Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1734: Industry Standard

Sometimes, the ugly talk comes first, which is necessary for both parties and restricts both parties.

After all, these are related to commercial interests. If there are some aspects that hinder the emotions and do not say anything, then in the end something will happen, and it may be unclear for both parties, and in the end it will be red and unhappy. And scattered.

"Haha, don't say thank you. Everyone has reaped the benefits. This is good for everyone, isn't it?"

Cao Zhang obviously understood the truth, and said with a smile.

That's right, if you choose the right agent and the business gets better, it will be a very beneficial thing not only for Pengying Holdings, but also for the intermediary and agents like Cao Zhang.

Everyone who is rich earns benefits, and this is something that everyone is happy to see.

"Brother Cao, how do I feel that you are all acting as agents now, as if you can't become the general agent of the whole country?" Shen Dapeng couldn't help laughing.

"Dapeng, when you say so, I really think it's the case, haha, don't worry, I, the national general agent, will definitely manage each area, and there will be absolutely nothing wrong with it, and there will be no harm. The thing about the Xiaoyu brand comes."

Shen Dapeng smiled and said, "Since you are now in line with the national general agent, there should be some standards, right?"

This so-called standard was also suddenly thought of by Shen Dapeng, because Cao Zhang first encouraged the recruitment of agents in the Shenzhen City, and now he lobbied Shen Dapeng to act as agents in the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other places.

In a practical sense, Cao Zhang has actually become the national general agent of Xiaoyu Science and Technology Life Museum. In this case, if allowed, the country does not know how many agents there are. If you want to become an agent, it is stipulated that some industry standards are necessary.

"Standard?" Cao Zhang couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, there is no rule. It seems that you have made a big determination this time to make the Xiaoyu Science and Technology Life Museum spread across the country. In this case, although I believe in your ability to choose an agent, I think There should still be some industry standards."

The Xiaoyu brand will become bigger and bigger in the future, and Shen Dapeng has heard the words of “building a big wind”. If you want the Xiaoyu brand to gain a foothold in the increasingly competitive shopping malls, you must issue industry standards and unify regulations.

"Brother Cao, your national agent sounds like a big name, but it's not for nothing. You can't always think about making money. You still have to bear the necessary responsibilities."

Cao Zhang has worked hard to set up agency stores across the country. On the one hand, he is thinking about expanding sales channels in many ways to build the popularity of the Xiaoyu brand. On the other hand, there will be a certain commission in this, which is not a penny. , Shen Dapeng knew this very well.

However, this is a matter that is not on the stage, and can only be understood or not.

Shen Dapeng knows in his heart, but more importantly, as the company's largest shareholder, he has to worry more than Cao Zhang. If there is any problem with the Xiaoyu brand and the company's profit and loss, the first thing to worry about is of course.

That's why he thought of the idea of ​​unifying norms, formulating standards, and signing agreements. These must be clear and rigid, and no compromises are allowed.

In addition, the responsibilities and obligations of both parties must also appear on paper. This is not only a norm for both parties, but also, when problems arise, the responsibilities can be distinguished in the first place to avoid confusion.

"Brother Peng, I am very interested in what standard you mentioned. Tell me about your thoughts."

"The four agency stores we used in Shenzhen, only paid some agency fees, and then started acting. Judging from the current operating conditions, the situation is basically very good. Thank you for this."

Shen Dapeng praised Cao Zhang and continued: "However, regarding the agency, we only verbally agreed on the proportion of shares and their respective responsibilities and obligations, and did not form a written set of things, even the most basic agency. There is no agreement."

"Although you and Zhang Liangshan are friends, and the relationship is very good, if there is any problem with the agency, the liability issue cannot be refined, and it turns out to be a quarrel, then it will be bad for anyone."

"So, I mean, since we want to expand the agency, we must develop a set of standards, which are necessary and necessary."

On the other side of the phone, Cao Zhang listened very seriously and barely interrupted anything. When Shen Dapeng said this, Cao Zhang interjected, "Dapeng, what standards should be set?"

It could be heard that Cao Zhang was very interested in what Shen Dapeng said, and had no resistance.

"First of all, formulate a detailed agency agreement to refine the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, and to refine and standardize some possible situations. This approach prevents the two parties from becoming deadlocked due to some problems in the end, which is the end. It is not allowed to submit to take the agreement to the court, and the judgment in accordance with the agreement is also justified, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Cao Zhang couldn't help but agree, "Dapeng, I think it is necessary for you to say this. Before, we only looked at the agency and thought about expanding sales, but did not pay attention to these details. Don't worry, I will talk to Mr. Wang on this point. Let’s discuss it and show you a template of the agreement."

Shen Dapeng gave a hum and continued: "The other thing is to do necessary formal training. You can't be an agent if you have money, and you can start a store in a silly way to make money. More importantly, we have to pass this kind of formal training. On the one hand, we should strengthen the management of the Xiaoyu brand. On the other hand, we must let every agent understand the meaning and connotation of our Xiaoyu brand, and let them give customers a subjective sense of experience and comfort as much as possible, rather than simply To make money."

In Shen Dapeng’s imagination, in the future, anyone who becomes the agent of the Xiaoyu brand will feel from the bottom of his heart that he is a family member of the Xiaoyu brand, have a sense of responsibility as a master, and reflect the uniqueness of the Xiaoyu brand from his own store. Place to come.

At the same time, we must try our best to maintain and promote the image of the Xiaoyu brand, so that in the end, a good Xiaoyu brand will become nondescript and imageless due to inadequate management.

And this appearance was something Shen Dapeng didn't want to see.

"You mean, in the future, if you want to be an agent, you must first go through training?"

"Yes, not only do they have to go through a period of training to let them understand the company’s regulations and various aspects of the performance of each product, and finally they have to pass an exam. Only those who are qualified can be qualified as an agent. Otherwise, if you want to be an agent, you have to I don’t know anything about the company, and I don’t know anything about the product. How can I introduce it to customers?"

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