"Time Grassland is in Haixing City. At first, Time Grassland was not called Time Grassland, but the Mirror of Time. After a powerful person entered the Time Grassland, he felt that the name Time Grassland was more suitable. Since then, it has been renamed Time Grassland. "Li Xiaoran said.

"That Da Neng must be very prestigious in the Motian Continent? Is he still in the Motian Continent?" Bei Yunjiang asked. He is very interested in that great power.

Li Xiaoran shook his head, "Senior Dongfang had already ascended thousands of years ago. Senior Dongfang was a true genius. He was less than two hundred years old when he ascended." His tone was full of admiration. If he also had the cultivation qualifications of the Eastern Seniors, even if it was only half, he would be satisfied.

"Are there many people entering the Time Grassland?" Tian Fengxun asked.

"Many, the rainy season of the Time Grassland is only one month, after the rainy season, the time grassland becomes no different from ordinary grassland." Li Xiaoran nodded.

"Are you going to Time Grassland? I want to go too, can you join your group?" asked a middle-aged man sitting not far away. He has been following them for a long time.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around and saw that the other party was a middle Mahayana monk.

"Of course, welcome to join our group!" Wu Qi nodded with a smile. If a strong person joins their group, he is naturally welcome.

The middle Mahayana monk came to everyone with a smile, "My name is Ma Tianji, I am very happy to join you."

"Brother Ma, please sit down. Since we are all here, let's discuss how to go to the Time Grassland." Guo Fan said.

Ma Tianji nodded and sat down beside Guo Fan.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other. They didn't have a good impression of Ma Tianji, he had a gloomy aura that made them dislike him very much.

"Didn't we say that we should go to the Demon Flame City and take the spaceship by the animal car?" Li Xiaoran asked in surprise. They are all casual cultivators, but they don't have the ability to own their own spacecraft.

Wu Qi silently gave Li Xiaoran a glance, "You forget that we have eight people now, and we are eligible to rent a spaceship." As long as it reaches a certain number of people and can afford the rent, it is possible to rent a small spaceship. , It’s just that the rent is a bit scary.

"I know, but I'm afraid we can't afford the rent even if we sell it." Li Xiaoran said. He also wanted to sit comfortably on the spaceship and watch the scenery below, but they also had to have the financial resources.

"We have a spaceship." Su Jinyue said. This time they destroyed the Man's family and got five spaceships. The fastest one was Man Batian's spacecraft, which was more than twice as fast as the usual spacecraft. No wonder he went from Haiman City to Mohai City so quickly before.

"Do you have a spaceship?" Li Xiaoran looked at Su Jinyue in surprise. Are they not casual cultivators? But the cultivation base of the disciples of the family and the sect is so low?

Seeing Su Jinyue nodding, Guo Fan asked, "Does your spacecraft have flight qualifications?" Even if you don't have flight qualifications, it won't help you fly into the sky.

"Nature." Tian Fengxun nodded. What did they say to do without flying qualifications?

"Great, so we can save a lot of time." Li Xiaoran said happily.

After everyone chatted for a while, they left the restaurant and headed to the square in the city. Generally, families and schools with spacecraft have open space for the spacecraft to take off. To start the spacecraft in other places, you must go to the square or outside the city. It’s not possible in a troubled area.

When they came to the square, Li Xiaoran looked at Su Jinyue with eager eyes, waiting for them to sacrifice the spaceship. They have also been in spaceships, but they are all that kind of large public spacecraft. Because of their cultivation and financial resources, even if they take the public spacecraft, they can only take the normal economy class.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand to sacrifice the spaceship. His spaceship was obtained from the storage ring of the second elder of the Man family, and it was very fast.

"This spaceship is so luxurious! Are you a big family or a member of the sect?" Wu Qi looked at Su Jinyue with a flattering smile. He didn't dare to look down on them at this moment.

"Ranxiu." Zhan Yihan said quietly, pulling Su Jinyuefei onto the spaceship.

Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang also followed on the spacecraft.

"This kind of spacecraft feels very faceless when sitting."

"I can't tell, they are so rich."

Ma Tianji followed everyone onto the spaceship, watching Su Jinyue's light filled with inquiry. Who are these people? Looking at their cultivation base, it really doesn't look like someone who can own a spaceship.

After everyone got on the ship, Zhan Yihan started the spacecraft and headed towards the time grassland.

The spacecraft flashed past the sky like a meteor, making everyone on the square enviable.

"Looking at the speed of this spacecraft, it should already be a seventh-level magic weapon. It is not easy for the seventh-level refining master to make a refining tool." Ma Tianji looked at Tian Fengxun and Beiyunjiang on the side. Although their cultivation base is higher than Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, they don't seem to be the leading ones among the four. On the contrary, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan seem to be in charge.

Tian Fengxun smiled faintly and did not speak. He didn't like Ma Tianji very much either. Although he showed a very hearty appearance, he always felt that this was not the real him, and his cultivation level should have moved his hands and feet.

Beiyunjiang is also an old man, so he will naturally not be fooled by Ma Tianji's appearance, as if he hadn't heard Ma Tianji's words, he looked at the distant scenery.

Seeing that Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang ignored him, Ma Tianji touched his nose, turned his head and chatted with Li Xiaoran, and the moment he passed his head, a hint of anger flashed in his eyes. When the time came to the grassland, he had time to spend with them slowly.

Day and night alternate, ten days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Jinyue and her party finally came to Haixing City. Before entering the Time Grassland, they had to go to the Mission Hall of Haixing City to receive the jade medals for entering the Time Grassland. Only eight people placed the jade medals on the formation wall at the same time. , And run the cultivation base at the same time to enter the time grassland.

The mission hall was crowded with people, and several offices were full of people.

"There are really a lot of monks going to the Time Grassland this time." Guo Fan shook his head in admiration.

"When I came here last year, there were not so many people." Wu Qi said. He found that the number of monks going to the Time Grassland was increasing every year, but what's the use of going to so many people? If the Heart of Time was so easy to find, he wouldn't be able to find one after going there for so many years.

"Let's go there to line up, there are less people." Li Xiaoran pointed to one of the lines with relatively few people in line.

Everyone nodded and walked towards the team.

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