Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1001: House occupied

"Give it to me, I can exchange it with a pill, or buy it with a spirit stone." Su Jinyue said.

"Huh?" The woman looked at Su Jinyue incredulously, "Are you an alchemist?" It's useless if it's not an alchemist who wants those herbs. Is it because the other party wants those herbs to help them?

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

The woman heard the words and immediately took out all the herbs on her body, "Just give me a few healing pills." She and her eldest brother often go to the forest to collect medicine, and injuries are common.

Su Jinyue put away half of the herbs, gave the remaining half to Tian Fengxun, took out a jade bottle and handed it to the woman, "This is the Qinglian Pill, it can immediately recover from the injury."

The woman took the jade bottle and opened it, and she was stunned when she saw thirty or forty pills in it.

The man's injuries have all recovered. Seeing his sister staring at the jade bottle in her hand, she gently pushed the woman, "Xiao Rou, what's wrong?"

Ye Xiaorou looked back at Ye Ling, "Brother, there are thirty-six healing pills here." Based on the current market prices, the prices of these healing pills are not cheap.

Ye Ling took out the pill, poured out four pills, and handed the jade bottle back to Su Jinyue, "Senior! We only need four pills. Take them back." They let them sit on the beast. Che, it is a great kindness to give him healing pills, and they should give them the herbs, so how can they receive so many pills from the other party.

"Just keep it, these pills are of no use to me." Su Jinyue did not reach out to pick them up. Since they were given out, she would never take them back.

"This..." Ye Ling looked at Su Jinyue embarrassedly.

After thinking about it, he took out a black lacquered stone from his storage bag and handed it to Su Jinyue, "Senior, this black gold stone is for you." There is nothing valuable on him either, this black gold stone is He picked it up beside a dead monk. He didn't know what was the use of this, he kept it in his storage bag all the time.

Su Jinyue saw the black gold stone, her eyes lit up suddenly, she reached out to take the black gold stone, and forbidden to look into the black gold stone through the formation above. It turned out to be a golden leaf, she was really lucky. Now she has four gold leaves, and only one piece of her gold leaf world can be complete.

"This is useful to me, I won't be polite with you." Su Jinyue put away the black gold stone, took out two storage rings and handed them to the two brothers and sisters Ye Ling, "This is for you." Compared to a gold leaf, this What's in the ring is nothing at all.

"No, no, no, we can't take it." Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou waved their hands again and again. The black gold stone was originally given to her to thank her, how could they take the other party's things? And they have also studied the black gold stone, which is simply an ordinary stone.

"Take it, otherwise I will have a conscience. Do you hope that I won't be able to ascend because of this knot?" Su Jinyue stubbornly gave two storage rings to the Ye family brothers and sisters. Compared to what they gave, they What is given to her is truly precious.

"How can this be?" Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou also wanted to push the storage ring back to Su Jinyue.

"Just take it," Zhan Yihan also said.

"Yes, she is very stubborn. Once a decision is made, it will not change." Tian Fengxun laughed. He was also very interested in the black gold stone, but now that the Ye family brothers and sisters are still there, it is difficult for him to ask Su Jinyue to see them in front of them. If Su Jinyue only gave them storage ring to help them, wouldn't he be self-defeating.

Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou looked at each other and bowed gratefully to Su Jinyue, "Thank you, senior!"

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, "I should thank you." For her, there is nothing more important than the Golden Leaf Realm.

"Senior, are you going to Demon Sea City?" Ye Ling asked.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

"We also went to Mohai City, and our home is in Mohai City." Ye Xiaorou said. She and her eldest brother often go to the Devil's Forest to collect herbs. Although the herbs are not valuable, they can't do anything except collect herbs for money with their cultivation base.

"Then why do you run so far?" Su Jinyue asked in surprise.

"We went to the Devil's Forest to collect herbs. Although it is dangerous there, there are many herbs." Ye Ling said.

Su Jinyue nodded. She had seen the jade slips on the map of the Devil Heaven Continent, and naturally knew where the Devil Forest was mentioned by the Ye Family brothers and sisters. When they were free, they would also go to the Devil Forest to clean up.

After the animal car entered the magic sea city, it slowed down.

Due to the auction held in Mohai City this time, there are people everywhere on the street, and the animal car is simply difficult to move. Su Jinyue and the others can only get out of the animal car and follow the Ye family brothers and sisters to their home.

"Our house is in front." Ye Xiaorou happily pointed to a small courtyard in front. The small courtyard was left to them by their parents. Their parents also went to the Devil's Forest to collect medicine, but they never came back. She and her eldest brother often ran into the Devil's Forest, both to gather medicine and to find the whereabouts of their parents. Although they know that there is little hope of finding their parents, they don't want to give up.

When she came to the small courtyard, Ye Xiaorou stretched out her hand to open the door, but Su Jinyue held her back, "Wait!"

"Senior, what's the matter?" Ye Xiaoran and Ye Ling looked at Su Jinyue in confusion.

"The formation is arranged here, don't you know?" Su Jinyue asked. Seeing Ye Xiaorou's actions just now, she probably didn't know, but isn't this their home?

Ye Xiaoran and Ye Ling shook his head, "We have not arranged an array before, nor will we arrange an array." To ask the array mage to arrange an array, it would cost a lot of money.

"Are there no other people living in your house?" Su Jinyue asked. It seems that their house is occupied.

"No." The Ye family brother and sister shook their heads. This is the house left to them by their parents, which they usually cherish.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand and waved away the formation, opened the door and walked in.

I saw several monks drinking in the yard.

Ye Ling saw a few people and immediately rushed into the door, "Who are you? Why are you in our house?" Without their permission, how could these people live in their home.

The cultivators who were drinking stopped their movements and turned to look at Su Jinyue and his party. Seeing that Tian Fengxun, who had the highest cultivation level among them, only had the middle stage of distraction, he curled his lips in disdain.

One of the monks with a mole on his chin opened his mouth and said: "We have taken a fancy to this house. If you are acquainted, we will leave. When the auction is over, we will naturally leave. Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite."

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