Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 216 Penguin, Penguin, When You Grow Up, It's Time To Learn How To Make Money By Yoursel

For the next few days, Ye Yihui was busy.

First of all, they successfully bought the Yan Family Garden.

It's just that the garden of Yan's family has been abandoned for nearly twenty years, and the whole house has to be torn down and rebuilt. Of course, some historical bricks and tiles and beams and planks in good condition can also be reused. !

Of course, Ye Yihui didn't have the time to take charge of the rebuilding of Yan's garden by himself. He handed over the project to Wang Wanjun, and he was in charge of the whole rebuilding project.

After all, he is now the general manager of Shanghai Wanke, and he has contacts in the design and building materials and construction markets, so he can find reliable people and goods!

As for the accounts, Ye Yihui hired a professional accounting company to take charge, and then asked Qiao and Zhang Haiyang to supervise the entire project.

Secondly, after investing 30 million in Shi Yuzhu, under the urging of the other party's phone calls from time to time, Ye Yihui finally took a moment to go to the industrial and commercial department with the other party to change the shareholding structure, and officially became the No. 1 health care product company. Big shareholder!

And this health care product company is the predecessor of the famous Modu Juren Group 16 in the future!

Originally, Ye Yihui thought that after completing the equity change procedures, he would be able to be a shopkeeper, pat his ass and leave, but he didn't want to be grabbed by Lao Shi again, and went to see the filming of Brain Platinum's commercial scene!

Shi Yuzhu fully adopted the advertising slogan given by Ye Yihui, and used "No gifts for this year's festival, only Baijin for gifts" as the core of the advertisement.

But at this time, the Brain Platinum commercial was filmed with real people, from the actors to the director to the entire crew, the whole package was packaged for a total of 20,000 yuan!

After a few years, when Ju Ren has mastered the animation production technology, they can even save such an advertising fee. Since then, only a pair of dancing animation old men and old ladies have appeared in the advertisements of major TV stations. sing over there!

Well, that's right!

This commercial line later became a Divine Comedy!

At that time, as soon as the commercial came out, the audience was stunned in an instant, and countless netizens complained. There is nothing more powerless to complain than this advertisement!

However, the complaints return to the complaints, it is precisely because of such a brainwashing advertisement that Brain Platinum has finally become the most famous health care product that has become popular all over the country, and has become a well-deserved king in the health care product market!

Of course, these are all later!

The lines are simple, the scene is simple, basically took about half an hour to shoot, this commercial is considered complete!

"Is this the end?" Lao Shi, who invested in commercials for the first time, was still a little unsatisfied, even a little depressed!

Twenty thousand dollars!

It's over in half an hour?! I always feel like I've been cheated!

But soon, the director told him that the filming of the scene was finished, but it still took time to edit the advertisement, and then add special text effects, which estimated to take a day or two!

"Oh! It will take a day or two! That's okay..." Shi Yuzhu nodded, but immediately came to his senses!

What a ghost! It's only two or three days after all the calculations!

In two or three days, I earned 20,000 yuan from myself!

How many boxes of brain platinum do I have to sell!

No wonder everyone says that the entertainment industry makes money!

Why don't you invest in entertainment projects yourself?

Well... let's forget it!

We don't know anything about making movies, and if we get tricked, we don't know where it happened!

If there is a chance later, it is still possible to make a fun game!

So, at this moment, the seeds of playing games were deeply buried in Shi Yuzhu's heart.

After returning from the shooting scene, Shi Yuzhu enthusiastically took Ye Yihui to inspect his health care product company. If the health care product production line was not far away in Su Cheng, he would probably take Ye Yihui to inspect the production workshop. It is also called as a big boss to inspect the industry!

It wasn't until this time that Ye Yihui realized that this old Shi is a busy worker, and he has completely different styles from the little Ma who likes to squat at home every day!

It's no wonder that later, this old stone bought a helicopter and flew around the city every day. On the other hand, Brother Ma used a Volvo s80!

It's totally one heaven and one earth!

When Shi Yuzhu came back after being tortured, this day was considered reimbursed!

In addition to these two temporary incidents, Ye Yihui was also busy with the PHS business whose sales channels were opening up day by day.

Today, relying on the care of senior brothers and sisters who are big bosses in the telecommunications sector, Guanghui has completely opened up the PHS market in the Yangtze River Delta.

On the side of the Pearl River Delta, relying on Xu Chenye's contacts in the Shencheng Telecom Network, he used the commission as a temptation to attract a group of second-generation telecoms to join, and then you took me and I took him, and directly transferred the entire Pearl River Delta telecom system. They were all pulled over.

And in the imperial capital, with the support of Mr. Qi and a group of telecommunications bigwigs from colleges and universities, Brilliant Communications has also successfully signed orders with the telecommunications departments of the imperial capital and nearby provinces and cities!

A large amount of business made the production orders of PHS drift to those foundries like snowflakes, which made the bosses of those foundries both excited and stressed!

I am excited that I can make a lot of money, but I am stressed because the production capacity cannot be supplied!

For this reason, these foundries have urgently recruited people from abroad, and have introduced production lines at a large price!

As the patron's father, in order to ensure the quality of PHS products, Ye Yihui also made a special trip to Shencheng. After making a surprise inspection of the production workshops of the partners, he confirmed that their quality has not declined due to the increase in production volume. , so I can relax!

In order to allow them to produce reliable products with all their heart, Ye Yihui told them that as long as the quality can be guaranteed, it doesn't matter even if the supply speed is a little slower.

And Ye Yihui said that by the end of the year, he will rate these foundries 170 according to their performance, and the one with the highest rating will be selected first for the foundry project of the 2G mobile phone he will launch in the future!

With Ye Yihui's advice and final encouragement, the bosses of these foundries are working hard, watching the production line every day, never relaxing for a moment!

After inspecting the foundries, Ye Yihui went to the Goose Factory again, communicated with the Xiao Ma team, and participated in the team building activities of the employees of the Goose Factory.

At this time, the number of employees in the goose factory increased by five more, reaching twenty-five!

The increase in the number of employees has naturally led to an increase in the cost of the goose factory. Coupled with the expenditure on bandwidth and the number of servers that need to be purchased from time to time, according to the current balance of the company account, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will run out of money again!

At this time, the number of registered users of QQ has reached 50 million!

But thanks to the limitation of the number of computers online in China, the number of simultaneous online users of QQ has not increased too much, otherwise, I am afraid that Brother Ma will cry poor again!

However, judging from the domestic computer market, the sales of the computer market are doubling every month. I believe that by the end of this year, the number of domestic computers used will double compared to now!

By that time, the goose factory may be completely out of money!

Seeing that Goose Factory now has such a large user base, Ye Yihui knew that it was time to make g profitable!.

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