Tian Fengxun shook his head speechlessly. Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were really not ordinary monks, and even the monks who passed the Tribulation Period were not pleased in their hands.

Man Batian roared, raising his cultivation to the extreme, offering an oil lamp and throwing it into the sky. The oil lamp quickly rotated in the air, emitting brilliant rays of light, and those lightning hit the gorgeous light. , As if ice meets fire, it immediately turns into nothingness.

"Will he break free from the formation?" Ye Ling asked worriedly.

"Probably not. Seniors and their formations are also very powerful." Ye Xiaorou stared at the formations, holding her fists excitedly.

Su Jinyue waved dozens of talisman once again, and was about to fight the magic judging. At this moment, the formation made a thunderous roar.

"Not good!" Zhan Yihan quickly pulled Su Jinyue back a few steps.

Tian Fengxun also released a light mask at the same time, covering Ye Ling and Ye Xiaorou.

"You wait, I will come back to find you!" A roar full of endless anger came from the sky, and Man Batian's figure quickly fleeed to the distance.

Su Jinyue sighed, and looked at the formation in front of him unfortunately, "It's just a little bit." Without that oil lamp, Man Batian would definitely not be able to escape this time.

Zhan Yihan nodded in agreement, "The other party's oil lamp is too powerful."

Ye Ling looked at his house, which had been razed to the ground by the explosion of the formation.

Except for Ye Ling and their houses, all the houses around them also suffered. Fortunately, the monks ran out of the house after hearing the sound of fighting here, without causing much harm.

"What should we do if he ran away?" Ye Xiaorou asked scaredly. If the ordinary monk is not afraid, but the other party is a monk who crosses the catastrophe period, she can kill her with just one breath.

"Don't worry, he is also badly injured this time, and he will definitely not come back in a short time." Tian Fengxun said. The other party must have suffered a serious injury, otherwise they won't leave so soon.

"Then where do we live?" Ye Xiaorou looked at the ruins in front of her with a distressed expression. Now the inn outside is full, and my house is like this again.

"Why don't we rebuild it?" Ye Ling suggested. It is very simple to rebuild a house with their strength.

"Good." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded in response.

After tidying up the surroundings, a few people sacrificed materials and began to build the house.

The nearby residents saw that Su Jinyue and his party began to rebuild the house, but they could only think that they were unlucky and started to rebuild the house. Su Jinyue and her party were unscathed just now, showing their strength. They don't dare to provoke each other, the house can be rebuilt if it is gone, but if it is dead, it will be nothing.

Before it got dark, a brand new house was built, and a defensive formation was placed around the house.

"This house is exactly the same as the original one." Ye Xiaorou looked at the house in front of her happily. She was originally worried that after the house was rebuilt, the original traces would not be visible. This house was left by their parents to their brothers and sisters, and it was of great significance to them.

Ye Ling was also happy. As long as the house is there, the home is there, and the home is there, and the parents will come back one day.

"Everyone has been tired for a day, so let's go back to the room and rest." Tian Fengxun finished speaking to everyone, then turned and walked towards his room.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled at each other and walked to the room holding each other's hands.

After closing the door and arranging a formation, the two entered the small world.

In the small world, the North City Lord was bumping around in the formation like a headless fly.

"I hope that this cold spirit ghost flower can be photographed in this auction." Su Jinyue retracted her gaze to look at Zhan Yihan. She also has contact with the North City Lord, and the North City Lord is

A very generous person, she has always had a good impression of him.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "When this auction is over, let's go to Haiman City." Without removing that Man Batian, he always feels a little uneasy.

"Good." Su Jinyue nodded. She also had this idea. They could leave after the auction, but the Ye family brothers and sisters had nowhere to go. Only by removing Man Batian, the Ye family brothers and sisters can be safe.

Ye Xiaorou came to Ye Ling's room and said, "Brother, I can't sleep, I feel heavy in my heart." As long as she thinks of that tyrant, she is full of worry.

"Xiaorou, I want to worship those two seniors as teachers." Ye Ling looked at Ye Xiaorou and said seriously. He was thinking about this issue just now. He was reluctant to leave home, but his and Xiao Rou's strengths were too weak. This time, Su Jinyue and the others protected them, but what about next time? Will they still be so lucky?

"Brother, do you want to leave with them?" Ye Xiaorou clenched her fists, staring at Ye Ling, waiting for his answer. She doesn't want to be separated from her brother, but she also doesn't want to leave home.

"Xiao Rou, I don't want to leave here, but I have to leave here. I have to become stronger. Only when I become stronger can I protect you. Do you understand this?"

"But I don't want to be separated from my brother." Ye Xiaorou sniffed, but couldn't help crying.

Ye Ling walked in front of Ye Xiaorou and patted her shoulder, "Silly girl, brother is not going to come back, brother just wants to make himself stronger, like protecting you and our home." He How willing to abandon his sister.

Ye Xiaorou rushed into Ye Ling's arms and hugged him tightly, "Brother, I will apprentice with you, and I will also become stronger, I don't want to be your bondage." She will not be separated from her brother.

Ye Ling smiled and nodded, and patted Ye Xiaorou's back, "Okay, let's apprentice together." He also didn't want to separate from his sister, hoping that the three seniors could agree to accept them as apprentices.

When Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the house, they smelled the aroma of food.

"Two seniors, breakfast is ready, come and eat it soon." Ye Xiaorou brought the prepared snack to the stone table in the yard, went in and made a pot of spirit tea and brought it out.

"Good morning everyone!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had just sat down, and Tian Feng walked out of the house refreshingly.

"Senior, sit down. Here are the green leaf cakes, syrup cakes, and white snow lotus cakes I made. This is Hongyan tea. Try it. If you like it, I will make it tomorrow." Ye Xiaorou picked up the teapot on the table. Pour a cup of Hongyan tea for each of them.

Su Jinyue took a sip of Hongyan tea, "This tea is good!" It was not inferior to her frosty leaf tea.

"This Hongyan tea was picked by my brother and I in the Devil Forest. Only Devil Forest has this kind of tea in the entire Devil Continent." Ye Xiaorou laughed.

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