Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1004: Powerful monk

"We know." Su Jinyue nodded in response. Her and Yi Han's current cultivation bases are one in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and the other is the peak of the second stage of the Nascent Soul.

"You still have to be more careful." Ye Ling warned worriedly.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded and walked outside. If the other party really wants to do something to them, they are not that easy to bully.

At the market, crowds of people, a lively and prosperous scene.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked forward following the flow of people, and when they saw something they could use, they stopped.

"The monk in front was too cruel, he has already killed more than a dozen monks."

"I heard that his son was killed. He is looking for the murderer of his son."

"Then you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Well, don't say let's go, if the senior hears us, we will suffer."

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and walked forward.

The more people left, the fewer people, even if there were monks, they would hide from a distance, secretly looking at the front, for fear that they would provoke the middle-aged black-clothed man who was in anger. Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue also stopped, they had already seen each other. The opponent's strength is indeed not weak, it is already the cultivation base in the middle of the robbery. With such strength, no matter where you are, you can dominate one side.

The black-clothed middle-aged monk swept towards Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Two ants in the primordial infant stage also dare to come here to join in the fun.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan saw each other looking at them, and quickly stepped aside in panic. Of course they are not afraid of each other, but they don't want to cause trouble. Although it is not difficult to kill the opponent, it is better not to be able to be wrong.

Seeing the performance of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, the black-clothed middle-aged cultivator faintly retracted his sight. His son's cultivation is in the middle stage of the fit, so naturally the two primordial virgin cultivators could not have been the murderers of him. But any possible monk, he will not let go, unless he finds the real murderer who killed his son.

The black-clothed middle-aged cultivator swept his gaze and saw a middle Mahayana cultivator not far away. He stepped forward and walked towards the other side.

The mid-Mahayana monk was negotiating with a stall owner. He felt a strong momentum and stepped back in a panic. He saw the black-clothed middle-aged man repairing and hurriedly said: "I don't know what kind of advice the senior has. "

"Have you seen this person?" The black-clothed middle-aged monk raised his hand and waved, a virtual image appeared in midair, on which was a young man with a mole on his chin.

The middle Mahayana monk looked carefully and nodded, "I've seen him live in the alley to the east with a few young people."

"Take me." The black-clothed middle-aged cultivator solemnly ordered.

"Yes." How dare the cultivator defy the mid-Mahayana, and quickly led the way.

As soon as Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the courtyard, they heard that the door behind them was kicked open. Turning their heads and looking around, they saw that it was the black-clothed middle-aged monk they had met before. He sighed helplessly in his heart, but the trouble was still found.

Hearing the movement outside, Tian Fengxun and the Ye family brothers and sisters also ran out of the house.

Seeing the black-clothed middle-aged man repair, Tian Fengxun's pupils shrank slightly, "I don't know what seniors can advise?" The other party's momentum is so powerful! Seeing that this momentum is at least the cultivation base above the tribulation period.

The middle-aged black-clothed man repaired a glance at Su Jinyue and his eyes flashed with disdain. If these people killed his son, he would not believe it anyway. But his son did live here before. Even if his son's death had nothing to do with them, he would not let them go, he could only consider them to be unlucky.

"Where are the people who lived here before?" The black-clothed middle-aged cultivator asked in a cold voice, his voice was like a cold wind, and the person who was blowing felt painful.

"Who? We came back

At that time, there was no one here. "Su Jinyue pretended to be stupid.

The black-clothed middle-aged cultivator snorted coldly, "A little Nascent Soul cultivator dared to lie to me, it was almost dead!" As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved, and a white light quickly swept towards Su Jinyue. He has recognized that this middle-aged woman is the one he met on the street before, and the man beside him.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand and swept a purple light toward the white light swept out by the opponent.

"Boom!" The two lights collided in the air with a loud noise.

The black-clothed middle-aged cultivator narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhan Yihan, "You are not the Nascent Soul Monk?" The blow he had just received, although very casual, was not something that a peak cultivator of Nascent Soul could stop.

"So what?" Zhan Yihan sacrificed Xuanyuan Sword. Anyone who wants typhoid Jinyue, he will not let it go.

"It seems that the death of my son has something to do with you." The black-clothed middle-aged monk said affirmatively. Otherwise, why would the other party hide his own cultivation?

"Is there a difference? Haven't you already planned to do it on us?" Su Jinyue mocked. The blow he just made, not to mention a single Nascent Soul monk, even ten can't resist it.

"Looking for death!" the black-clothed middle-aged monk said angrily. It seems that his guess is not wrong, and the death of his son really has something to do with them. In this case, he would let them all go to the funeral for his son.

The black-clothed middle-aged cultivator did not show mercy this time, and attacked Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

As soon as his attack was issued, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan disappeared abruptly. Before he could react, his surroundings turned into a wilderness, and salons flew up and attacked him.

"Nine-level Tenglong trapped killing array!" The eyes of the black-clothed middle-aged cultivator were full of horror. Not only did the opponent hide his cultivation base, he was also a ninth-level array master. It seems that he underestimated each other.

Sacrificing his own magic weapon, greeted the salon that was attacking him. The nine-level formation is powerful, but it is impossible to trap and kill him.

As the white lights flickered, the salons turned into yellow sand, falling back to the ground one after another.

"Can this formation trap him?" Tian Fengxun said worriedly. Once the opponent escapes from the formation, their fate can be imagined.

Su Jinyue smiled confidently, "Even if he doesn't die this time, I have to peel him off." She and Yi Han set up the nine-level killer formation together.

Raising his hand to throw out eighteen eight-level talisman, the formation began to storm, thunder and lightning.

A series of lightning arcs hit the black-clothed middle-aged monk, blasting him into black.

Man Batian waved his magic weapon, and constantly collided with the thunder and lightning that was struck down, making a roar. Unexpectedly, he has been in the Motian Continent for thousands of years, but today he was planted in the hands of two shameless juniors. He is really unwilling!

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