Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1021: Time Grassland (4)

"There is no light of time here." Tian Fengxun searched carefully with his spiritual knowledge, and said in surprise.

"It's really gone." Bei Yunjiang was also extremely happy. Along the way, he was afraid of accidentally being swept away by the light of time.

Su Jinyue felt a trace of the Taoist rhyme of the time rules, and her divine consciousness scanned the past in the clearest direction of the time rules, with an ecstatic expression on her face, "I see a lot of the heart of time."

While Su Jinyue was talking, Zhan Yihan had already seen the heart of time, carrying Su Jinyue on his back to the place where there was the heart of time.

Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang also followed up.

When I came to the place where there is the Heart of Time, I saw hundreds of Hearts of Time scattered on the ground, and these Hearts of Time were bigger than the two they had seen before, the largest being the size of an egg. .

Su Jinyue got off Zhan Yihan's back, bent down and began to pick up the heart of time on the ground. When she had picked up the first Heart of Time before, she discovered that the Heart of Time could not be put away with divine consciousness.

After the battle was cold, Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang also stepped forward to join Su Jinyue.

Putting all the heart of time away, Su Jinyue straightened her waist, turned and looked to her side, and found that Zhan Yihan, Tian Fengxun and Beiyunjiang had disappeared.

"Yihan, where are you?" Su Jinyue was a little flustered. Could there be a formation here?

On the other side, Zhan Yihan was also extremely anxious. When he was picking up the heart of time, he was always paying attention to Su Jinyue’s situation, fearing that she would be in any danger, so he almost stayed with her, but he didn’t expect Jin After Yue picked up a piece of Time Heart, she suddenly disappeared, and he didn't have time to catch her at all.

Divine Sense scanned the surroundings carefully, looking for clues, and at the same time asked Huo Phoenix to contact Huo Feng.

"Could it be that there is a formation here, and Master Su disappeared?" Tian Fengxun looked around worriedly. He doesn't understand how to play, nor can he help Zhan Yihan.

Bei Yunjiang nodded in agreement. Except for the formation, there should be nothing that would make people disappear suddenly.

Zhan Yihan searched little by little, not missing the slightest clue.

Finally he found a time rule, this time rule is slightly different from other time rules, although there is a time rule Dao rhyme on it, but the time rule Dao rhyme flow is very slow.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand and grabbed it, and his figure disappeared in the next moment.

"Zhanmen Master!" Tian Fengxun and Bei Yunjiang yelled, but Zhan Yihan had disappeared.

"What should we do?" Bei Yunjiang looked at Tian Fengxun. They didn't understand the formation method and didn't understand the time rules, how should they go to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"We can only wait for them here." Tian Fengxun said helplessly.

Su Jinyue was anxious, she felt a wave of fluctuations behind her, turned her head quickly, saw Zhan Yihan, a happy smile appeared on her face immediately, rushed towards Zhan Yihan, and plunged into his arms. In, "Yihan, I'm so afraid I won't see you."

Zhan Yihan hugged Su Jinyue tightly, "I won't leave you behind." The moment he just lost her track, he was really going crazy. Fortunately, it was a false alarm, and he found her.

Su Jinyue leaned in the arms of Zhan Yihan, listening to his steady heartbeat, her uneasy heart gradually calmed down, "Where are Huizhu and Beichengzhu?"

"They are outside." Zhan Yihan released his consciousness and scanned the surroundings, and found that this place was also a forest like the outside.

"Then let's go out." Su Jinyue said. Since Yi Han can come in, he has already found a way to come in.

Zhan Yihan was about to nod, and Xiao Qinglong's voice came from the sea of ​​knowledge of Zhan Yihan, "Master, don't rush out."

"Why?" Zhan Yihan asked in surprise.

"Xiao Qing felt a strong aura, right at the end of the forest." Xiao Qinglong said.

Zhan Yihan nodded and looked at Su Jinyue, "Xiaoqing said that there is a strong aura at the end of the forest, let's go and see."

"Good." Su Jinyue nodded. You have already come in, so it’s okay to have a look. As for the meeting lord and the north city lord, with their strength, there should be nothing wrong with them.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to pull Su Jinyue behind him, bent down and said, "I'll carry you." From now on, he won't let go of her for a moment, and he doesn't want something similar to happen again.

Two days later, Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue finally walked out of the forest, and what appeared in front of them was a huge palace.

"The Temple of Time, I didn't expect it to be here." Su Jinyue looked at the palace in the distance with joy. Fortunately, they did not rush out, otherwise they would miss the Temple of Time.

"Let's go and see." Zhan Yihan smiled, quickened his pace, and ran towards the Temple of Time with Su Jinyue on his back.

Running to the front of the Temple of Time, Zhan Yihan stopped and looked at the huge golden gate in front of him.

Zhan Yihan pushed hard, but the golden door didn't move, but he pushed it again with more strength, but the golden door still didn't react at all.

"Yihan, you see there is a keyhole over there." Su Jinyue pointed to the keyhole on the door.

Zhan Yihan looked in the direction of Su Jinyue's finger, and he saw that there was a key space on the door.

Su Jinyue carefully observed with her spiritual sense, "It seems that we can't get in." After finally getting here, but unable to get in, this feeling is really very embarrassing.

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