Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1602: Adjust laboratory mode

Especially for Aquan, Nuojin is the most important decision in his life. He has seen too many laboratories closed due to funding problems, and he has also encountered laboratory development projects. Quan has experienced some of it himself.

Xiaoyu's mobile phone has indeed gained a good reputation in the market, but Aquan understands in his heart that this is only a small company, which cannot be compared with Nuojic. The follow-up funds are not guaranteed, and the space for personal development is limited, so he will stay.

"Mr. Te Mingchuan, I have been preparing for this Spring Festival for a long time. I only take seven days off and I can assure you that you will come back on time." A Quan said in a serious voice.

Although the laboratory focuses on technical backbones, the core secrets that A Quan does not involve, the real core, are on Temingchuan and Jason.

Te Mingchuan allowed Ah Quan to leave, and this person would almost never return to the company. He promised to return only to leave the last trace of face.

With a better pursuit, Aquan never thought of giving up the opportunity, and he did.

"Quan, everyone knows your progress in the laboratory, including yourself. Two days ago, you also said that you can learn new knowledge every day in our laboratory, and even you have overcome several difficulties for the laboratory. No longer thinking about staying in the laboratory and creating the future together?" Te Mingchuan tried to keep Ah Quan in a calm tone.

A Quan looked firm and sighed and said, "If I had to be helpless, I wouldn't want to leave this home, Mr. Te Mingchuan, I hope you can forgive me."

"Fuck you! I won't forgive the betrayers." Te Mingchuan waved his hand, and continued on lying on the sofa rubbing his sore eyes: "The due accountability will not be too serious for you, but there is a premise. , You can’t do anything good."

Speaking of this, it is basically certain that Aquan can no longer stay in the laboratory to work.

When people come and go, there are always some people leaving. Te Mingchuan, a scientific madman, was surprised to find that the company's internal personnel still had something unknown after he came to China.

Unlike the United States, it is never possible for colleagues to face each other in a competitive relationship, let alone with personal feelings.

Customs and culture have made Te Mingchuan love Shencheng and fall in love with his team.

Someone left, Te Mingchuan was somewhat disappointed.

Aquan was embarrassed, but he still had to admit that Te Mingchuan did not go deep into his responsibility for breach of contract, and that he had given him plenty of room to play freely, and even a thought left behind flashed.

"I'm very sorry." What Ah Quan wanted to say could only be sorry in the end.

"Unfortunately, I will find a suitable person in the next two days to hand over your work. The laboratory cannot be stopped because of one person. The holiday is for you. You should go to work first, and you will be notified if a suitable person arranges it." Te Mingchuan didn't hold back any more, and Ah Quan had decided to stay and couldn't hold it.

It is impossible for the group representing the laboratory to stop the R&D progress because of someone. If it is said that it is necessary to fight for the retention of Lu Xin, Te Mingchuan even deliberately invited Shen Dapeng, a shareholder.

Although Shen Dapeng did not intuitively say to let them stay or forcibly kick them out of the laboratory team, since Shen Dapeng came to the laboratory, it actually represented the director's importance to the experimental team.

They said it was a holiday, but in fact they all understood that there are still a series of procedures to go through when leaving the team. During the time when Aquan asked for leave, Te Mingchuan could arrange someone to take over for Aquan's work.

As for whether Aquan is willing to come back, Te Mingchuan will not consider this issue. Even if Aquan thinks about it again, he will never allow him to enter the laboratory and it is impossible to rejoin the team.

The two are fair. After leaving the laboratory, Quan means that this person cannot be trusted and is unreliable. If you want to come back, the company does not believe in his personal purpose, and prevents Quan and other companies from coming back to be a commercial espionage. .

"Goodbye, doctor, there will be a period later." A Quan said, nodded slightly, turned and walked away.

His choices are different from those of others, and to strive for better development space is the ideal that Ah Quan has been pursuing.

Even if Shen Dapeng invests a lot of money in the laboratory, some more complex technologies will take a lot of time to complete. Although the equipment update is at the top level in the industry, it is almost certain that each of the large laboratories has special equipment.

These special instruments are the fruits of labor produced by a series of projects developed by the laboratory, and they are also the crystallization of technology that outsiders cannot replicate.

In the final analysis, the equipment, research environment and scientific background of Xiaoyu's mobile phone are not as good as Nuojic's long-established existence.

Industry giants need to invest a lot of energy and effort to surpass. Some laboratories are even destined to be unable to surpass others, but the development of Xiaoyu mobile phone is promising.

What they pioneered is a new technology, based on intelligence, to delve into new areas.

Hope to surpass does not necessarily mean success. At least most people don't think so. Even Shen Dapeng dare not pat his chest to ensure that the laboratory will become the world's top existence.

It's just that they are still working hard now, and the people in the laboratory team are also trying to surpass.

Seeing Ah Quan leaving, Te Mingchuan shook his head helplessly, sighed and murmured: "Fortunately, there is only Ah Quan today. If Lu Xin abandons our team, I really don’t know what the lab will be like. ."

Te Mingchuan has managed a team, but he has no experience in managing a laboratory. One is for the team leader to issue tasks, he is only responsible for completing the tasks with technology, and the other is to master the overall situation.

Unlike most people’s imagination, managing an experimental team is more difficult than imagined. It is not only necessary to consider the company’s operation ~ to allocate funds rationally for experiments, so as to optimize the use of funds. Take into account the personal feelings of each team member.

"In the future, we can only copy other laboratory models, assign tasks to them, split the project, and assign them to each small team. Even if there is a problem in one of the links, the relevant personnel can quickly fill in the vacancies..."

Te Mingchuan sorted out some materials and muttered to himself.

At this time, Shen Dapeng, who came to the laboratory, had already turned around. To say that the most valuable in the laboratory, it is undoubtedly the computer room built by Te Mingchuan.

The busiest members are all in the computer room, and a series of sophisticated calculations need to be supported by this computer.

This computer, which occupies more than one hundred square meters, was purchased by Te Mingchuan when the laboratory began to get on track. This computer alone cost sky-high funds.

However, it is value for money. If technical research is necessary, other instruments can't replace experiments and can only cost capital investment. Shen Dapeng has never been stingy about this.

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