Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1471: Things are not that simple

Shen Dapeng was wondering if there was a better way, Zhai Laoliu on one side had already dialed the phone, and smiled and spoke politely to the phone.

"Secretary Yang, it's me, Lao Liu, I have one thing to trouble you. Do you think it is convenient now?"

"Are you talking about the expansion of the logistics park? You can open a branch and find the Transportation Bureau. The senior officials in my district can't catch up. Besides, it is troublesome to do cross-border affairs in Futian District. I strongly support the company!"

With the speaker on the phone, Director Yang refused on the spot.

Director Yang is a high-ranking official of the district. Since he directly refused, it means that there is no room for maneuver. Zhai Laoliu is somewhat unwilling to talk about it, but this matter cannot be continued, because Secretary Yang has already given him enough face when he answered the phone. .

Let's talk about two, three, and four, which is certainly unpleasant.

"Okay, I'm bothering you, Secretary Yang, I'll think of a solution again."

"I'm busy with work at hand. I went to your logistics park in the past few days. I heard that it was very lively. There is your logistics company in Luohu District, and the transportation of goods is much faster. First of all."

After hanging up the phone, Zhai Laoliu felt heavy.

Today, I thought that even if things were difficult, he could handle it by himself, but he ate behind closed doors and was decisively rejected. He suddenly didn't know what to do.

Sitting behind Shen Dapeng with the shadow of a director, how can he feel better?

But things still have to be resolved, the world of the deep city is not so easy to fight down.

Zhai Laoliu looked through the phone number and kept getting through, or simply chatted a few words, or talked directly about the logistics company. After several contacts, the final answer made him feel heavy.

And from some dialogue, I got a problem that I am most unwilling to deal with.

"The logistics park's outlets are in the recruitment stage. Many people have already expressed their willingness to cooperate. Now these cooperative people have received reports that our logistics company cannot develop and some are ready to withdraw..."

Originally, Zhai Laoliu planned to organize a large-scale event to recruit outlets in various streets after the completion of the construction of the logistics park in all districts of Shenzhen.

In this way, the establishment of outlets will be completed and the advertising effect will be formed, so that the entire deep city will be enveloped by the large net spread out by the logistics park, which will eliminate a large number of competitors.

But now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

Speaking of which, it is not so easy for the hundreds of freight companies in the deep city to break through the siege.

"It's no harm, the laying of the outlets is just an auxiliary detail, but the person on your phone said something interesting, is there something wrong with the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau?" Shen Dapeng smiled frankly. He doesn't mind if others don't cooperate.

Once the logistics park is fully developed and reaches a certain scale, others will break the lead and grab cooperation.

"It's troublesome. Quzheng Company started to publicize at noon to prepare for bidding and purchase a large number of transportation vehicles. Once the transportation vehicles are put into use, Quzheng Company will become a giant in the deep city." Zhai Laoliu frowned and entered the deep city at the beginning. Although there are difficulties in all aspects, he can handle it.

Quzheng's actions now seem to be a blow to all freight companies.

If the freight companies do not make changes, they can only pick up the remaining business of others in the future, or even be squeezed and closed down.

Shen Dapeng couldn't sit still. The company's development was at a disadvantage in all aspects, and the form was not optimistic, but he quickly laughed.

I thought of Huang Bin bringing Qian Xiaohao and others to the south.

Now Quzheng Company has made another change. If you don't make a move, you won't give yourself any chance. But how can the other party guess what Shen Dapeng is going to do?

"Go back temporarily and leave it to me in Futian District. The expansion of other areas chooses convenient transportation locations. Three places in each district are selected. You go to observe on the spot, and this matter will be implemented as soon as possible." Shen Dapeng said calmly.

When it comes to deeper levels of competition, Zhai Laoliu's network of relationships seems to be insufficient.

In Shencheng, this young city, various forces criss-cross. He has a relationship to solve the current problem, but he can't use it.

If the relationship between the capital and the city reaches the deep city, then there may be some accidents, so he can handle the affairs of a logistics company by himself.

"Hey, I blamed me. I thought that after waiting for the company to make a profit for a few months before expanding, the accounting economy in the deep city would be driven by itself. I didn't expect this kind of problem to occur in a short time." Zhai Laoliu was very upset and even thought of countless ways to complete it. Futian District company project.

However, no matter how many means you have, you can't act rashly.

"Brother Zhai is okay, there is no problem with the company's strategy. Since others are looking for trouble, they must first find out where the problem is. There are several things that need to be handled by you." Shen Dapeng was not polite, and immediately proposed a variety of solutions.

First, find someone to go to the General Administration of Transportation to find out about the situation. Second, the company lays out its branches. It doesn't need to be too big. Others do what they want, and they don't want to do it or not.

The reason for this is that Shen Dapeng knows that there are a large number of freight companies in Shenzhen. Since they will fight with Huang Bin, many companies will inevitably be squeezed out of the market.

So the third point is to let Zhai Lao Liuduo get in touch with small companies. Once the small company has problems, it will be a good choice whether it is mergers or acquisitions or cooperation with income subsidiaries.

"Understood, but once those small companies come into contact with us, I'm afraid they will become a burden..." Although Zhai Laoliu felt that all the suggestions were good, it did not help the company substantially.

Shen Dapeng smiled slightly and did not explain, "The company's development is not overnight. They currently have no substantial help, but it is not harmful to our company, right?"

Zhai Laoliu's eyes lit up and agreed.

Because the logistics park covers a large area, some freight companies around will have some contacts. According to Shen Dapeng, he can imagine that freight companies scattered in various areas of the deep city bind their interests together When the time comes, Quzheng's dominating bubble will surely be punctured.

Imagine that there is basically no need to make any substantial investment to form an alliance. Although there will be a lot of troubles at that time, once the logistics park is developed enough, there is no need to worry about other companies doing tricks.

What's more, the logistics park has a back-end, and each branch is installed. Although the profits will be lost a little, it will surely occupy a larger market and develop more businesses in the future.

Compared with the current interests, the vast market means that greater interests are waiting for them to obtain.

"In this way, we mainly lay out the logistics park. Once small companies fail to develop, because of the existence of the logistics park, those small companies will twist into a rope and squeeze into the logistics park. Outlets..."

Zhai Laoliu felt that this matter was feasible and needed to try to deal with many freight companies as soon as possible.

Although most companies are willing to put their arms around their own area and guard business points such as factories and wholesale markets, this does not affect the intersection of companies.

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