Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1735: Normalized training

Shen Dapeng paused for a while and continued: "I will leave it to you about the training, Brother Cao, with your ability, there should be no problem, right?"

"Let me train?" Cao Zhang on the phone was obviously a little surprised.

"Why, I think you should have this ability." Shen Dapeng smiled and continued: "You can discuss with Wang Yuying and find a professional technician to cooperate with you for training. As for the place, if you can't find it, I You can tell my auntie, the conference room on the second floor of the food factory can be used for a while, what do you think?"

In Shen Dapeng's view, in terms of professionalism, because Cao Zhang has many years of sales experience, coupled with professional training and guidance, it will be of great help to those agents who are familiar with the Xiaoyu brand.

"This is ok, it made me a trainer, haha."

Cao Zhang laughed a few times and then said: "But this idea is really good, I think, we can not only conduct such training when recruiting agents, in addition, after a period of time, we can call these agents regularly. Concentrate on training to deepen their understanding of the Xiaoyu brand and service awareness, what do you think?"

Shen Dapeng quickly agreed and said: "This is a good idea. Regular training, which means regular training, is very good. It is also their obligation to include this in the cooperation agreement with the agent."

"Okay, I will handle these things. Don't worry, Dapeng. After these things are handled, let's talk about the recruitment of agents."

After Cao Zhang and Shen Dapeng finalized some details on the phone, the two people hung up.

After more than an hour of phone calls, Shen Dapeng was a little tired. After stretching his waist, he stood up and looked through the glass windows of the room, looking at the streets of Beijing that were still hot in the sun in the middle of the afternoon.

Because of the extreme heat, there are very few vehicles on the street, and there are not even many pedestrians.

However, it has been the same in previous years. After this hot day, people will come out to enjoy the cool at night. The large and small barbecue stalls are full of people and piles of beer and drinks.

And those hot pot restaurants are also overcrowded. People are sweating a lot while eating the hot and spicy dishes just picked out of the pot. It seems that this is the only way to get rid of the heat in the body and restore coolness. Same.

Shen Dapeng couldn't help but think of the Xiaohetang hot pot restaurant. At this time, Li Zeyu's boy should be asleep. When it comes to night, it's time for him to be busy again.

I remember that when I went to Xiaohetang for dinner last night, the entire lobby on the first floor and the private rooms upstairs were overcrowded. The business was very good. I heard from Li Zeyu that not only people who live nearby came here to eat, but also those far away. Anyone who hears of the little lotus pond will drive there to taste it.

Xiaohetang’s business in the capital is so good, so when you get to the deep city, you don’t know how hot it is. Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng feels that it’s time to discuss with Li Zeyu.

There were too many things in his mind. After standing at the window for a while, Shen Dapeng felt a little confused in his mind, so he lay on the bed to rest and fell asleep after a while.

I don't know how long I slept, Shen Dapeng was awakened by a messy noise, opened his eyes and saw who else could it be if it wasn't Tang Wei and Zheng Dan?

Two people just walked into the room, Zheng Dan's high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground, the sound was annoying, where is there a little sleepiness?

Shen Dapeng rubbed his eyes and sat up, staring displeasedly at Tang Wei and Zheng Dan who were grinning.

"Aren't you two taking revenge on me?"

At noon, when he called Tang Wei, he and Zheng Dan didn't know where they were fooling around. Now it's their turn to go to bed, they are coming to fix themselves again?

"Brother Peng, what are you talking about? Didn't I have completed the task you confided and I specifically reported to you?"

When Tang Wei heard this, his eyes widened and defended.

"Yeah, Brother Peng, are you wronging people? After receiving your instructions, Tang Wei and I rushed to the airport non-stop, and set the earliest flight tomorrow morning. Do you know that on this flight? I have the last two tickets left. If I missed it, I can only do the shift tomorrow night."

Zheng Dan also spoke for Tang Wei with aggrieved expression, and drew two air tickets from his small bag and shook it towards Shen Dapeng.

"In that case, I wronged you two. Okay, then I apologize to you." Shen Dapeng smiled embarrassed and shook his head. "How has the apology changed in this world? I have been disturbed, and I want to apologize in turn. , Really can't say."

"Ha ha."

After listening to them, Tang Wei and Zheng Dan were taken aback, and then they understood the meaning of Shen Dapeng's words, and couldn't help laughing.

It can be seen that the relationship between Tang Wei and Zheng Dan looks better than The clothes on Zheng Dan looks very high-end, and the whole person looks more energetic and moving.

It was sitting on the sofa with Tang Wei. Tang and Wei held Zheng Dan's hand. The two sat very close, for fear that they would separate in the next second.

Shen Dapeng looked at the two people for a while, and both of them were a little embarrassed, and Shen Dapeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What a talented woman! I can't help but envy it."

With that, Shen Dapeng got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he came out, Tang Wei had already kept a distance from Zheng Dan, and the two were looking at themselves with an awkward smile.

"Why are you still separated? Wasn't it good to be like this just now?" Shen Dapeng deliberately joked.

"Brother Peng, I know your resistance is poor. If you spread dog food in front of you, I'm afraid you will not be able to bear it, haha."

Tang Wei said with a smirk, and looked back at Zheng Dan who was smiling while covering his mouth.


Shen Dapeng simply didn't know what to do with Tang Wei. When he raised his fist to retaliate with force, Tang Wei hurriedly raised his hands in a surrender.

"Okay, okay, no kidding, the two of us are leaving tomorrow morning, why don't we have to have fun? I have decided, and I will be the treat tonight, let's go to the big head, Let's go."

Going to the small lotus pond again?

Shen Dapeng was taken aback. Although he had been in the deep city for more than half a year, he had already missed the little lotus pond in the capital very much, but he didn't want to continue to eat like this, right?

But Tang Wei has already decided, and seems to have notified other people. It doesn't seem to work if you don't want to go, but this time...

"Should I go now? Seems to be earlier?"

Shen Dapeng remembered that it was still in the middle of the afternoon, and he had not slept for long.

Isn’t it a bit early to eat hot pot this half of the afternoon?

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