

Adams sneered, "Don't understand?"

He suddenly asked, "What do you think we are? Are we Qi Lei's enemy?"

The two, "Isn't it?"

Adams asked again, "Then what do you think the public is? Is it a place of trust? Is it the result of his dissemination? Is it the purpose?"

The two, "..."

Adams, "You are all wrong!"

"It's a tool!"

"Including us! You...you! And me! In the eyes of Qi Lei, a communication master, we are not enemies at all, but his tools!"

"No matter what we do, it will become a link in his communication chain and will be used by him."

"This is the most terrifying place!"

The two, "??????"

do not understand at all.


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