Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1018: Time Grassland (1)

Although there were many monks in line, they were all in small groups, so it was Su Jinyue's turn soon.

"Hello! Please register for us." Wu Qi took out eight magic stones and handed them to the staff. This is the registration fee and everyone must pay.

The staff glanced at everyone, put away the magic stone, threw out eight jade tiles, and waited for the next group to come forward.

Wu Qi distributed the jade card to everyone, "This jade card is a one-off. When we come out of the time grassland, the jade card will automatically become nothingness." He has been to the time grassland many times, and he is very clear about the process.

Su Jinyue looked at the jade card in her hand, frowned slightly, and said to Zhan Yihan, "This jade card has a monitoring formation." Although the formation is very secretive, they are the ninth-level formation master. , How could it be hidden from their eyes.

"I also found out. It should be to monitor whether we have found the Heart of Time." Zhan Yihan said in a voice transmission.

Su Jinyue looked at Wu Qi, "If someone gets the heart of time in the grassland of time, what will happen after they come out?" Since the other party has set up a monitoring array, it must have its purpose.

"Usually it is handed over to the task hall to exchange for magic stones and pills. The biggest use of the Heart of Time is to perceive the rules of time, which is useless for many monks." Wu Qidao. He wants to find time in exchange for cultivation resources. The most important thing for a cultivator is his cultivation. To improve his cultivation, he must have sufficient cultivation resources.

"What if you don't want to hand it in?" Su Jinyue asked.

Wu Qi shook his head, "Then I don't know." The Heart of Time is so good. He has been here so many times and only saw three monks get the Heart of Time.

"Let's go to the Time Grassland, we won't find the heart of time anymore." Li Xiaoran said expectantly.

Everyone nodded, and followed the flow of people towards the time grassland.

When I came to the entrance of the Time Grassland, I saw that there were already many monks waiting to enter the Time Grassland. The higher the strength of the monk, the faster the time to enter the time grassland.

"We take out the jade tiles, stick them on the wall of the formation, and then enter the true yuan together." Wu Qi took out the jade tiles and said. The overall strength of their group is low, and it must take a lot of time to enter the Time Grassland.

Put the jade card in the hand against the formation wall, and everyone input their true yuan at the same time.

In the next moment, the crowd shook and disappeared.

As he entered the Time Grassland, Zhan Yihan released a true essence, involving Su Jinyue, Tian Fengxun and Beiyunjiang. They had already made plans to separate from Wu Qi and the others as soon as they entered the Time Grassland. They had too many secrets, but they didn't want others to know. Especially that Ma Tianji, they especially don't want to have more contact with him.

Wu Qi, Guo Fan, Li Xiaoran and Ma Tianji landed on a vast and lush grassland.

"Why did we come in so soon?" Wu Qi asked in surprise. According to his estimation, it would take at least an hour or two to get in. Because Su Jinyue and the four of them's cultivation base is too low.

"Where are Su Jinyue and others?" Li Xiaoran immediately discovered that Su Jinyue was not in the team.

"They should have hidden their cultivation base, otherwise we won't come in so soon." Ma Tianji said affirmatively. When he first saw the four of Su Jinyue, he felt that they were not easy. Sure enough, his own guess was not wrong.

"Do you mean that their cultivation is higher than ours?" Guo Fan asked in disbelief.

"Isn't their separation from us the best proof? If their cultivation level is not high, how can they separate from us when they come in?" Ma Tianji was a little depressed. He thought that even if Su Jinyue and the others had concealed their cultivation base, their strength should not be much worse than their own. It seemed that he had made a mistake.

"No wonder the other party has a spaceship." Li Xiaoran said suddenly.

"Who are they?" Wu Qi frowned, recalling the scene of getting along with Su Jinyue and the four, trying to find some clues.

"You forgot about Haiman City? I suspect they were the ones who destroyed the Man family." Ma Tianji said. He had long suspected that Su Jinyue was the four who destroyed the Man family. Now he can confirm his guess.

"You mean they killed the Man Family? Impossible!" Guo Fan and the three looked at Ma Tianji in disbelief. Even if Su Jinyue's four concealed their cultivation bases, they shouldn't be that strong. After all, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were there at their age.

Ma Tianji nodded, "Not only are they powerful, they are also proficient in the formation, otherwise how could they separate from us the moment they entered the Time Grassland, and we didn't notice it at all."

Everyone looked at each other, silent. If Su Jinyue and the others really killed the four of the Man family, wouldn't they have lost an opportunity?

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