Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1601: Confidential contract

This decision was made during the critical period of project development. No doubt, Lu Xin made a lot of determination to dispel the idea of ​​external influence in his mind. There are not many people in the laboratory who are old. Lu Xin has spent half of his life in research and development. .

The laboratory under the Xiaoyu Mobile Phone Company gave Lu Xin another feeling. While other laboratories were working step by step, this company plunged into unknown territory. Even the directors of the company did not care about future success or failure. A large amount of capital operation.

Nowadays, the knowledge industry has not been effectively guaranteed. Some of Lu Xin's achievements in other laboratories have become their company's exclusive products, and the benefits he has obtained are minimal.

On the other hand, for example, the innovation of a mobile phone component technology subverts the traditional perception of the mobile phone industry. This patent will only be issued in the name of certain companies, and Lu Xin will only be taken away for a sum, even the name of the patent privilege application. Can't even mention it.

The Xiaoyu mobile phone is different. Each person’s patents will be named after the main technical backbone of the members of the laboratory group, and finally signed by the company. This laboratory values ​​intellectual property rights even more as an important right to operate. Certainly.

If the company is just to squeeze the staff, everything is centered on the company's interests. Although this competitive atmosphere can be more intuitive to obtain benefits for the company, Shen Dapeng has never thought about squeezing others since Xiaoyu's mobile phone began to invest.

Shen Dapeng believes that manpower is limited and the potential is endless.

The advantage that Xiaoyu Mobile Phone Company occupies lies in technological innovation, and the full development of current advantages is the core. Although it cannot be guaranteed to be accurate to the protection of everyone's rights, but at least this is the starting point. Jason treats every member of the team as much as possible. Do it just right.

Speaking of future development, for example, Weihua Company has tens of billions of revenue in patent fees alone. The company's high-quality treatment for engineers and R&D teams is far ahead of the international level.

The company is worthy of the contributions of team members. Only in this way will they, like Ye Xiaoliang, treat R&D as the most important thing in their lives without fear of the future, instead of leaving the team with a reason to ask for leave.

"Hey, what about the four of you? Brothers and sisters? I can be subordinates on weekdays, but not now. Our team is no worse than anyone else. Only those who look down on us will leave. Today I will put the words here, the project development in my hand. If you don't finish it, don't want to leave the laboratory for half a step!" Xiaoli said with a smile, he did so intentionally.

Personal thoughts and small profits cannot dominate, he can only explain the facts from his own point of view.

Falsely asking about cold and warmth is the basic quality that needs to be displayed when dealing with outsiders, and these team members who work together day and night should not compromise.

The cohesion of a team is also shown at this time.

Ideas are beautiful, and there are also many compromises and realities.

Ye Xiaoliang has been looking at Xu Ranran, he is waiting for the other party to make a decision. When it comes to this, everyone knows that there are rare opportunities. There are so many people who want to work at Nuojin, which can make Lu Xin give up this opportunity, not necessarily others will give up. .

In other words, Lu Xin is now showing that he will not leave the team, and he may think about it after going home and change his mind again.

This is the core of everyone experiencing the crossroads of life and the long road in the future that needs to be considered. Everyone has to think twice, and it is impossible to make a decision lightly.

"Isn't it just a matter of a few days off? Anyway, it's not that I haven't been home for the Spring Festival in three or five years. When I finish my work this time, I must go home and relax for a few days." Xu Ranran frowned, rather disliked it. The atmosphere of this kind of friendship, after speaking, squeezed the crowd away and strode away.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xiaoliang nodded to Lu Xin, turned around in three steps and two steps, and quickly followed Xu Ranran who was leaving.

In his thirties, and still not married, Ye Xiaoliang has become the older leftover man in the eyes of others.

Everyone in the laboratory knew that Ye Xiaoliang was interested in Xu Ranran, and no one said anything when he saw him leaving hurriedly.

It's just that the changes in this scene are all seen in Te Mingchuan's eyes. He smiled bitterly in his heart. The cultures of the two countries are different, and the way they treat things is different.

In the United States, if someone from the laboratory team wants to leave, the company will find a lawyer and other relevant personnel to stare at this person as soon as possible.

The signed confidentiality contract is not allowed to work in the same industry for one or three years. This is not a matter of talking about it. Various methods to prevent company information from leaking will be more and more popular in the future, and it will be popularized by everyone who needs to keep confidential. In the laboratory.

It seems that the contract is overbearing, but it is actually for the sake of the overall development of the laboratory. For example, Te Mingchuan, once he leaves the laboratory, even if he does not take away any materials, he will eventually quickly create relevant technologies because of relevant experience. All the results of this laboratory were taken away, which is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Xiaoli's remarks seem to be straightforward and unkind. With the current atmosphere in the laboratory, if you want the follow-up work to be unaffected, it is more suitable for a showdown to be clear.

As for the small team in the laboratory, it is inevitable that people have selfish motives. It is impossible for everyone to be a working machine, and to implement strictly in accordance with the standards of the rules and regulations. It is already very good to be able to bully others without partnering.

"Te Mingchuan, I will take them to work first. I am very sorry for causing you trouble today." Lu Xin said sincerely.

Seeing Lu Xin's posture, the other three technical backbones couldn't say anything more. Seeing Lu Xin's departure, a large group of people left one after another. Only one young man stayed in the reception room.

"Aquan, don't you follow us? What do you stay here for?" a team member who saw people leave at the end called out.

This Ah Quan said very little, and he basically didn't say anything on weekdays. Even when the atmosphere was getting stronger just now, he maintained an attitude of staying out of the way.

A native of Aquan Shencheng, who graduated from a good college and joined the laboratory for a while, he heard that the directors of the laboratory under the Xiaoyu brand spent a lot of money and invested a lot of money in scientific research. After that, he considered repeatedly and joined the laboratory. The laboratory.

"I have something to discuss with Mr. Te Mingchuan, you should go out first." A Quan waved his hand and said with a smile.

When the people at the door saw Ah Quan, they didn't want to say much, and didn't think about anything else. They followed, closing the door and leaving with everyone.

Te Mingchuan was still sighing just now that the people in China are more empathetic. Seeing Ah Quan took out the leave slip, his unhappiness appeared on the table. Obviously Ah Quan was still chasing what he wanted.

The vast majority of people like Nuojin can't refuse the olive branch they throw out.

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