Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 281: Qi Lei is out

"Everything comes from an illusion."

Oakley was completely stunned by Adams' answer.


This answer made him a little unacceptable.

At his level, successful people are no longer enough to describe. Whether Oakley or Riley, they have absolute confidence and a clear head.

Are you saying we're delusional? What are you kidding?

In this regard, Adams smiled slightly, "It's really an illusion."

It's not just them, in fact, everyone has delusions in the face of public opinion.

"And, not one!"



It's getting more and more evil the more you talk about it, isn't one illusion enough?

But the fact is really so cruel, the vast majority of us have wrong judgment and understanding of communication and public opinion.

Adams looked at Oakley playfully, "Mr. Oakley, do you think that we can win if we respond to Qi Lei's public opinion orientation, as long as we destroy his communication intentions?"

I saw Oakley frowned, "Isn't that so?"

Adams, "It's an illusion!"



Adams, "First of all, let's not talk about whether we can undermine Qi Lei's public opinion guidance. Even if we do, we won't win."

Oakley, "Why?"

Adams, "Because in the communication confrontation, the defense has no concept of winning."

"Even if we reverse public opinion, it's just to silence the people who were against us."

People are the most stubborn animals, even if you come up with hard evidence, even if you refute him speechlessly, "convincing people with reason" is only an ideal state.

Most people, especially those who once dominated public opinion, will remain immersed in their own framework and stick to their original stereotypes.

He did not agree with your point of view, but chose to avoid it under your point of view.

As a result, the wave of people who originally occupied public opinion did not change public opinion, but backed away and remained silent. The originally silent group of people occupied the high ground of public opinion and switched from offensive to defensive.

Oakley was stunned, still not understanding.

But I also understand part of it. In the words of later generations, it is to shut up the trolls!

He said anxiously, "But...but isn't that enough?"

Adams laughed, "Under normal circumstances, that's enough."

"In an isolated public opinion event, one side is reversed and the other side is silent, and the negative energy will be gradually released over time. That is to say, stubbornness is just a momentary impulse, in the spiral of silence, and the role of personal cognition In the future, most people will slowly change their views and move closer to the truth.”

The topic changed, "But the problem is that this kind of communication similar to non-violent revolution is intensive, matrix-style communication."

"His public opinion incidents are not isolated, but one after another. Negative energy has no time to release, but is superimposed by the next public opinion incident."

Oakley, "…"

The face is all white, is it so exaggerated?

In fact, there are!

Continuous public opinion guidance, no matter what field, as long as it forms ripples, it is like stacking BUFFs in a game, adding them layer by layer, the more the number, the greater the power.

This is also the main reason Adams said that neither we, nor the public, are just Reviver's tools.

No matter what you do, even if it is an undisputed victory, with the truth, if you conquer once, you are just accumulating strength for the next time.

At this time, Adams smiled more meaningfully, "And this... is just an illusion!"

"The illusion is that everyone thinks that [agenda setting] is to spread concepts, and Qi Lei uses the theory of agenda setting to complete the spread."

"But in reality, the agenda setting is spreading controversy!"

"Controversy?" Everyone is puzzled, is there any difference?

"The difference is huge!" Adams spread his hands, "Let's make an analogy, 1+1=2."

"Everyone thinks that Qi Lei is spreading the answer that equals 2. But in fact, what he is spreading is 'Isn't 1+1 equal to 2?"

Oakley: "??????"

Adams, "As long as it's an agenda, there are pros and cons."

"The climax of public opinion is just a game of climax on one side and silence on the other side."

Oakley was so dazed by the complicated theories of communication that he didn't want to hear any more.

"Does this have any effect? ​​As long as it is the theory of communication, there is no cure?"

"No no no!" Adams shook his head immediately, "You didn't understand what I meant."

"Because of the controversial agenda setting, the results of the dissemination are not the same."

"That is to say, the same information received by the host will result in different feedback. Because everyone's worldview is different!"

"To put it more simply, do you think that today's public opinion is the same as yesterday's public opinion, and tomorrow's public opinion is the same group of people who have been speaking out and providing feedback. As long as I solve this group of people, the public opinion problem will be solved."

"But in fact, they are probably not the same group of people, or even hold different views. You do public relations for a public opinion, and you can't calm down the hot spot."

"For example, in a sudden QIANGJI incident, some people saw the proliferation of guns, some people saw violent crimes, some people saw injuries to women, and some people saw Lack of faith."

"Public relations only for one problem will not solve the problem!"

"Because there are too many problems and too many opinions, and they take turns occupying the high ground, public opinion will always be in a state of excitement, forever running a silent spiral."

Oakley is stupid, I just want you to stop doing nothing, why is it so hard?

Unfortunately, the facts told him that it was impossible to make a fuss about public opinion and fight against Qi Lei.

Adams gave him a positive answer, "From the perspective of communication, it is like this. My teacher's theory of non-violent revolution is the existence of no solution."

Oakley is really in a hurry, your teacher? Your teacher is so good, isn't it still loaded? Now it has become a "tool" for the Chinese.

Roared: "Then we... we just watch him do whatever he wants!?"

According to you, why am I paying you to come from EDN? Have money to burn?

But seeing Adams smiling slightly, "Mr. Oakley, you are still too impatient! Although we can't start with public opinion, we can solve it from other aspects!"

Oakley was startled, "What do you mean?"

I saw Adams stand in and walk out the door with Baker, "The core... is Qi Lei! Qi Lei is the source of everything!"

"As long as Qi Lei cannot intervene in this chain of public opinion, then no one can drive this complex machine."

"The problem is naturally solved."

Oakley, "!!"

Looking at Adams' back, he was dazed for a while, then suddenly smiled, "I knew that EDN never disappoints!"

Yeah! Solved Qi Lei, doesn't that solve the problem?

It seems that Adams already has a countermeasure, so he can just sign the check, and leave the rest to Adams.


Separated from Oakley and others until they got into the car.

Baker couldn't wait to speak, "Adams, what are you doing!? No matter how clever the teacher's communication strategy is, it is not incomprehensible!"

Well, just now Adams lied to Oakley.

It's not that the dissemination theories he said are wrong, those are all true, without the slightest flaw. The problem, though, is that Adams missed a premise.

Without that premise, the meaning of that passage would be completely changed.

Although this kind of continuous public opinion guidance, the YS revolution really cannot be resolved by conventional public opinion public relations. However, there is a basic set. For the defending side, as long as the basic set is maintained, the power of public opinion struggle will be greatly reduced.

For example, for a country, its fundamentals are the military, economic lifeline, and culture, these core values.

What is the purpose of the YS revolution? It is to use public opinion to guide the people and overthrow the regime.

However, if the fundamentals do not fall, no matter how loud the noise of public opinion is, it will be futile.

Therefore, Sharp's YS Revolutionary Code is often used in conjunction with the means of communication to infiltrate ZF officials and economic forces.

A single public opinion war has little effect.

In the same way, Qi Lei's clothing marketing, the single public opinion guidance is actually just the appetizer, and his infiltration big move is still behind!

However, Adams withheld this most crucial information.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Adams' answer sent a chill down Baker's spine.

"Who cares who wins or loses in a clothing trade? Baker, I have bigger plans!"

Baker was dumbfounded, "What plan?"

Adams, "I want Americans to realize the importance of teachers!"


Baker didn't understand at all, but before he could ask, Adams added, "If Qi Lei is really kicked out, only one person can handle the clothing trade."

After Baker listened, the teacher Sharp immediately appeared in his mind.

Indeed, if Qi Lei is out, only Sharp can take over such a complicated communication operation.

But here comes the question, "It's unlikely that Qi Lei will be out, right?"

Isn't this a fool's dream?

Adams didn't say more, just let Baker wait and see.


Adams is indeed a character.

He even knew that Qi Lei's next move was infiltration, and he used Carla Lagerfeld to infiltrate the Western fashion circle.

This is a big move, and without thirty years of skill, it cannot be stopped.

As for letting Qi Lei out? To be honest, he really wanted to get out.

Make trouble with FD! This thing can't reason with you, let alone long eyes. If it gets infected and hangs up, it will be a joke.

Besides, Qi Lei has had a lot of private affairs in recent days.

First, Tsinghua closed the school. There is a high fever that does not go away. At this time, of course, this is a major event, and the whole school is blocked.

Fortunately, on the day the school was closed, Xu Xiaoqian was not at the school because of something, so she was sealed outside.

And that period is not like later generations, at least there is a timetable for half a month and a month, this letter is far away.

So, Xu Xiaoqian simply ran to Qi Lei's house while the night was high and the wind was high, preparing to stay with him until YQ passed.

Peking University was also blocked, and Viagra was not so lucky, and was blocked in the school. On the phone, I squatted in the bedroom every day to play poker, and I was free.

Second, Li Hanhan and Yang Xiao moved to a new home.

As I said before, Li Hanhan rented a one-bedroom outside the school, and Yang Xiao went to live there.

It was an old building in the south of Dingfuzhuang. The conditions were very poor, and the two girls dealt with it like that.

Last fall, Xiaoer took a fancy to a new building in North Street. It is a high-end residential area with hardcover, called Dongling Building.

At that time, I agreed with Li Hanhan, she spent money to buy a set, and then asked Li Hanhan to accompany her to live there.

The house was handed over before the start of this year.

The two silly girls bought their own furniture and packed it up by themselves. Now they are almost finished and are about to move.

This must be done with everyone, so we agreed to move on April 28th.

Qi Lei also put Lagerfeld aside first, and moved with Xu Xiaoqian, Tang Yi and Sister Jun together.

Dad Yang also called Qi Lei on purpose, saying that they couldn't come because of YQ, and asked Qi Lei to call Zhang Luo and start a fire.

Qi Lei made him feel very resentful, "I have to be a cook for you guys with millions of dollars a minute!?"


Xu Xiaoqian, "I want to eat oil beans."

Yang Xiao, "Leave meat!"

Li Hanhan, "Let's make some more pickled cabbage dumplings!"

Qi Lei, "…"

So, on the 28th, the moving company was called, and everyone gathered at the old house.

Qi Lei went to the vegetable market, bought a lot of ingredients, and prepared to go to the new home to start a fire and feed the children.

The girl has a lot of things, and the moving company's small box has pulled a cart. Moved upstairs, one by one tired like a dog.

Moreover, there are a lot of odds and ends, such as some of Xiaoer's jewelry, costumes, dresses and the like, which are not safe to put in the car. Besides, there are a lot of people, and it's not too far away. One person can come here with a little carry, so they have to make a trip.

Of course Qi Lei felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, "Xu Xiaoqian, you stay here to pick vegetables for brother!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaoqian doesn't appreciate it at all, she would rather run for a while than grind in the kitchen.

Going downstairs as if escaping, "Run!"

As soon as Tang Yi saw it, he knew that Qi Lei was catching strong men, and he pulled Sister Jun and ran, "I'm running too!"

To make Qi Lei angry, you ordered a lot, so you can't leave me alone?

Yelling out of the kitchen, "Leave me at least one!"

So, Yang Xiao and Li Hanhan looked at each other.

Xiaoer, "I did my nails yesterday."

Li Hanhan was speechless, unable to stand Xiaoer's coquettish behavior, "Get out of here!"

In this way, Li Hanhan became Qi Lei's coolie, went into the kitchen and went to the pestle, "State in advance, my sister can't cook!"

Qi Lei, "Don't be stinky! If you want to do it, you have to dare to eat it. UU Reading"

"Cut!" Li Hanhan pouted, squatted in front of the trash can, grabbed a handful of garlic moss, "How to pick it?"

She really doesn't know how to cook, so she's never been in the kitchen.

Qi Lei regretted a little, "Then what, can you change Xiao'er back?"

It's a pity that those few have disappeared.

Moreover, this time there is no shadow, it is two months.

Half an hour later, Qi Lei received a call from Xu Xiaoqian.

Roar when connected, "I regret it! I want to go to the kitchen!"

Qi Lei was confused, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "The building is closed! As soon as I entered the building, the line was pulled!"


Qi Lei almost fell somersault, "Is the building closed?"

If this is normal, he still has to ask, why is the building closed? But in this special period, you don't need to ask to know what's going on.

Xu Xiaoqian was about to cry, "It's really sealed, we are all locked inside!"

Li Hanhan was still beside him, dumbfounded, and still couldn't figure out the situation.

But it was Qi Lei who hung up the phone and didn't cook, "Let's go! They've been blocked."

The two rushed downstairs in a hurry, wanting to see what was going on first.

As a result, before reaching the gate of the community, I saw a lot of J cars, ambulances, and J cordons.

Yes, he and Li Hanhan were also blocked.

On this day, three YS cases from Guangzhou were reported almost simultaneously in Dingfuzhuang Nanli, Dongling Building, and the North Power Construction Institute where Qi Lei's house is located.

Qi Lei stared at the bull's eye and looked at Li Hanhan.

Li Hanhan looked at Qi Lei blankly, and said, "Don't, don't, don't look at me! No, no, no, I didn't let me seal it!"

Qi Lei, "…"

What brain circuit is this?


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