Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1002: Imprint of God's Sense

"You are too much." Ye Xiaorou said angrily. The other party has occupied their home and has to let them go. There is simply no reason for it.

Ye Ling quickly grabbed Ye Xiaorou, "Xiaorou, let's go out first." He couldn't see the cultivation of these people, but he could feel the aura of them. He can't hurt Su Jinyue and the others because of the house. And the other party also said that they will leave when the auction is over.

Ye Xiaorou shook Ye Ling's hand and pointed to the monks in front of him, "I won't go out, they are the ones who want to go out."

"Xiao Rou, we can't afford them." Ye Ling said helplessly. He also wanted to drive away those outsiders, but he didn't have that strength at all.

Ye Xiaorou's anger was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water, and she dropped her head feebly. My brother is right, they simply don't have that ability.

"Get out!" The monk with a mole on his jaw sneered at Su Jinyue's group.

"It's you who should get off." Tian Fengxun stepped forward and swept the crowd coldly. What he doesn't understand most is this kind of bullying weak people based on his own strength.

"Senior!" Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou looked at Tian Fengxun in surprise. They didn't expect Tian Fengxun to stand up for them, but would he be their opponent?

The monk with a mole on his chin sneered, and slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground, "Then let me see, what is your ability to make us roll."

"A cultivator in the middle stage of distraction, who dares to be mad in front of us.

"Since they don't know each other, let's not let them go, let them know why the flowers are so red."

Several people screamed and rushed to Su Jinyue's group.

"Ye Ling, Ye Xiaorou, let's go to the theater." Su Jinyue took Ye Xiaorou to the side. To deal with these few people, Yihan and Tian Huizhu are enough.

Ye Ling followed Su Jinyue and Ye Xiaorou to the side, looking at Zhan Yihan and Tian Fengxun worriedly, "Can they handle it?" He couldn't see Tian Fengxun's cultivation base, but the monk just said it was a point. In the middle stage of the gods, as for Zhan Yihan is only the peak of the later stage of the Nascent Soul, it is not much higher than him, can he really handle it?

Several monks saw that only Zhan Yihan and Tian Fengxun were fighting against them, and their hearts were angry and funny. It’s the first time I've seen someone who is overpowered, don't they know that their cultivation base is much lower than theirs?

Several monks were divided into two groups and rushed to Zhan Yihan and Tian Fengxun respectively. Since they are looking for death, don't blame their subordinates for being unsympathetic. As for the other three ants, wait until they have dealt with these two and then slowly clean up.

Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou looked at Zhan Yihan and Tian Fengxun with worried faces. They only met these monks because of their own sakes, but don't have anything to do!

"Don't worry, eat this." Su Jinyue took out three spirit fruits, took one by herself, and handed the remaining two to Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou respectively. Those monks didn't even pay attention to her, let alone Yihan and Tian Huizhu. How could Tian Huizhu be a simple person to become the city master of Pill City.

Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou nodded, took the Lingguo, and looked at Zhan Yihan and Tian Fengxun's eyes still full of worry and tension.

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, took a bite of the spirit fruit in her hand, and looked at Zhan Yihan.

Zhan Yihan waved his hand, offering several formation flags. There is a simple way, so why bother with it.

The three monks who rushed towards Zhan Yihan showed disdain on their faces when they saw that Zhan Yihan wanted to use the formation to deal with them. They are cultivators of the Integral Stage, so it is impossible for them to be trapped by the formation of a small peak monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage, and there is also an Array Mage among them.

But the next moment, the three of them opened their mouths in disbelief. Not only were they trapped by the opponent's formation, but they also couldn't find a way to break the formation. What level of array mage is the opponent? How could it be so powerful?

The three monks who rushed towards Tian Fengxun on the other side turned pale after feeling the tremendous pressure released by Tian Fengxun. This monk has hidden his cultivation base, his cultivation base is so much higher than them, it seems that they have kicked the iron plate this time.

"Senior forgive me!" one of the monks said tremblingly.

Tian Fengxun smiled coldly, raised his hand and patted. The three monks were photographed flying several meters away, and then three sounds like balloon explosions were heard. If they were replaced by their own strength being weaker than them, they would definitely not let him go. Why should he be soft-hearted?

Raising his hand to put away the three storage rings, Tian Fengxun looked at Zhan Yihan.

At this time, the three monks who dealt with Zhan Yihan were trapped in the formation. Seeing their current situation, it shouldn't last long.

Zhan Yihan threw another formation flag again, and as the formation flag fell, only three screams were heard from the formation.

Zhan Yihan faintly hooked his lips, raised his hand for a photo, and the formation flag and three storage rings fell into his hands. These people are definitely not good, if you let them go, it will only cause trouble for yourself and others.

At the same time, an earth-shattering roar came from an extremely luxurious palace, "How dare you kill my son, I'm sure to thwart you."

Then, a figure quickly rose into the sky, leaping towards the direction of Demon Sea City.

"This... how is this possible?" Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou rubbed their eyes vigorously, but there was no change in the scene in front of them. It only took Zhan Yihan and Tian Fengxun a few breaths of time to get all the six cultivators done. What kind of cultivation are they? If they didn't know that the other party had hidden their cultivation base, then they would be idiots.

Zhan Yihan looked at the storage ring in his hand, frowned slightly, and slowly peeled off the imprint of the gods on the surface of the storage ring. It seems that the identity of the man with a mole on his chin is not simple.

Su Jinyue walked to Zhan Yihan's side, took the Imprint of Divine Sense in his hand, packed it in a jade box and put it into her own Golden Leaf Realm. Her Golden Leaf Realm is different from other dimensions, and no matter how high a cultivator is, she can't see the existence of Golden Leaf Realm in her body.

The cultivator who was rushing to the Demon Sea City was startled, his eyes flashed with an unbelievable look, "How is this possible? How could the imprint of God's consciousness I left disappear? Who is offending?"

After pondering for a moment, the monk once again moved in the direction of Mohai City. No matter who the other party is, as long as he finds him, he will never let it go.

Tian Fengxun saw Zhan Yihan peeled off the divine consciousness mark from the storage ring, and carefully scanned the three storage rings in his hand, and found no divine consciousness mark.

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