Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1538: ????? Investment to build office buildings

Wang Zhongmao understood the situation. His confidence in the establishment of a website has also doubled. The idea of ​​starting a business can't be restrained. "I know a group of students who want to do something online every day, and they happen to know each other here. There is a negotiator. If you invest in the company, 100% of the company's equity will belong to you. I can make up about 2 million yuan. You have to invest 8 million yuan..."

"I will let Chen Xiaoxuan discuss the details with you, and you will talk after the copy is drawn up. As for which company name to put on, you can discuss it." Shen Dapeng didn't speak too thoroughly. He could never tell Wang Zhongmao that it was difficult to make money later on the website. .

This is an investment method.

For example, some people specialize in creating a popular restaurant, and when the popularity rises and the restaurant’s account is good, it will sell off.

As for the restaurant’s future operations, if you are good at doing business, it may remain profitable and become a century-old restaurant. If the manager does not manage the restaurant, it is normal for the restaurant to have no customers after a month or two.

At present, if you want to make a website, you can only rely on this model.

Long-term investment cannot be made. Unlike online shopping malls, as long as there are transactions and market needs, to create sufficient security, there is no need to worry about no merchants to settle in, and customers who choose to shop are naturally indispensable.

"No problem, let me do this. Recently, the company's residential building sales are in good condition, and there is no need to cooperate with the buying team. Look at the funds, what is the next step?" Wang Zhongmao was overjoyed, and he was afraid that Shen Dapeng would not participate. Come in.

As the president of Wanhai Plaza, starting a company on his own, it is reasonable not to care about Shen Dapeng's personal thoughts.

However, there is the relationship between Wang Huailong, Wang Zhongmao founded the company only to achieve a career, so there is no need to hide it, and it is most appropriate to directly challenge Shen Dapeng.

"The office building is next to the apartment building and three office buildings are built. Whether you buy someone else’s or find a way to build it in the shortest possible time, it is very important to Wanhai Plaza." Shen Dapeng considered the overall direction of Wanhai Plaza. .

The current development of Wanhai Plaza is not bad, but it still falls short of expectations.

The sale of apartments has received a lot of money back, but it still cannot help Wanhai Plaza and the establishment of office buildings, which means that the commercial real estate plan is released.

Once in a certain Silin Square, the annual rent was as much as 800 million. Now the market price is not up to that level, but it is still a considerable wealth.

As mentioned earlier, buying land and building all the buildings will be sold by means, and it will be even more difficult to plan a new project after a few years.

Taking advantage of the low land price now, the office buildings built are rent-collecting and maintaining the development of the company. With the overall growth rate of Shenzhen Real Estate, the future value of the built office buildings is immeasurable.

"Now that the company is financially sound, if you invest in building an office building, you will have to spend all of this money. When the office building is sold out, our company will not make much money after all its busy schedules." Wang Zhongmao frowned.

I had talked with Shen Dapeng about office buildings before, but Shen Dapeng asked him to prepare the apartment first. Now that the funds are returned, if he continues to build the office building, he will have to invest a lot of money.

Shen Dapeng smiled faintly, feeling that Wang Zhongmao hadn't said the point.

"With Wanhai Plaza, living communities, and office buildings, will this real estate still be of immediate value? After the office buildings are built, they don’t need to be sold, they are firmly in control, and they are rented out every year. How much can the region receive?" Shen Dapeng raised two questions.

"A large sum of money has been invested in, and it will take more than ten or two decades to recover the cost by collecting rent. Even if the housing prices in our commercial area rise and the rent rises, it will take ten or eight years for the economy to be flat." Wang Zhongmao mentally calculates. I did not understand why Shen Dapeng built the office building and did not sell it.

In fact, the operation of this Wanhai Plaza has now reached its initial schedule.

Fund-raising, coupled with the sales on the first floor of Wanhai Plaza, has satisfied the start-up plan for the construction of apartments economically. The sales of apartments have been good, and the funds have been returned quickly. Seeing that the company's finances are becoming more and more prosperous, repayment of bank loans is no longer a problem.

Is it possible that Shen Dapeng also wants to be a charter company when he builds an office building for external leasing?

"A city complex, no matter how fast the outside commercial street develops, it can’t compete with us. In particular, Wanhai Plaza has a variety of convenient transportation, high-tech exhibition halls, movie theaters and many other entertainment projects, office rents and current After the office building is built, the market price will change drastically. The reason for collecting rent is that it is of great use to retain the property rights.” Shen Dapeng has a follow-up plan and does not intend to say it for the time being.

The operation of a company can never just look at the form in front of it.

Looking at the future for a few more years, being able to grasp the market development situation will determine how far the company can go in the end and the premise of a better form.

Only renting, not selling, this is the development model of Wanhai Plaza, and it is also the next preparation for Shen Dapeng's need for a large amount of funds.

Even if the company sells all the real estate that has been built, it will have to wait a long period of time before the funds can be fully recovered.

If it is not sold, once various subsequent projects are launched, if the entire Wanhai Plaza is mortgaged to the bank, a huge amount of funds will be obtained. This amount of funds is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Although the interest paid in the end may be more than the rent received, the company will face financial risks, but this huge sum of money is not to be used for viewing.

Wang Zhongmao seems to understand, feels like he has read so many years of books for nothing, researching real estate operations, in Shen Dapeng, it seems that all his ideas can not keep up just like Shen Dapeng holding a more advanced operating model, and He is still thinking about problems in the current era, and Wang Zhongmao feels that he is far behind and can't keep up with Shen Dapeng's thinking mode.

"This money goes down, but we can't look back. Once we use the banner of renting and not selling, there is no problem with the company in good condition. In the event of an accident, the flag cannot be changed at will to avoid more incidents." Wang Zhongmao pondered. , Decided to discuss with Wang Huailong.

The operating model of a shopping mall can only be slightly adjusted when the time is ripe.

If this rent-and-sell mode is launched, from the start of the project to the completion of the office building, it can only be used to attract foreign investment in the form of renting.

With the influx of companies from Shenzhen City, more and more entrepreneurial crowds are being built every day. Wanhai Plaza is building three office buildings with a large area and offices. Can all of them be rented out? Is market demand as simple as imagined?

Wang Zhongmao asked two big question marks psychologically. He didn't understand why Shen Dapeng was so sure.

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