Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1600: Bright attitude again

Hearing these words, Te Mingchuan did not think that Shen Dapeng was a qualified leader or a skillful orator, but in his mind, Shen Dapeng seemed to have a better management temperament.

Xu Ranran was touched by simple and pure ideas not to make things simple, let alone to complicate understanding, just to accomplish the goal and reach the ideal state of development.

However, the scenes of the previous quarrel are still in front of her, and she put it down so soon as if nothing happened. Xu Ranran thinks that she can't do it, and she feels very uncomfortable.

As far as most laboratories are concerned, after they are established, generally new researchers will have a transitional period of months or even years. During this transitional period, they will not be involved in the core laboratory framework.

Xu Ranran thinks that her relevant knowledge reserves are sufficient, and the scientific research technology is not worse than others, but if she is put in Nuojic, she does not think that she can make a difference in the team.

Moreover, at present, most laboratories at home and abroad are focusing on the immediate development. It is almost impossible for them to invest large sums of money to expand the field in the future.

Xiaoyu Mobile is working on projects that other companies have not touched or even touched on. Abandoning this development team is almost equivalent to acquiescing that the work content of other laboratories is correct, and agreeing that not innovating in the field of science and technology is based on the fundamental status quo. .

Shen Dapeng chose the appropriate time and stopped talking. He walked toward the reception room and opened the door before speaking: "If anyone insists on asking for leave, please trouble Dr. Te Mingchuan to follow the normal process. If you have other ideas, you can talk to them. , I’m going to see the progress of the recent experiment."

When he left at the right time, Shen Dapeng didn't force it any more. He had explained everything that should be said, and there was no need to continue to say more.

Apart from anything else, the people in the laboratory are all cutting-edge talents, and most of the knowledge is much better than Shen Dapeng. Although it is difficult to make sense with intellectuals, Shen Dapeng, who is confident about the future of Xiaoyu's mobile phone, will be because of that. Tangled with personnel.

As soon as Shen Dapeng came out, several familiar faces collided with him.

At the beginning, Shen Dapeng had dinner with a few people in the laboratory, and his face was familiar. When Shen Dapeng came out of the reception room, Ye Xiaoliang, who had a yellowish face and a thin face, appeared to be malnourished, smiled and said: "Dong Shen, you have worked so hard to hide from us. It’s not that we heard what you said just now, and now we all thought you were just a friend of Dr. Teminchuan."

Ye Xiaoliang comes from the Xiangjiang generation. The family lives in the mountains. Educational resources can be described as barren. However, Ye Xiaoliang did not come out to work at the age of 14 or 15 like most other villagers. Admitted to a key university.

In college, Ye Xiaoliang never forgets his origin. After he came to a big city, he saw the prosperous city and the colorful streets. He didn't choose the development road with the economy as the core. Instead, he invaded the library day and night. And the database, thinking about being at the forefront in the field of science and technology.

Not to mention now, even ten years later, only a few villages in the mountains have changed their barren appearance. In the mountain village where Ye Xiaoliang is located, even a phone call needs to walk a lot of mountain roads to get a signal. He devoted himself to scientific research, almost Using all of his energy, he tried to open the door to making money for the village.

Shen Dapeng remembers Ye Xiaoliang. It is not that he has more advanced technology than others, but that he appreciates Ye Xiaoliang's pure attitude, saying that he is stupid. That is, even if the current laboratory treatment is generous enough, it is not comparable to the blue-collar income of large companies. .

Saying that Ye Xiaoliang is smart, this person has never stopped studying. After knowing that the United States has more advanced technology than domestic, Ye Xiaoliang has continued to learn and grow, and even spend most of his salary to learn and in-depth research on knowledge in related fields. .

Shen Dapeng admires the existence of people like Ye Xiaoliang in the laboratory, and even hopes that everyone in the laboratory will study like Ye Xiaoliang.

Technology never talks about benefits, but the future.

"Xiao Liang, you haven't gained any weight after meals recently. For such a thin person, in the future, if we go out to give lectures on behalf of the laboratory, others will think that our laboratory does not care about food." Shen Dapeng smiled and looked at the person in front of him. It's rare to have pure and pure thoughts like a child when he is almost thirty.

Ye Xiaoliang took off his white gloves shamelessly and scratched his head, "My physique is like this. In fact, most of the people in the village are very strong and can be pulled out alone to fight in the ring. I go in and talk to Ranran for a few words. I have time to stay at night. Please have a potluck, okay?"

Ye Xiaoliang said that he was not confident enough. He generally knew that some of Shen Dapeng's things came from Shuimu University, and now he also knows that the other party is the main director of the laboratory, and he is much better than him at a young age.

Therefore, this hospitality was somewhat embarrassing. He was afraid that after Shen Dapeng thought that he knew his identity, he would invite him after deliberately getting involved in a relationship.

Shen Dapeng smiled indifferently, and walked to the laboratory deep in the aisle, "I'll finish dealing with these things first, I'll go inside and have a look."

"Okay." There was disappointment in Ye Xiaoliang's eyes. Failure to agree was almost equivalent to refusal. Then he realized that there was still important things to do. He saw Shen Dapeng enter the dressing room, opened the door of the reception room and walked in.

Along with Ye Xiaoliang, there are several other people, not to mention that they are all technical backbones, but also have their own special points. Entering the reception room, the atmosphere soon became lively.

"Xu Ranran, I have something I want to talk to you alone, it doesn't take three minutes longer, can it?" Ye Xiaoliang's attitude is sincere ~ ~ is not selfish.

"Xiao Liang doesn’t have to be so troublesome. Just talk to him face to face. Everyone doesn’t know that you like Xu Ranran? Let me start with Professor Lu. As your student, I have always respected you well. Without your careful guidance, Without me today, if you really want to give up the few of us and leave, you might as well just say it, no matter where you go, I will follow you wherever you go.” said a student who was not tall and dressed in a white lab coat.

He spoke more bluntly, his voice fell, and the reception room was silent. He was shocked by these words. How could he talk in this way? He just asked that this is not to drive Lu Xin off the shelf?

No matter how you drop it, you can't be in full view, just go and talk to Lu Xin about this kind of personal issue, right?

"Xiao Li, don’t talk nonsense. This professor is dedicated to working in the laboratory. How could he have other ideas? I just wanted to understand. I talked to Dr. Te, put aside all distractions, and focused on the laboratory to fight for this final process. One hand, success or failure lies in the sky, and you have no shame in your heart."

After all, Lu Xin is a professor. If distracting thoughts are aside, integrity is the basic quality he possesses.

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