Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1536: ????? Life Community Website

Seeing Wang Zhongmao's upright and sincere appearance, Shen Dapeng secretly sighed. Wang Zhongmao was very shrewd. Without Shen Dapeng's partnership, Wang Zhongmao, as the president and senior manager of Shenzhen City, would not dare to act rashly.

After winning Shen Dapeng into the shares, the nature of the matter changed. The shareholders of the company took the lead and Wang Zhongmao was only involved. Interpersonal relationships are involved and there are also issues of company interests.

Shen Dapeng thought for a while and slowly said, "You can try it yourself first, I have no objection."

With a clear attitude, Wang Zhongmao wants to develop on his own. You can try to get one or two companies first, and see if the prospect of the second-hand housing intermediary company is as impressive as he described.

As Wang Zhongmao said, the initial investment is not large, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t need to discuss this matter with Shen Dapeng, because it’s not like a house purchase group, which requires a large amount of money at every turn, and the low rate of return is scary. Wang Zhongmao can’t come up with that much money. Money from the company is never allowed.

"Actually, I talked with Uncle Huailong before. His opinion is that he wants to be bigger and must get you to buy shares. Otherwise, I don't have to bother to get a small company, and the gains outweigh the losses." Wang Zhongmao said, taking a deep breath and continuing. He said: "I will pay the rent for the company's several stores in the early stage, but Penghu Industry is required to participate, and the subsequent development of other cities will be handed over to Penghu Industry. I am temporarily in charge of Shenzhen City."

It seems that it has not been a day or two for Wang Zhongmao to consider this matter.

Shen Dapeng intentionally refused. However, Wang Zhongmao's attitude obviously knew the actual controlling shareholder of Penghu Industrial. He thought of the real estate resources of several major cities in China and wanted to take advantage of the situation.

In addition, Wang Huailong was involved in this matter. Since Wang Huailong and Wang Zhongmao have discussed them, and are determined to enter the field of second-hand housing intermediary companies, Shen Dapeng is very upset in the heart of seeking a partnership with Shen Dapeng anyway.

The previous attempt to engage in a house buying group was just a rhetoric from Wang Zhongmao.

When I talked about it, Wang Zhongmao was uncomfortable with the status quo, and wanted to go further and develop a peripheral business. Wang Zhongmao also knew a lot about the situation in the capital.

He wanted to involve Penghu Industry and be able to take advantage of the opportunity to create a second-hand house rent and sale business, but this person has a lot of ideas.

"What you are talking about is traditional second-hand housing intermediary. In this way, if you want Chengyu Real Estate to become a shareholder, you can’t do what you say. If you start a second-hand housing company, you will encounter countless troubles, especially the deep-rooted local intermediary company. It is difficult to obtain housing." Shen Dapeng felt that he could not continue to deny Wang Zhongmao. There is no doubt about his ability.

If Wang Zhongmao is rejected, Wang Zhongmao will surely do it alone. He will even choose to start his own business in Wanhai Square.

Shen Dapeng didn't like Wang Zhongmao's way of dealing with things, so he wooed Penghu Industrial to become a shareholder, which was somewhat difficult and threatening.

But this person is eager to do something, and Shen Dapeng has no reason to care too much.

When Wang Zhongmao heard this, he felt that Shen Dapeng was still denying himself, and he couldn't help showing a faint loss in his heart, "According to this, the second-hand housing business is indeed not as simple as imagined. It is not enough to open a store. Others can find a way to get a house. There is no need to join in starting a company by yourself."

"No, this industry has a future. The key is to see how you do it. If you want to put this matter upright, Penghu Industry can be responsible for the initial investment, but it is not the development model you mentioned." Shen Dapeng said lightly, there is already idea.

When Wang Zhongmao heard this, he felt that there was a drama and quickly asked: "What kind of development model is it? Is it just sown a dozen stores directly to create a monopoly?"

Shen Dapeng smiled and signaled Wang Zhongmao to stay calm. Many thinking is not developed overnight, especially under the background of the contemporary era. Seeing the success of others and wanting to get a share of the pie is already the norm in business competition.

However, second-hand housing intermediary companies are now profitable, but they will not last long.

"There is no need to open a branch, everything is done online. What we have to do is to build a website, a platform with sufficient popular traffic." Shen Dapeng said, briefly introducing Wang Zhongmao.

544 In-city business development model.

As the Internet becomes more and more popular, especially in first-tier cities, the number of people surfing the Internet through various channels has exploded, and 544 same cities have emerged.

This second-hand housing business is built on a website, allowing customers to post real estate information. The platform is only used as a place to publish information.

Wang Zhongmao frowned. He felt that the Internet business model was not optimistic. "Where can I make money from such a platform? After sharing information, they themselves negotiated to rent the house. We only make a traffic?"

Wang Zhongmao is not optimistic about this business model. Although it seems that the investment is smaller, the profit point is actually completely exploited.

"If you want to make money, you have to give up some petty profits, stare at the big cake of second-hand housing, and bite hard is the key to entering this field. Don't just think about making money. Since I am considering participating, how can I let myself? Losing money?" Shen Dapeng looked at Wang Zhongmao, and said earnestly.

Unlike some of his friends, Wang Zhongmao's thinking is more like Cao Zhang, focusing on interests and not discussing future ideals and ambitions with others.

Since taking into account the information of second-hand housing, Shen Dapeng roughly put forward the all-encompassing idea of ​​making a living community website, and Wang Zhongmao felt that the more feasible it was, the more he listened.

544's business development model in the same city has large loopholes and even security risks. After a few years of operation, it has become a paradise for false transactions and scammers.

Taking this into consideration, Wang Zhongmao has no idea about the profit model. "What can I do to make this company run smoothly? I don’t mean anything else, but I think there are still many loopholes after the website is operated, such as publishing false information to deceive. All kinds of businesses will be mixed, and the company may be dragged down by them."

"So we have to contact various departments to make some privacy regulations open to our company, mainly for the sale of second-hand houses. Without a real estate certificate, the landlord cannot upload information. The two sides save the intermediary company. The landlord communicates directly with the customer. Let our company come forward to draft the contract and collect a small service fee to ensure profitability.” Shen Dapeng thought for a moment and had a detailed conversation with Wang Zhongmao.

There are indeed many loopholes in, but what he described is that most of the services of the life community website are incidental, mainly to attract popularity and build communities. The main profit point is still around the sale of second-hand housing.

However, this model is more formal. Some websites draw up contracts, sign electronic contracts and paper contracts, companies archive electronic contracts, and both renters and sellers sign paper contracts to avoid other disputes.

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