Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1003: Auction Jade Plate

Walking to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, Tian Fengxun handed the three rings to the two of them, "Look again to see if there is a mark of God's consciousness." He can't see it, not necessarily Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue couldn't tell.

Zhan Yihan glanced at Tian Fengxun's storage ring, "No."

Tian Fengxun nodded in relief and put away the three storage items. The three of them had agreed before that, except for the herbs, one and a half, the other harvests belonged to the individual. So he won't be polite with Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Three seniors! You can choose the room first." Ye Ling said respectfully to Su Jinyue. He doesn't know their cultivation base, but what is certain is that their cultivation base will not be weak.

Su Jinyue nodded and looked around. This small courtyard is not big, except for the hall and kitchen, there are five small rooms.

Zhan Yihan pulled Su Jinyue towards one of the rooms. There is no bed there, it should be an empty room.

Tian Fengxun smiled and chose a room.

After Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the room, they took out the three storage rings they got. When they saw the contents, they were also shocked, especially the monk with a mole on his chin. , His storage ring is simply a small treasure house, not to mention the magic stone, thousands of pill, refining materials, various talisman, various heaven and earth treasures, and two pieces to participate in the auction. The jade card.

"Now we don't have to worry about not being able to participate in the auction." Su Jinyue said happily. Xia Moli told them before that, except for some important forces, the jade cards were all anonymous.

Although the identity of the monk with a mole on his chin is not simple, judging from the fact that they had no place to live and came to grab Ye Ling's house, they did not have their power in Mohai City.

"Jin Yue, you put these away." Zhan Yihan put the three storage rings into Su Jinyue's hands. She is his daughter-in-law, so all good things should be handed over to the daughter-in-law for safekeeping. Besides, they have always been together, just say what they need.

Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled. After taking out part of the magic stone from the storage ring, she stuffed the rest back into Zhan Yihan's hands, "You keep these." She knew that Yihan loved her, so she wanted it. Give her all the good things, but she doesn't want to. She and Yi Han are husband and wife, they can share things together, instead of being under her control.

"You!" Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, his deep eyes were full of love.

Su Jinyue spit out her tongue and leaned her head in Zhan Yihan's arms, "I know you want to give me all the good things, but this is not good. You have to cultivate, and you also need those resources, and I want you to become stronger so that I can be your little woman with peace of mind."

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, holding Su Jinyue more tightly in his arms, "I will definitely try to be your strongest backer." His Jinyue is so special that he doesn't love it enough.

Tian Fengxun was about to go out and went to the black market to see if there were any jade medals for sale. He heard a soft knock on the door.

Stepping forward to open the door, she saw Su Jinyue standing outside the door with a smile, "Come in and sit."

"Meeting Lord, this is for you." Su Jinyue handed a jade card to Tian Fengxun.

Tian Feng took it puzzledly, glanced at the jade medal in his hand, and excitedly said: "This is the jade medal for the auction?" He also guessed that there would be jade medals in the storage ring before, but only looked at three storages Ring did not find. However, his gain this time is not small, there are millions of magic stones alone. It seems that those monks have some background.

Su Jinyue nodded, "There are two yuan in total."

"It's great, now we don't have to worry about not being able to enter the auction." Tian Fengxun said happily. As long as you can enter the auction, you will have a chance to get the Cold Spirit Ghost Flower, and then the North City Lord will be saved. But can they go back from the original teleportation formation?

"After we got the Hanling Ghost Flower

, Can you go back from the original teleportation array? "Tian Fengxun asked. He is not an array mage and he is not clear about these.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "We have to go out from another teleportation formation." The teleportation formation they came in before, they disappeared after they came in.

"Then we don't have to go to Nanyuezhou?" Tian Fengxun frowned. It doesn't matter if they are longer, but can the North City Lord wait that long?

"Huizhu, don't worry, when we get the cold spirit ghost Huabei City Lord, we will be saved." Su Jinyue said.

Tian Feng looked at Su Jinyue incomprehensibly, "But isn't the North City Lord still in the Demon Realm?"

"Yihan brought him together." Su Jinyue smiled. Anyway, after getting the Hanling Ghost Flower, the North City Lord must be released. As for the secret of Yihan's small world, they did not hide Tian Fengxun's plan. They believe in him, and he shouldn't spread it out. If he really spreads it out, it can only be said that they believe in someone wrong.

"Really? Where is he?" Tian Feng asked in surprise. Zhan Yihan brought North City Lord to the Motian Continent. Does Zhan Yihan have a small world in him? The small world is different from the storage ring, you can directly enter it. It's just that it's a legend, and he has only heard it.

"After we get the Hanling Ghost Flower, you can see him." Su Jinyue raised her lips.

"Master Su, thank you so much this time." Tian Fengxun said gratefully. Without Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, he might no longer be in this world.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "Hui Master, Yi Han and I are going out for a stroll, do you want to go together?" The Ye family brothers and sisters said that the market in Mohai City also has many stalls selling herbs, but low-level herbs. Mostly, they are boring to stay in the house, so it is better to go out and stroll.

"I'm not going, you go." Tian Fengxun shook his head. He didn't want to be their light bulb.

Su Jinyue walked out of Tian Fengxun's room and saw Zhan Yihan waiting for herself outside the door. She stepped forward and put her hand on Zhan Yihan's outstretched hand, "Let's go."

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, holding Su Jinyue's hand in his hand, and walked outside with her.

"Senior, do you want to go out?" Ye Ling came in from outside and asked Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue who were going out.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan responded.

"I just saw a monk on the street who was arresting and killing his son. You have to be careful." Ye Ling reminded. He guessed that the monk's son should be one of the people who occupied his house. Now I just hope that the other party will not find it here.

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