Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1020: Time Grassland (3)

Su Jinyue and her group walked toward the depths of the Time Grassland, and in front of them was an endless grassland, with no end in sight at a glance.

Discovering a heart of time again, Su Jinyue bent down to pick it up. This heart of time was bigger than the one she had picked up before, but it was as big as a small fingernail.

About to pick up the heart of time, Su Jinyue suddenly felt a breath of danger.

Just about to avoid, the next moment, Zhan Yihan pulled her to the side.

"What is it?" Su Jinyue looked at where she had just stood.

"The light of years." Zhan Yihan said.

Li Xiaoran and the others told them before that there is a kind of light of time in the depths of the time grassland. Once it is swept away by it, they will lose their hundred years of life. When the light of the years appears, it is silent and unpredictable.

"Then we have reached the depths of the time grassland." Su Jinyue swept towards the place where the heart of time had just been discovered with her spiritual sense, and found that the heart of time had disappeared.

"That heart of time was taken away by the light of years." Su Jinyue said with some regret. They have been to the Time Grassland for several days, and apart from the previous Heart of Time, this is the second Heart of Time they have found. Unexpectedly, there is no time to pick it up.

Zhan Yihan smiled and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, softly comforting: "There is still a lot in it, let's find it slowly." These hearts of time shouldn't disappear for no reason.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Zhan Yihan looked at Tian Fengxun and Beiyunjiang, "Lord Tianhui, Lord Beicheng, you must be careful."

"We will be careful." Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang nodded. Knowing that the flash of light was the light of the years, they knew that there must be no carelessness next.

"Let's go ahead... it's dangerous!" Zhan Yihan pulled Su Jinyue, his figure flashed quickly, and once again escaped the light of the years.

Tian Fengxun and Beiyunjiang also flashed the light of time at the same time.

Zhan Yihan squatted down and said to Su Jinyue: "I am carrying you." Although Jinyue's strength is not weak, he will be more at ease if he carries her.

Su Jinyue was not hypocritical, walked behind Zhan Yihan and lay on his back. Yi Han is her husband, so naturally she doesn't have to be polite with him.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the four became more cautious.

As the four of them got deeper into the time grassland, the light of time appeared more and more frequently. Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang were almost swept by the light of time several times.

Su Jinyue leaned on Zhan Yihan's back, her hands wrapped around his neck and her face was relieved. She can feel relieved when there is also cold.

Closing his eyes, the divine consciousness spread to the surroundings, and the divine consciousness passed by with the light of the years. After discovering that the light of the years would not cause harm to the sea of ​​consciousness, Su Jinyue slowly expanded the scope of the divine consciousness.

Another light of years passed through the divine consciousness, and Su Jinyue felt that there was a ray of time rule in the light of years, and this time rule was clearer than the time rule she had felt before.

As more and more years of light appeared in the divine consciousness, Su Jinyue's time rule in the sea of ​​consciousness once again formed a thin line. This time the thin line was no longer looming, but became extremely clear.

Raise your hand and hold the thin line formed by the rule of time in your hand, one second, two seconds, three seconds... ten seconds... thirty seconds... until it is almost one minute, the thin line of the time rule in your hand becomes For nothingness.

Su Jinyue opened her eyes happily, "Yihan, my understanding of the rules of time has improved again, and I can control it for almost a minute now." Then she planned to think about it. How to integrate the rules of time into the formation.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile.

"There is a forest in front." Tian Fengxun said as he spoke, his figure was a

Akira dodges the light of the years. After several days of observation and practice, he found that the light of the years is also regular. Therefore, I am not as afraid of the light of the years as before. But he didn't dare to be careless, after all, being swept away by the light of time was no joke.

After the battle was cold, Su Jinyue and Bei Yunjiang looked up and saw that there was a forest tens of thousands of meters away.

"That should be the forest of time." Su Jinyue affirmed.

Everyone nodded in agreement and walked in the direction of the Time Forest. Legend has it that at the end of the forest of time is the Temple of Time. They don't know if they have the luck to see the Temple of Time.

Although the distance of tens of thousands of meters is not long, Su Jinyue also walked for most of the day due to the obstacles of the light of time.

Entering the forest of time, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan immediately felt a clear and incomparable time rule, and the two smiled with joy. This is the best place to understand the rules of time.

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