Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1472: Sleepless

Just like the current social phenomenon, every company is unwilling to change and eats a piece of cake slowly, but once a giant industry falls from the sky, let alone the cake, even the leftovers will not be lost.

"Things need to be implemented, don't make too much noise, but once there is a problem with market fluctuations, I need the logistics park to stand up and have the absolute right to speak in the freight industry!" Shen Dapeng said ambitiously.

Zhai Laoliu was so distraught. Hearing Shen Dapeng's words, he immediately felt that he had a goal and felt great pressure at the same time.

Dealing with other companies is not a simple matter. The peers involve competition and resource grabbing, so they are on guard against each other, but since they are businessmen, they know how to make ends meet without affecting each other's interests.

The two chatted carefully and settled on many issues. Zhai Laoliu asked, "Does Shen Dapeng go back to the logistics company? Or send you to Wanhai Plaza? I think it's better to go back to the logistics company. There are a lot of things to deal with. ."

"Send me to Wanhai Square, the logistics company can take charge of the overall situation." Shen Dapeng sighed slowly and said with a smile.

Zhai Laoliu's performance was acceptable. Although there were problems with the expansion of the company's work, some problems could not be solved with a few words, so Shen Dapeng did not consider replacing them.

Hearing the words presiding over the overall situation, Zhai Laoliu breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, the tension that was holding him out of breath disappeared, and after a short contact, Shen Dapeng, who was sitting in the back row, always breathed lightly. , Gave him a feeling of confidence and confidence, as if everything could be done, it was inexplicably mysterious.

"I'll go back to the company first, and hurry up to finalize the matters, so I won't send you in." Zhai Laoliu stopped the car on the side of Wanhai Square and said.


After a busy day, coming back is approaching the evening.

Thinking of Wang Zhongmao's organization of high-level meetings and many problems within Wanhai Plaza, Shen Dapeng was slightly shocked and went to the office.

"Director Shen, this is the information you want. I have all sorted it out. Will it be sent to your office now?" Huo Jianglian twisted his fat body and greeted him with a small half box of information.

Like one, there are more than a dozen other department managers.

Just kidding, the company executives who landed in the air had a trick with Zhu Yuanfeng yesterday, which directly caused Zhu Yuanfeng to sleep and eat. How can they not tell the situation?

So when you are on the fence, you just turn to the other side.

What if you offend the general manager? Show sincerely, redeem the merits, Wanhai Plaza is in a good development form, as long as they stand in the team, no one will take them.

"Well, I'll go to the meeting and put the information in place first." Shen Dapeng did not have any troublesome ideas for these senior executives. He has more important things to deal with.

Huo Jianglian kept laughing with them, but fortunately, it seemed that Shen Dapeng didn't care about them.

The fall is silent.

When Shen Dapeng had just joined the company, a bunch of people had turned to him. Even if they weren't the manager of the operation department, they all figured out the form at this time and quickly proved their innocence.

The fact is that the company has too much activity during the day, and the recovery of bonuses, wages, fines, and other funds is countless. After a round of rigorous self-examination, the company has completely changed.

Now who doesn’t know, why Shen Dapeng came from Beijing?

The direct beneficiaries are the employees of the company. On weekdays, high-ranking managers and supervisors give various bonuses with smiles on their faces. How can this not make them excited?

The company executives rushed into the director's office with a clatter. Various reports piled up in half of the office. Fan Aisheng, who was staying in the office waiting for Shen Dapeng's return, looked dumbfounded.


Ordering everyone to leave and return to their posts, Shen Dapeng poured a glass of water and sat on the sofa next to Fan Aisheng, "Curious? Although you promised something yesterday, it still depends on your own performance today."

Hearing to let himself behave, Fan Aisheng was one of the first two big men, and he had resigned, so what else would he show up?

Had it not been for yesterday's hope for the airborne director, Wanhai Plaza had been involved step by step from the construction to the opening and operation, and he would not come to the company today at all, but since he has come, how can he return empty-handed.

"How to behave?" Fan Aisheng hesitated.

"Come to the conference room with me, use your own methods, communicate with the president, and prove that you have the ability to be the general manager, can you do it?" Shen Dapeng drank his mouth and said lightly.

How sacred is Shen Dapeng next to him? Is it possible that Beijing sent a company shareholder? Fan Aisheng felt that this matter was ridiculous anyway.

But when he thinks of his hard work in the company, the rich experience he has accumulated, and the fact that he always considers the company's profitability, the hard work is worthy of anyone.

He understands, and then there is an opportunity.

It's a turnaround, a chance to turn defeat into victory, and take it to the next level.

"As long as the president gives a chance, I know what to do!" Fan Aisheng sorted out his shirt, said ambitiously, and then said his worries, "I'm afraid that Mr. Wang won't give me a chance, so I will be sent out at that time. ..."

"Your worries are unnecessary. Get ready and follow me." Shen Dapeng looked at the time and said beyond doubt.

Most of the company's internal problems have been resolved today, and the only thing left is the general manager Zhu Yuanfeng. No matter what reason Wang Zhongmao has for not touching Zhu Yuanfeng, he will have to give him an explanation after a meeting.

However, Shen Dapeng can think more far-reaching about this matter. If Wang Zhongmao, as the president of the company, cannot handle his subordinates well and throws the problem to Shen Dapeng, he will have to doubt whether Wang Zhongmao is capable of continuing to serve as the president.

Fan Aisheng gritted his teeth, followed behind Shen Dapeng, and went straight to the conference room at the end of the corridor.

The three-story office area is mostly the executive office There are not many people. The meeting held in the evening is held by people above the director level, so it seems even more crowded.

The spacious conference room has a very solemn atmosphere.

When Shen Dapeng and Fan Aisheng opened the door of the meeting room, three department directors and one general manager looked at them at the same time.

"Fan Aisheng, why are you here?"

Seeing the new director bring Fan Aisheng into the office, Zhu Yuanfeng's scalp was numb, and his thoughts fluctuated. In this situation, do you want him to be operated on?

Shen Dapeng found a place to sit down and ignored Zhu Yuanfeng. If Fan Aisheng was unable to withstand the pressure, the position of general manager would be of no use to him.

"The handover of various tasks will take two days to complete. At the meeting tonight, when I fired me, I told you to let me participate. Did you forget the general manager?" Fan Aisheng said calmly.

Being in the operation department, it is inevitable to deal with all kinds of people. This is the case with Fan Aisheng. Two sentences clear the relationship between Shen Dapeng and him.

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