Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 316: Titans

, the fastest update of Homecoming of Rebirth! Qi Lei did not have a better solution, nor did Ma Tuo and Lao Qin.

Interlaced like mountains, even if I think of some constructive opinions, it can only be regarded as superficial. Those who can truly deeply integrate the industry and take into account the overall industry to the greatest extent must be professionals in the industry.

As for Mr. Wang, is there any way?

Yes, and expressed to Qi Lei, byd is also willing to undertake this technical challenge and integration.

However, Qi Lei did not adopt it, and the reasons were somewhat complicated.

It can only be said that neither Qi Lei nor Lao Qin wanted Byd to rush to the front unless it was a last resort.

So what's next?

"Wait!" Qi Lei was still steady, he was waiting for a surprise.

However, "surprise" seems not far away.


Many people say that Boss Song has no ambitions and is indecisive.

If nothing else, Guangyu's persistence in holding on to the lead-acid battery is enough to make his colleagues laugh.

In addition, after all, it is a battery company in Longjiang, and it is naturally weak geographically, so Boss Song has not been welcomed since the seminar began.

Boss Song didn't care much about this, and even felt a little self-sacrificing.

I haven't stayed at the venue for a few days, and I went to other group seminar venues all day to wander around, what chipsets, sensor modules, and so on.

He's quite positive, and in a few days, he has been transferred to other groups, and no one knows what he wants to do.

On this day, Qi Lei and President Wang were still fishing by the small lake.

Boss Song saw it early, and then went to the resort to ask for fishing gear, and joined in quietly.

At first, Qi Lei and President Wang were used to being in a daze, and it took a while to realize that there were more people around.

Qi Lei looked at Boss Song suspiciously, and couldn't help joking, "Can you fish in this state?"

As soon as he glanced at him, he knew that this person was not in a good state, his eyes were tired, and his eye circles were dark.

Boss Song forced a smile, "Let's chat with Mr. Qi."

"Chat with me?" Qi Lei froze and couldn't help but look at President Wang.

I mean, look, what did I say? This old Song has a story!

President Wang was also a bit at a loss. When Qi Lei said Song Guangyu before, he still refuted it. How could this be posted?

However, the two of them were astonished, and they were silent.

"Okay! What do you want to talk about?" Qi Lei asked playfully.

Boss Song, on the other hand, made a good shot and smiled slyly, "Anything is fine, just chatting, it's fine anyway!"

President Wang pouted, "The seminar is not to let us have nothing to do, right? Lao Song, you have something to say."

When Boss Song heard this, "Come on! It's quite lively in the venue, but I think it's useless!"

Looking at Mr. Wang, "President Wang and Mr. Qi have been fishing here for more than ten days, right? The cooperation contract has been signed, so what's the use of discussing it in there."

President Wang, "..."

Qi Lei, "…"

The two were also speechless, and they could only say that Boss Song's test was just right.

You say he's smart, right? The purpose is written on his face and wrapped in his words, so that you can know his careful thoughts as soon as you hear it.

But you say he is honest? Not right either! With that said, you have to give him an answer. At least from the current position of Qi Lei and President Wang, they have to tell him the truth.

How about just right?

President Wang shook his head and scolded, "Old Song, Lao Song, I didn't see it, you have more eyes than Lao Chen!"

They are all colleagues, even if the products are different, they are all familiar. Not to mention, in fact, President Wang and Boss Song started their businesses at the same time. Wang always founded byd in 1995, while Song Guangyu was founded in 1997 by Hashi Guangyu.

"Tell the truth!" President Wang said bluntly, "We didn't reach any agreement."

"If you have any good plan, take it out quickly, don't go around the corner. Maybe Xiao Qi can't look down on Lao Chen and the others, and it's you who are waiting!"

After giving the answer, President Wang joked like an old friend, "However, I don't think you have much hope. You were asked to follow up on Ni-MH batteries at the beginning, but you were a stubborn one. What's the matter? Now you want to switch? It's too late! Do you have that strength? Do you have that technical background?"

"Don't be too **** me! I feel risky about this."

As soon as he said this, Boss Song was not angry, but gave Mr. Wang a grateful look.

Although these words are unpleasant and deny Guangyu's ability, they are reminding him with the truth, don't be impulsive and blindly transform lead-acid batteries because there is no future. This is a taboo for an enterprise.

However, grateful in his heart, he refused to admit defeat, "You always look down on me as a lead-acid maker. What happened to lead-acid? The technology is a little behind, but there will always be market demand!"

Mr. Wang did not show weakness, "To be backward is to be backward. In addition to the cost advantage of lead-acid batteries in certain fields, most of the original lead-acid customers have changed, or why would others not do it? You said no to this point. Forget it, the market has the final say. Do you think that there are still several lead-acid manufacturers in Europe and the United States, and how many are left in China?"

"Don't be rude!"

Boss Song smiled, "If others don't do it, I'll do it better!"

"Besides, this market has indeed shrunk in Europe and the United States, and it is also continuing to cool down in China, but..." The conversation changed, "You think that you are behind because you have a high vision. You know that lead-acid batteries are popular in India, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, and other countries. Africa, South America, how big is the market?"

President Wang was stagnant, and his heart suddenly tightened. "You mean..."

"Cut!" Boss Song was proud, "I didn't expect it?"

Mr. Wang was undecided, "You won't really take all these low-end markets, will you?"

Boss Song, "I won't win! Even in India, Malaysia, and Africa, we have set up branch offices, and the factory has also been put into operation this year."



The so-called snake has its way, and the rat has its way. Outdated technology does not mean that you don't make money, and business has never been about eating meat with high technology, and drinking northwest wind with poor technology. It depends on how you operate.

In fact, in the original time and space, Coslight has been making lead-acid batteries twenty years later.

Moreover, just by virtue of this "one trick", Coslight has become one of the top five battery companies in China, occupying the majority of the global lead-acid battery market.

This is also a skill.

Song Guangyu is really not as deadheaded as others see, but he has his own way of doing business and his own ideas.

Coslight was founded because he was born in lead-acid battery technology. And because the company is located in the Northeast, it has neither technological advantages, nor geographical advantages, and no talent attraction.

Competing with Bick and those beasts for NiMH batteries? Competing for lithium batteries? The risk is too great.

It's better to take the opportunity of you all to withdraw from lead-acid, and I will cultivate and cultivate the potential of lead-acid batteries.

Moreover, the market is indeed shrinking, but there are still many regions that cannot achieve technological upgrading. There are many backward places in India, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America, and the stage for display is not small.

At this moment, Qi Lei and President Wang also looked at this Boss Song with admiration.

Everyone thought it was a useless person, but I didn't expect to be the sixth child.

And Boss Song also took this opportunity to show his strength. It's not that we have no family background. If we really want to enter the game, we are not necessarily worse than anyone else.

"Mr. Qi, let me tell you the truth, at least in terms of research and development funds, Guangyu is very confident."

When Qi Lei heard this, he asked more, "How confident are you?"

When he asked this question, the old man pricked up his ears.

Song Guangyu thought for a while, "In the case of ensuring the normal expansion of the lead-acid battery business, I can take out..."

President Wang was anxious, "How much?"

Song Guangyu, "500 million yuan!"

"How much!?" President Wang almost threw the pole into the lake.

You know, Coslight was only established in 1997, two years later than byd. As a lead-acid seller, he has such a thick family background? President Wang couldn't even take it out, he hid it deep enough!

As a result, Song Guangyu added, "An additional 50 million can be added every year."

Mr. Wang, "..." He had the urge to go back to making lead-acid batteries.

On the other hand, Qi Lei was quite determined. 500 million yuan was probably too much for him? I really don't feel anything.

Moreover, in fact, he doesn't care too much about investment, he values ​​technology and determination, as well as the advantages of plan.

So, Qi Lei suddenly asked, "Mr. Song, can I ask you, since you are doing so well in the lead-acid field, why do you suddenly want to make lithium batteries?"

Song Guangyu smiled and looked at the lake, feeling helpless: "To tell you the truth, from the very beginning, Guangyu never wanted to make only lead-acid batteries. I was young too, Next page! Current 1 page/total 2 pages

I also have a dream, who wants to waste a lifetime on a technology that has seen its end? "

Song Guangyu's mood touched President Wang and Qi Lei, and listened quietly.

"But there's no way, it's so low, we can only accept the reality."

"Actually, we had a plan from the beginning, first stabilize the development with lead-acid, then save energy and wait for opportunities."

Qi Lei, "What kind of opportunity?"

Song Guangyu, "Iterate again!"

Turning to look at Qi Lei, "We don't have the qualifications to enter the Ni-MH and Li-ion batteries, so wait for a general trend, an opportunity to stand on the same starting line with other colleagues."

"It's now!"

Song Guangyu's aura had changed, he was no longer a submissive, heroic, short-tempered, and his whole person was murderous.

"Phew." Qi Lei let out a long sigh of relief, so many doubts made sense.

It's no wonder that this person will chase after Hainan, no wonder that he has to be cheeky to get involved.

After watching Song Guangyu quietly for a long time, he suddenly said, "However, how can you be sure that I will choose Guangyu? Apart from being a fellow countryman and having sufficient funds, you have no advantage. At least compared to Bick and Xingheng, you are far behind. ."

It's the truth, albeit a bit cruel, with a hint of cold water.

However, just because you broke the boat and saw the opportunity to catch up, I have to cooperate with you, right?

Compared with those companies, Coslight has no technology, no R&D strength, and no R&D strength. Why should it cooperate with you?

In this regard, Mr. Song's answer was surprising.

"First, I've looked at other discussion groups in the past few days, and it doesn't seem like they've made much progress. So, Mr. Qi should really need a project to break the deadlock first."

"I'm willing to be this early bird."

Well, this is definitely not an honest person, and the observation is quite fine.

Qi Lei smiled, helplessly, "Then what?"

"Second!" Song Guangyu continued, "Guangyu does not have lithium battery technology."

"To tell you the truth, although we have been waiting for this opportunity, we really did not do well in terms of talent reserve. We really have to start from scratch for lithium batteries."

"But!" The wind changed, "Mr. Qi, I have no talent, but you have connections!"


Boss Song, "I believe that Mr. Qi's ability and connections should be able to quickly form a large-scale battery research and development team."

"So, we still have a basis for cooperation, right?"

When Qi Lei heard this, he couldn't help laughing with President Wang, "I do have this ability, but..."

Qi Lei didn't understand it anymore, where did the confidence come from?

"I organize my own team, what do I need you to do?"

Song Guangyu said, "Because I plan to give the company to you."

Gah! ? Qi Lei didn't choke to death.

What the hell? Sounds like something's wrong with my ears.

President Wang was also dumbfounded. What he just said was... send it?

"Mr. Qi, you heard it right." Song Guangyu looked over, his face was calm, but he was still murderous.

"One dollar! I'll give you the shares of Guangyu 60! Then I'll provide the capital and the factory, you only need to provide a team."

"It's mine if the R&D is not successful. If you make it, you get six, and I get four. Can you see it?"

Qi Lei, "…"

President Wang, "..."

To be honest, the shock to the two of them at this moment couldn't be more.

It's not just because you're catching a fish and waiting for a pig, but a top-ranked battery company fell from the sky and gave it to you for nothing, but also Song Guangyu.

A loser who is known to be honest and loyal, and who refuses to let go of old technology, subverts your cognition again and again in front of his eyes.

Qi Lei was moved by that kind of aura of letting go and fighting decisively, and his ruthless vigor that he would not die if he looked for one thing.

This is a giant.

What made Qi Lei speechless was that at this moment, Song Guangyu showed his sharp edge, suddenly turned sharply, and returned to the appearance of an honest man who was neither traitor nor stupid.

Gao Ya smiled at Qi Lei, "Mr. Qi, for the sake of fellow villagers and Wang Ting, give me a chance!"

Qi Lei was immediately laughed at by Song Guangyu's change, UU reading smiled relievedly, and smiled helplessly.

There came a sentence, "You dare to give sixty percent, then you should not refuse the conditions I want."

Song Guangyu was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Listening to the meaning of Qi Lei's words, it seems that the question now is not whether Mr. Qi is willing to give him a chance, but that he seems to have already planned to cooperate with Guangyu, but the cooperation method is different.

"What other conditions do you have, just say it."

But I saw Qi Lei joking, "I don't want you 60%."

"then you…"

Qi Lei, "First, Sanshi invested 1 billion rb, and I want you 15."

"Second, byd invests in technology, provides a R&D team, and also needs you 15"

"Thirdly, Coslight cannot make related upstream and downstream industries and components, and must outsource a certain proportion to other domestic battery companies."

"Of course, it would be better if you could be a little more aggressive in the research and development stage and cooperate with the whole industry to advance."

"Fourth...Fourth is my personal suggestion. Coslight does not have to be a manufacturer of new types of batteries. It can also take the route of pure technology output and rely on patents to make profits."

"Just these four points, can you accept it? If you can..." He looked at Song Guangyu with a smile, "If you can, let's talk about it further?"

Song Guangyu: "..." It's a fool not to accept it, and it's much better than the conditions he offered.

It's just that he doesn't quite understand, why? Why does Mr. Qi act like a Santa Claus, and don't want sixty percent?

As everyone knows, the layout is different.

In this matter, what Qi Lei wants is not profit or maximization.

He has a bigger pattern to ensure the healthy development of the battery industry.


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